$READLIB 3494 Library Reporting from SMF 94 Records 08/05/04 3494 activity is recorded in the SMF 94 records. The ST@S3494 program is being provided as is, without official support, for the purposes of showing how the data might be reported. There is no grarantee of its accuracy and interpretation of the output is left to the user. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The Package: IBMTOOLS.EXE Self-Extracting Zip file. This will expand into four separate files: IBMJCL.BIN, IBMLOAD.BIN, IBMCNTL.BIN IBMJCL.BIN - Execution JCL for VTSSTATS and ST@s3494 programs. IBMLOAD.BIN - Load library with executable load module. Installation at the customer site: Use the procedure described in IBMTOOLS.TXT. Run ST@S3494 - Summarizes the 3494 statistics for each hour of the analysis interval.