Updates for Edge Components

WebSphere Application Server for Multiplatforms
Updates for Edge Components

Version 5.1.1

Document Number GI10-3342-00

First Edition (June 2004)

This edition applies to:

WebSphere Application Server for Multiplatforms, Version 5.1.1

and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.

This softcopy version is based on the printed edition of this book. Some formatting amendments have been made to make this information more suitable for softcopy.

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(C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2004. All rights reserved.
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Updating Edge Components 5.1

  • Obtaining an update
  • Installing an update
  • Installing an update on AIX, HP-UX, Linux, or Solaris
  • Installing an update on Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003
  • Configuring your system after an update
  • Rejecting an update
  • Edge Components Fix Pack product notes

  • List of package file names and filesets in the Fix Pack
  • Prerequisite Edge Components version
  • Supported systems
  • Contents of Edge Components v5.1.1 (Fix Pack 1)

  • Enhancements in Fix Pack 1
  • Upgrade for GSKit 7
  • Additional Linux platform support
  • JDK requirement
  • Mozilla browser requirement on UNIX systems
  • Defects fixed in Edge Components v5.1.1 (Fix Pack 1)

  • Updating Edge Components 5.1

    This section contains general instructions for obtaining and installing updates to Edge Components version 5.1 for IBM(R) WebSphere(R) Application Server. For details on the content of the fix pack see,

    The Edge Components documentation library is available from the InfoCenter Web page, http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/ecinfocenter.html

    Related information for WebSphere Application Server products is available from the Library Web page, http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/library/

    Self help information for Edge Components is available on the Technote database from the Support page of the WebSphere Application Server Web site, http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.

    Obtaining an update

    You can obtain Edge Components v5.1.1 for the AIX(R), HP-UX, Linux, Solaris Operating System, or Windows(R) system in the form of fix packs.

    Link to Edge Components fix packs from the Download section of the WebSphere Application Server Web site Support page, http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/

    Use the following installation instructions to install the Edge Components Fix Pack on your system.

    Installing an update

    For AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, or Windows platform:

    For installing Load Balancer, the only required v5.1 Edge Components prerequisite is the v5.1 license file (nd51Full.LIC) because the fix pack does not provide the license. Obtain the license from installing just the Load Balancer license package from Edge Components v5.1.

    To install the Edge Components Fix Pack:

    Installing an update on AIX, HP-UX, Linux, or Solaris

    Install the packages necessary to update your system by using your operating system's package installation system.

    Before you begin

    Consider the following items before proceeding with the installation of the fix pack.

    Installing the packages for Caching Proxy (AIX, HP-UX, Linux, or Solaris)

    Using your operating system's package installation tools, install the packages in the correct order. (See Table 1 for a list of all Edge Components packages and the order in which to install them.) The following procedure details the typical steps necessary to complete this task.

    If you are updating the Load Balancer component on a UNIX system, refer to Installing the packages for Load Balancer (AIX, HP-UX, Linux, or Solaris).

    1. Become the local superuser root.
      su - root
      Password: password
    2. Stop the Caching Proxy process.

      On AIX:

      stopsrc -c -s ibmproxy

      On HP-UX:

      kill -9 proxy_PID

      The term proxy_PID is the process identifier for the Caching Proxy process. You can use the following command to determine the PID for the Caching Proxy.

      ps -e | grep ibmproxy

      On Linux:

      On Solaris:

      kill -9 proxy_PID

      The term proxy_PID is the process identifier for the Caching Proxy process. You can use the following command to determine the PID for the Caching Proxy.

      ps -e | grep ibmproxy
    3. Change to the directory containing the installation files.
      cd download_package_directory/
    4. Install the packages.

      The installation order of the packages for the fix pack are:

      1. gskit (Global security kit)
      2. icu (ICU Runtime)
      3. admin (Administrative Runtime)
      4. cp messages (Caching Proxy messages)
      5. cp (Caching Proxy)
      6. documentation (optional)
      7. Web Server Plugins (optional)

    System-specific install directives --

    Installing the packages for Load Balancer (AIX, HP-UX, Linux, or Solaris)

    Uninstall pre-5.1 versions of Load Balancer

    Before installing the fix pack, stop and uninstall any existing pre-5.1 version of Load Balancer. Perform the following as required.

    Steps for uninstalling pre-5.1 version of Load Balancer

    1. Go to a command prompt with root authority.
    2. Copy to a backup directory any files that you created and placed in the Load Balancer install directory. Also consider saving any Load Balancer configuration scripts.
    3. Stop the Load Balancer Executor by using the command dscontrol executor stop. The Executor can still be running even if dsserver is stopped. If you receive a message that dsserver is not running, start dsserver and then issue the command again.
    4. Stop dsserver by using the command dsserver stop.
    5. Uninstall all pre-5.1 Load Balancer packages using system-specific commands.
      1. On AIX:

        To uninstall all of the Load Balancer product packages, use the following command

        installp -u ibmlb
      2. On HP-UX:

        To uninstall all of the Load Balancer product packages, use the following command

        swremove ibmlb
      3. On Linux:
        • To check for previously installed Load Balancer related packages, use the following command
          rpm -qa | grep ibmlb
        • To uninstall each Load Balancer package, use the following command
           rpm -e package_name

          where package_name is the individual Load Balancer package name.

        When uninstalling individual packages, they should be removed in the reverse order they were installed.
      4. On Solaris:
        • To check for previously installed Load Balancer related packages, use the following command
          pkginfo | grep ibmlb
        • To uninstall each Load Balancer package, use the following command
          pkgrm package_name

          where package_name is the individual Load Balancer package name.

        When uninstalling individual packages, they should be removed in the reverse order they were installed.

    Installing the Load Balancer v5.1 Fix Pack

    If you do not already have a v5.1 Load Balancer component installed on your system, you are only required to install the Load Balancer v5.1 license file (nd51Full.LIC) prior to installing the fix pack. The license can be obtained by installing just the Load Balancer license package of the v5.1 GA.

    Installing the fix pack

    1. Go to a command prompt with root authority.
    2. Obtain the Load Balancer Fix Pack and place it in a temporary directory.
    3. Uncompress and untar the build package. This results in a number of separate filesets.
    4. Install the software using system-specific commands, for example --
      1. On AIX:
        • Generate a .toc file, if not already there, issuing the command
          inutoc .
        • To install the base package for Load Balancer (ibmlb.base.rte), issue the command
          installp -acXd . ibmlb.base.rte
      2. On HP-UX:
        swinstall -s /source package_name

        where source is the directory for the location of the package, and package_name is the name of the package.

        For example, the following installs the base package for Load Balancer (ibmlb.base) when the packages reside in the current directory:

        swinstall -s /lb ibmlb.base
      3. On Linux:
        rpm -iv --nodeps --replacefiles package_name

        where package_name is the name of the package.

        For example, the following installs all the packages (ibmlb*.rpm) for Load Balancer when the packages resides in the current directory.

        rpm -iv --nodeps --replacefiles ibmlb*.rpm

        The "nodeps" option allows you to successfully install the packages in any order.

      4. On Solaris:
        pkgadd -d pathname package_name

        where pathname is the directory for the location of the package, and package_name is the name of the package.

        For example, the following installs the Load Balancer admin package (ibmlbadm) when the package resides in the current directory.

        pkgadd -d . ibmlbadm
    5. Restore any configuration files and start scripts which you saved or modified during a previous uninstall.

    Edge Components packages

    The following table lists all packages delivered with Edge Components and the required order of installation. Install the packages included in the fix pack according to the order specified in this table.


    1. Not all packages are delivered with the fix pack. Update only the packages that are delivered with the fix pack and that were previously installed on your system.

    2. Refer to Edge Components Fix Pack product notes for a list of the specific packages included with the fix pack and the AIX filesets and the Solaris and Linux file names that correspond with the packages.

    3. On Linux, you can use the "nodeps" option to successfully install all the packages in any order.

    Table 1. Package installation details

    Components installed Update the packages (listed generically) in this order

    Load Balancer:

    • Dispatcher
    • Content Based Routing
    • Site Selector
    • Cisco CSS Controller
    • Nortel Alteon Controller
    • Metric Server

    Load Balancer Documentation

    1. Base
    2. Administation
    3. License
    4. Device Driver (AIX only)
    5. LB component(s)
    6. Metric Server
    7. Load Balancer Documentation (lang)

    Caching Proxy

    1. gskit7 -- Global security kit
    2. icu -- ICU Runtime
    3. admin -- Administrative Runtime
    4. msg-cp-lang -- Messages
    5. cp -- Caching Proxy

    Edge Components Documentation


    Web Server Plugins


    Installing an update on Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003

    Use the Edge Components Product Setup Program to upgrade Edge Components v5.1 on your Windows operating system as follows:

    To prevent the currently installed Load Balancer from starting, be sure to first edit any start scripts you have created to temporarily suppress any commands that start the Load Balancer upon a reboot. Also, ensure that the Load Balancer service is set as Manual. Then, restart your Windows machine.

    1. Download the Edge Components Fix Pack.
    2. Use the Add/Remove program to uninstall the current Load Balancer component, if present.
    3. Run the setup program by doing one of the following:
    4. Enter information as requested by the installation program.

    Configuring your system after an update

    After you install an Edge Components update, the previous Edge Components configuration is maintained. However, when new functions (enhancements) are delivered with a fix pack, it is often necessary to add directives to configuration files in order to enable the feature.

    When updating the Load Balancer component, you must manually save and restore configuration files in order to maintain your previous Load Balancer configuration; see Installing the packages for Load Balancer (AIX, HP-UX, Linux, or Solaris) for more information.

    Rejecting an update

    For most components, when the fix pack is removed, configuration files are saved in the oldfiles/component directory and can be used with the reinstalled version of the product in order to maintain the patched configuration in the prepatched version. However for the Load Balancer component, you must manually save configuration files in order to maintain the patched configuration; see Installing the packages for Load Balancer (AIX, HP-UX, Linux, or Solaris) for more information.

    Edge Components Fix Pack product notes

    This section contains information on the packages and components updated and supported operating systems for the fix pack.

    List of package file names and filesets in the Fix Pack

    The Edge Components Fix Pack includes updates for the following components:

    The following tables list the packages delivered with the fix pack and the corresponding package names --


    1. See Installing an update for instructions on installing the fix pack.

    2. See Table 1 for the required order which the packages must be installed.

    Table 2. AIX package names

    Generic package name AIX fileset
    gskit7 (Caching Proxy) gskkm.rte
    icu (Caching Proxy) wses_icu.rte
    admin (Caching Proxy) wses_admin.rte
    msg-cp (Caching Proxy) wses_cp.msg.lang.base
    cp (Caching Proxy) wses_cp.base
    doc (Caching Proxy and Load Balancer) wses_doc.lang
    Web Server Plugins wsec_wsp.rte


    1. On AIX the variable lang refers to the substitution of one of the following language-specific codes: de_DE, en_US, es_ES, fr_CA, fr_CH, fr_FR, it_IT, it_CH, ja_JP, Ja_JP, ko_KR, pt_BR, zh_CN, ZH_CN, zh_TW, Zh_TW.

    Base (Load Balancer) ibmlb.base.rte
    Admin (Load Balancer) ibmlb.admin.rte ibmlb.msg.lang.admin
    License (Load Balancer) ibmlb.lb.license
    Device Driver (Load Balancer) ibmlb.lb.driver
    Load Balancer component(s) ibmlb.component.rte ibmlb.msg.lang.lb
    Metric Server (Load Balancer) ibmlb.ms.rte
    Load Balancer Documentation ibmlb.doc.rte ibmlb.msg.lang.doc


    1. On AIX, the variable lang refers to the substitution of one of the following language-specific codes: de_DE, en_US, es_ES, fr_CA, fr_CH, fr_FR, it_IT, it_CH, ja_JP, Ja_JP, ko_KR, pt_BR, zh_CN, ZH_CN, zh_TW, Zh_TW.

    2. The variable component refers to the substitution of one of the following: disp (dispatcher), cbr (CBR), ss (Site Selector), cco (Cisco CSS Controller) or nal (Nortel Alteon Controller).

    Table 3. Linux package file names

    Generic package name Linux file name
    gskit7 (Caching Proxy) gsk7bas.rpm
    icu (Caching Proxy) WSES_ICU_Runtime-5.1.1-0.hardw.rpm
    admin (Caching Proxy) WSES_Admin_Runtime-5.1.1-0.hardw.rpm
    msg-cp (Caching Proxy) WSES_CachingProxy_msg_lang-5.1.1-0.hardw.rpm
    cp (Caching Proxy) WSES_CachingProxy-5.1.1-0.hardw.rpm
    doc (Caching Proxy and Load Balancer) WSES_Doc_lang-5.1.1-0.hardw.rpm
    Web Server Plugins WSEC_Webserver_Plugins-5.1.1-0.hardw.rpm


    1. The variable hardw refers to the substitution of one of the following: i686 (IA-32 Linux), s390 (s390 Linux), ppc (Linux/PPC64).

    2. The variable lang refers to the substitution of one of the following language-specific codes: en_US, pt_BR, zh_CN, zh_TW, fr_FR, de_DE, it_IT, ja_JP, ko_KR, es_ES.

    Base (Load Balancer) ibmlb-base-5.1.1-0.hardw.rpm
    Admin (Load Balancer) ibmlb-admin-5.1.1-0.hardw.rpm
    License (Load Balancer) ibmlb-lic-5.1.1-0.hardw.rpm
    Load Balancer component ibmlb-component-5.1.1-0.hardw.rpm
    Metric Server (Load Balancer) ibmlb-ms-5.1.1-0.hardw.rpm
    Load Balancer Documentation ibmlb-lang-5.1.1-0.hardw.rpm


    1. The variable hardw refers to the substitution of one of the following: i386 (IA-32 Linux), s390 (s390 Linux), ppc64 (Linux/PPC64).

    2. The variable lang refers to the substitution of one of the following language-specific codes: nlv-de_DE, nlv-es_ES, nlv-fr_FR, nlv-it_IT, nlv-ja_JP, nlv-ko_KR, nlv-pt_BR, nlv-zh_CN, nlv-zh_TW. For English, substitute the variable lang for doc.

    3. The variable component refers to the substitution of one of the following: disp (dispatcher), cbr (CBR), ss (Site Selector), cco (Cisco CSS Controller), or nal (Nortel Alteon Controller).

    Table 4. HP-UX and Solaris package names

    Generic package name HP-UX fileset Solaris file name
    gskit7 (Caching Proxy) gsk7bas gsk7bas
    icu (Caching Proxy) WSES-ICU WSESicu
    admin (Caching Proxy) WSES-ADMIN WSESadmin
    msg-cp (Caching Proxy) WSES-cpmlang WSEScpmlang
    cp (Caching Proxy) WSES-CP WSEScp
    doc (Caching Proxy and Load Balancer) WSES-DOC-lang WSESdoclang
    Web Server Plugins WSEC-WSP WSECWSP


    1. HP-UX, the variable lang refers to the substitution of one of the following language-specific codes: de_DE, en_US, es_ES, fr_FR, it_IT, ja_JP, ko_KR, pt_BR, zh_CN, zh_TW.

    2. On Solaris, the variable lang refers to the substitution of one of the following language-specific codes: br, cn, cw, de, en, es, fr, it, ja, kr.

    Base (Load Balancer) ibmlb.base ibmlbbase
    Admin (Load Balancer) ibmlb.admin ibmlbadm
    License (Load Balancer) ibmlb.lic ibmlblic
    Load Balancer component(s) ibmlb.component ibmlbcomponent
    Metric Server (Load Balancer) ibmlb.ms ibmlbms
    Load Balancer Documentation ibmlb.lang ibmlblang


    1. On HP-UX, the variable lang refers to the substitution of one of the following language-specific codes: nlv-deDE, nlv-esES, nlv-frFR, nlv-itIT, nlv-jaJP, nlv-koKR, nlv-ptBR, nlv-zhCN, nlv-zhTW. For English, the variable lang refers to the substitution of doc.

    2. On Solaris, the variable lang refers to the substitution of one of the following language-specific codes: deDE, esES, frFR, itIT, jaJP, koKR, ptBR, zhCN, zhTW. For English, the variable lang refers to the substitution of doc.

    3. The variable component refers to the substitution of one of the following: disp (dispatcher), cbr (CBR), ss (Site Selector), cco (Cisco CSS Controller) or nal (Nortel Alteon Controller).

    Prerequisite Edge Components version

    Upgrade Edge Components to version 5.1.1 (Fix Pack 1) from the following previous version: Edge Components v5.1

    Supported systems

    AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, and Windows: For detailed information on supported systems and prerequisites, refer to the "Hardware and software prerequisites" section in the Concepts, Planning, and Installation for Edge Components document, which can be accessed from the Edge Components InfoCenter Web page, http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/ecinfocenter.html.

    For the most current information on supported hardware and software for this fix pack, access the following WebSphere Application Server Web page, http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/doc/latest/prereq.html.

    Contents of Edge Components v5.1.1 (Fix Pack 1)

    Edge Components can be updated by applying fix packs. Edge Components v5.1.1 Fix Pack includes all the most recent enhancements and fixes.

    Enhancements in Fix Pack 1

    Upgrade for GSKit 7

    Edge Components v5.1.1 includes a newer version of GSKit 7 that you must use with the Caching Proxy component.

    Additional Linux platform support

    Edge Components v5.1.1 includes additional Linux platform support.

    For the most current information on supported Linux systems and all other supported software requirements for the Edge Components v5.1.1 Fix Pack, access the following WebSphere Application Server Web page, http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/doc/latest/prereq.html.

    JDK requirement

    For the most current information on the JDK software requirement for the Edge Components v5.1.1 Fix Pack, access the following WebSphere Application Server Web page, http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/doc/latest/prereq.html.

    Mozilla browser requirement on UNIX systems

    On UNIX systems: For viewing Edge Components helps, the default browser is Mozilla 1.x.

    On Windows systems: For viewing Edge Component helps, the default is the system browser. (This remains unchanged from the earlier v5.1 release.) For detailed information on recommended browsers on Windows systems, refer to the "Using browsers ..." section in the Concepts, Planning, and Installation for Edge Components document for v5.1, which can be accessed from the Edge Components InfoCenter Web page, http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/ecinfocenter.html

    Defects fixed in Edge Components v5.1.1 (Fix Pack 1)

    To obtain a complete list of Edge Components defects fixed for this fix pack, refer to the WebSphere Application Server Web site Support page, http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/

    (C) IBM Corporation 2002. All Rights Reserved