$READRPT VTS Statistical Reporting from SMF 94 Records Aug/05/04 If your VTSSTATS job stops running because the expiration date has passed, you need to download IBMTOOLS.EXE to get the latest IBMTOOLS.JCL(EXPIRE) member. The file, UPDATES.TXT, contains all fixes and enhancements as they are made to the tools. Our suggestion is that you look at this file every month to see if any programs that you run, have been modified. The Virtual Tape Server provides a hierarchical storage management system for attached ESCON systems that can: - Lower tape operating costs - Reduce the number of tape cartridges supporting tape operations - Reduce the number of tape drives required - Reduce the tape robotics required for automation - Reduce the floor space required to store tape volumes - Increase the level of tape automation VTS activity is recorded in the SMF 94 records. The VTSSTATS program is being provided as is, without official support, for the purposes of showing how the data might be reported. There is no grarantee of its accuracy and interpretation of the output is left to the user. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The Package: IBMTOOLS.EXE Self-Extracting Zip file. This will expand into three separate files: IBMJCL.BIN, IBMLOAD.BIN, IBMCNTL.BIN IBMJCL.BIN - Execution JCL for VTSSTATS program. IBMCNTL.BIN - CNTL library with procs. IBMLOAD.BIN - Load library with executable load module. Installation at the customer site: Use the procedure described in IBMTOOLS.TXT. Run VTSSTATS - Summarizes the VTS statistics for each hour of the analysis interval. Three types of reports are produced. One reports virtual drive activity. Another reports physical drive activity. The last, reports tape volume cache activity. In addition, VTSSTATS produces a flat file that can be loaded on a PC to produce charts and graphs of the data using the VTSGRLOT package with Lotus 123 or VTSGRXCL with Excel. (see VTSGRLOT.txt or VTSGRXCL.txt).