$READGRP Genericize Data Set Filter List 08/05/04 If you are using dsname filter lists produced by OFFSITE or HSCTMC, it is important to the accuracy of your study that you "genericize" the dsnames in the filter list before using them in any analysis runs. If your list of dsnames for WORKLOAD LARGE came from FINDLRG and includes names like: PROD.PAYROLL.DATA.D99361.T123527 PROD.PAYROLL.DATA.D99362.T133512 PROD.PAYROLL.DATA.D99363.T141231 PROD.PAYROLL.DATA.D99364.T093421 but your SMF data is for the previous month and has names for different actual days: PROD.PAYROLL.DATA.D99341.T093527 PROD.PAYROLL.DATA.D99342.T073527 PROD.PAYROLL.DATA.D99343.T103527 then none of the SMF data will be put into LARGE since none of the specific names match. What you should do is "genericize" the filter list to: PROD.PAYROLL.DATA.D99*.T* before doing the analysis so all SMF data sets matching the pattern will be put into LARGE. Before now, genericizing these lists could be very time consuming especially when they contain thousands of entries. But, we now have a tool that will take your input list and apply some "genericizing" rules that you define and write out a new list a fter it deletes any duplicates that may have been created. Review the new list and see if there are any additional GRPDSN parameters that you need to define, and simply re-run the job until you are satisfied with the new list. The JCL member has an example of how to create the GRPDSN parameters, like: GRPDSN=PROD.".D99*.T* 1. GRPDSN - Assembler code that uses your rules to genericize a list of dsnames. Creates: USERID.SITENAME.GRPDSN.L&runid