WebSphere Business Modeler Basic V6.2 fix pack 2 (




Fix pack 2 is now available for IBM® WebSphere® Business Modeler Basic Version 6.2




Installation instructions


Problems solved


Product notes

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2009. All rights reserved. 



To install and run IBM® WebSphere® Business Modeler Basic Version Interim Fix 1, you must meet the following minimum requirements.

Hardware prerequisites:
For hardware prerequisite information, see the Detailed system requirements for WebSphere Business Modeler V6.2.

Software prerequisites:
You must already have WebSphere Business Modeler Basic Version 6.2, or later, installed on your system. For additional software prerequisite information, see the
Detailed system requirements for WebSphere Business Modeler V6.2.

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Installation Instructions

There are two ways that you can install WebSphere Business Modeler V6.2 fix pack 2

  • Download the required files to a local repository and use the IBM Installation Manager Update Packages wizard to install the files from the repository.
  • Use the IBM Installation Manager Update Packages wizard to download and install the required files automatically from an IBM download site.

Important:This fix pack overwrites the eclipse.ini file. If your eclipse.ini file has been customized, locate it in the installation package directory and back it up before applying the fix pack. The default location for this file is C:\Program Files\IBM\WBModeler62. After you apply the fix pack, merge your customized values and directives into the new version of the file.

Note: If you have copied the short-cut from the Windows start menu, the original shortcut will also be modified after installing this fix pack. All copies of it should be discarded and replaced with a new one, copied from the start menu.

To install the fix pack from a local repository:

1.       Download the 6.2-WB-ModelerBas-MultiOS-FP0000001.zip file.

2.       Extract the downloaded ZIP file into a temporary directory.

3.       Go to Start > All Programs > IBM Installation Manager > IBM Installation Manager. IBM Installation Manager opens.

4.       On the menu bar, go to File > Preferences.

5.       In the navigation pane, click Repositories.

6.       In the Repositories pane, click Add Repository.

7.       Click the Browse button and navigate to the directory where you have downloaded and extracted the fix pack files.

8.       Select repository.config.

9.       Click Open.

10.   In the Add Repository dialog box, click OK. The Add Repository dialog box closes.

11.   In the Preferences window, click OK.

12.   Follow the instructions below to apply the fix pack to your WebSphere Business Modeler package.

To complete the installation of the fix pack or install from an IBM download site

1.       Go to Start > All Programs > IBM Installation Manager > IBM Installation Manager. IBM Installation Manager opens.

2.       Click Update. The Update Packages wizard starts.

3.       Select the IBM WebSphere Business Modeler package.

4.       Click Next. Installation Manager searches for updates in its repositories and the predefined update sites for WebSphere Business Modeler. If you do not have the files for the fix pack in a local repository, Installation Manager will download the required files.

5.       In the Updates window, select Version

6.       Click Next. The License window opens, displaying the list of licenses for the updates you selected.

7.       Click each item to review the license agreement text.

8.       If you agree to the terms of the license agreements, select the I accept the terms of the license agreements radio button.

9.       Click Next. The Update Packages window opens.

10.   Select the components that you want to update.

11.   Click Next. The summary window opens.

12.   Click Update. Installation Manager installs the fix pack. After the installation finishes, the Update Packages window refreshes, displaying the list of installed packages and the following message: “Success! The packages were updated.”

13.   Click Finish. The Update Packages wizard closes. You have successfully installed the fix pack.

14.   Close IBM Installation Manager.

The interim fix is now installed.

Note: Before using WebSphere Business Modeler in a language other than English, you must first install the language you want to use. The fixes for WebSphere Business Modeler 6.2 include the national language support files that are required for installing additional languages.

If you are already using WebSphere Business Modeler 6.2, you can run the Modify Packages wizard to install additional languages either before or after applying any fixes.

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Problems solved

WebSphere Business Modeler V6.2 fix pack 2 provides fixes for WebSphere Business Modeler V6.2, or later. It contains the following fixes for defects reported from the field. The APAR identifier associated with each defect is included in the first column, and links to more detailed information for the particular defect.




Enables the display of a page header on every page of a generated report


Fixes a CVS versioning scenario in which two users check out the same project, one commits changes, but the other still receives a notice that his project is "in synch" with the repository when he attempts to synchronize.


Eliminates a false validation warning in the Expression builder when a binary expression includes both terms of DateTime type.


Enables the display of more than one global task on the Process procedurereport


Adds handling of hidden characters, such as the new line (\n) character, to the Description field of a Service object. This affects the processing of other commands such as adding new inputs to the object.


Corrects a displacement that covered other diagram elements when deleting tasks from an expanded subprocess.


Enables the viewing of assets from a Rational Asset Manager repository by users other than the owner or administrator.


Corrects export errors during export to WID which were caused by undetected import failures for referenced types in schemas.


Optimizes the width of the bottom swimlane when the expansion and collapse of local subprocesses occurs.


Escapes reserved XML characters and enables correct generation of models for publishing to Publishing server


  • Disables assignment of global elements other than classifiers from being associated with a global process or task.
  • Corrects a Null-pointer exception that occurs after selecting a Move element in the Map editor.
  • Reduces the footprint of an attribute's description field in the Business Item editor.
  • Enhances the Repair Process action in the Project Tree view to handle more corruption scenarios.
  • Corrects the generation of reports exported to DOCX format when chart data is being derived from XPATH expressions containing the '@' character.
  • Corrects the display of the predefined reports Generate Report wizard invoked from business item instances in the Project Tree view.
  • Repairs memory leaks contributing to memory issues during diagram exports to JPG.
  • Prevents critical problem occurences when re-ordering lanes and performing auto-layout in the Swimlane editor.
  • Moves the -vmargs directive and associated parameter values from the product short-cut to the eclipse.ini to allow the override of these directives when they are set in the eclipse.ini file.

For details on the role of fix packs and other maintenance for WebSphere Business Modeler, refer to the Update strategy for WebSphere Business Modeler V6.

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Product notes

Included since V6.2.0.1 interim fix 1, enhanced forms support through Form instance selection dialog

Purpose: Select a subset of instances to work with, from a multiple instance imported form.


1.       When dragging a Multiple instance imported form from the Navigation tree and droping onto a process editor, the Form instance selection dialog is opened and the user can select a subset of instances. Based on this subset the human task inputs/outputs will be generated. The existing validation rule, that does not allow the number of inputs to be different from the number of form data elements, will be relaxed in this particular case to allow the use of a subset.

2.       When the user is choosing a multiple instance form by clicking the Browse button in Human task Forms, the Form instance selection dialog is opened.

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Technical support

WebSphere Business Modeler Basic support page


Problems (APARS) fixed Problems (APARS) fixed
JR32909, JR33038, JR33409, JR33480, JR33482, JR33589, JR33614, JR33634, JR33662, JR33663, JR33669, JR33731, JR34251