Interface communications area mapping for Assembler (DSQCOMMA)

DSQCOMMA provides DSQCOMM mapping for assembler language and is shipped with the product. Table 15 shows the values for DSQCOMMA.

Table 15. Interface communications area for DSQCOMMA
Structure Name Data Type Description
DSQ_RETURN_CODE DS F Indicates the status of a QMF command after it runs. Its values are:
Successful execution of the request.
Normal completion with warnings.
Command did not execute correctly.
Severe error; QMF session terminated.
DSQ_INSTANCE_ID DS F Identifier established by QMF during execution of the START command
DSQ_COMM_LEVEL DS CL12 Identifies the level of the DSQCOMM. You should set this to the value of DSQ_CURRENT_COMM_LEVEL before issuing the QMF START command.
DSQ_PRODUCT DS CL2 Identifies the IBM query product in use.
DSQ_PRODUCT_RELEASE DS CL2 Identifies the release level of the query product in use.
DSQ_RESERVE1 DS XL28 Reserved for future use
DSQ_MESSAGE_ID DS CL8 Completion message ID
DSQ_Q_MESSAGE_ID DS CL8 Query message ID
DSQ_START_PARM_ERROR DS CL8 Parameter in error when START failed due to a parameter error
DSQ_CANCEL_IND DS C Contains one of two values, depending if the user canceled while a QMF command was running:
DSQ_RESERVE2 DS XL23 Reserved for future use
DSQ_RESERVE3 DS XL156 Reserved for future use
DSQ_MESSAGE_TEXT DS CL128 Completion message text
DSQ_Q_MESSAGE_TEXT DS CL128 Query message text
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