Version 1.0.4 * (BUGFIX) The installer now properly detects Windows 2003 DCs as Windows 2003, and not as Windows 2008 * (BUGFIX) The installer properly installs the XIVmpioService on Windows 2008 * (Feature) LUN0 driver is now certified for Microsoft Logo Program * (Feature) under Windows Server 2003, a reservation key is automatically genereated during installation * LUN0 and MPIO drivers are now signed and listed on Microsoft HCL ============================ Version 1.0.3 (Dec 2008) * New XIV DSM 11.22.0 - fixed memory leak * Updated MPIO Framework 1.22 - fixed memory leak ============================ Version 1.0.2 (Nov 2008) * Windows 2000/2003 MPIO DSM driver is now signed * Added registry key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Disk TimeOutValue to 60 (decimal) ============================ Version 1.0.1 (Oct 2008) * Initial release