$READMDR Tape Compression Analysis for VTS 10/03/01 THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. All IBM tape analysis tools are part of the Package: IBMTOOLS.EXE is a Self-Extracting Zip file. This will expand into four separate files: IBMJCL.BIN, IBMCNTL.BIN, IBMLOAD.BIN, and IBMDOC.BIN See IBMTOOLS.TXT for installation instructions. By analyzing the MDR (Miscellaneous Data Records) from SYS1.LOGREC or the EREP history file, we can see how well current tape volumes are compressing. The following jobstream has been created to help analyze these records. See installation procedure in member $$INDEX. 0. EREPMDR - JCL to extract MDR records from EREP history file. 1. TAPECOMP - Program that reads either SYS1.LOGREC or the EREP history file and produces reports on current compression ratios and MBs transferred per hour.