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FreeBSD Multimedia

FreeBSD Multimedia Resources List

Links on this page refer to multimedia resources (podcast, vodcast, audio recordings, video recordings, photos) related to FreeBSD or of interest for FreeBSD users.

This list is available as chronological overview, as a tag cloud and via the sources.

This list is also available as RSS feed RSS Feed

If you know any resources not listed here, or notice any dead links, please send details to Edwin Groothuis so that it can be included or updated.

Tag: embedded

  • Embedded FreeBSD
    Source: YouTube bsdconferences channel
    Added: 07 December 2008
    Tags: youtube, meetbsd, meetbsd2007, embedded, freebsd, polish, rafal jaworowski
    Flash (1:11:09)

    "FreeBSD do zabudowy czyli nie tylko pecety", Rafal Jaworowski at MeetBSD 2007 in Warsaw, Poland. clive URL:
  • Embedding FreeBSD, MeetBSD 2008
    Source: YouTube bsdconferences channel
    Added: 06 December 2008
    Tags: youtube, meetbsd, meetbsd2008, embedded, freebsd, philip paeps, warner losh
    Flash (38:56)

    Embedding FreeBSD by Warner Losh and Philip Paeps, MeetBSD November 15, 2008 clive URL:
  • Rafal Jaworowski - FreeBSD Embedded Report
    Source: BSDCan - The Technical BSD Conference
    Added: 26 May 2008
    Tags: bsdcan, bsdcan2008, devsummit, devsummit2008, freebsd, embedded, rafal jaworowski
    PDF file (58 Kb, 6 pages)

    FreeBSD Embedded Report
  • Warner Losh - FreeBSD/mips
    Source: BSDCan - The Technical BSD Conference
    Added: 26 May 2008
    Tags: bsdcan, bsdcan2008, slides, freebsd, mips, embedded, warner losh
    PDF file (1.3 Mb, 19 pages)

    FreeBSD/mips Embedding FreeBSD FreeBSD now runs on the MIPS platform. FreeBSD/mips supports MIPS-32 and MIPS-64 targets, including SMP for multicore support. FreeBSD/mips is targeted at the embedded MIPS marketplace. FreeBSD has run on the MIPS platform for many years. Juniper ported FreeBSD to the Mips platform in the late 1990's. However, concern about intellectual property issues kept Juniper from contributing the port back to FreeBSD until recently. The contributed port was a 64-bit mips port. In the mean time, many efforts were made to bring FreeBSD to the mips platform. The first substantial effort to bring FreeBSD to the Mips platform was done by Juli Mallet. This effort made it to single user, but never further than that. This effort was abandoned due to a change in Juli's life. The port languished. Two years ago at BSDcan, as my involvement with FreeBSD/arm was growing, I tried to rally the troops into doing a FreeBSD/mips port. My efforts resulted in what has been commonly called the "mips2" effort. The name comes from the choice of //depot/projects/mips2 to host the work in perforce. A number of people worked on the earliest versions of the port, but it too languished and seemed destined to suffer the same fate as earlier efforts. Then, two individuals stood up and started working on the port. Wojciech A. Koszek and Oleksandr Tymoshenko pulled in code from the prior efforts. Through their efforts of stabilizing this code, the port to the single user stage and ported it to three different platforms. Others ported it to a few more. Snapshots of this work were released from time to time. Cavium Networks picked up one of these snapshots and ported it to their multicore mips64 network processor. Cavium has kindly donated much of their work to the comminuty. In December, I started at Cisco systems. My first job was to merge all the divergent variants of FreeBSD/mips and get it into shape to push into the tree. With luck, this should be in the tree before I give my talk. In parallel to this, other advances in the embedded support for FreeBSD have been happening as well. I'll talk about new device drivers, new subsystems, and new build tools that help to support the embedded developer.
  • Rafal Jaworowski - Interfacing embedded FreeBSD with U-Boot
    Source: BSDCan - The Technical BSD Conference
    Added: 21 May 2008
    Tags: bsdcan, bsdcan2008, slides, embedded, freebsd, u-boot, rafal jaworowski
    PDF file (300 Kb, 26 pages)

    Interfacing embedded FreeBSD with U-Boot Working with the de facto standard for an initial level boot loader In the embedded world U-Boot is a de facto standard for an initial level boot loader (firmware). It runs on a great number of platforms and architectures, and is open source. This talk covers the development work on integrating FreeBSD with U-Boot-based systems. Starting with an overview of differences between booting an all-purpose desktop computer vs. embedded system, FreeBSD booting concepts are explained along with requirements for the underlying firmware. Historical attempts to interface FreeBSD with this firmware are mentioned and explanation given on why they failed or proved incomplete. Finally, the recently developed approach to integrate FreeBSD and U-Boot is presented, with implementation details and particular attention on how it's been made architecture and platform independent, and how loader(8) has been bound to it.