IBM® WebSphere® Business Integration (WBI) Monitor™ v4.2.4 Fix Pack2 - Patch3 Readme File

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation. 2002, 2004. All rights reserved. 

This file contains the new updates and fixed bugs in the IBM WBI Monitor v4.2.4 Fix Pack2 - Patch3. Refer to the file named install_fix_pack2_patch3.html for the required information and steps required for installing IBM WBI Monitor v4.2.4 Fix Pack2 - Patch3.

New Updates

The WBI Monitor v4.2.4 Fix Pack2 - Patch3 provides the following new updates:

  1. APAR JR19907: You can now specify a time zone when you login to the WBI Monitor using the Login page in both the WBI Monitor Admin Utility and the WBI Monitor Client. The selected time zone will be used to display any date and time values for the dashboards reports or the calendar entries on this machine. The selected time zone will be saved in a cookie for the browser you are using, and will be the default selected time zone each time you login to WBI Monitor until you change it.  Refer to the WBI Monitor Admin Guide and the WBI Monitor User Guide for details about this modification.

  2. APAR JR20111: The deployment wizard no longer gets the MQ Workflow Locator, Agent, System or System Group. The deployment wizard now gets the configuration id instead in order for the monitor to be able to locate any default or non-default configuration.

  3. In the deployment wizard, in case you have an existing database that belongs to a previous version and contains data, then you will only be able to enter the default TableSpace for WBI Monitor database. All other fields that can hold the multiple TableSpaces Names, either for the WBI Monitor database or the MQ Workflow database, will be disabled.

  4. In the Auditing Utility that is used for monitoring WICS collaborations, the Data source Definition dialog box now displays only the Data source URL and User Name fields. It does not display the Schema field any more.

  5. The Organization Units Tree appears now collapsed by default. This is to avoid the long loading time when the tree contains huge number of org. units and employees.

Fixed Bugs:

  1. APAR JR19901:  Fixed the bug that caused improper TableSpace allocation during the installation, when the provided TableSpaces are Database Managed Space TableSpace.
  2. APAR JR20047: Fixed the bug in the System Properties page of the WBI Monitor Admin Utility that caused the refusal to accept the SMTP Sender if it does not contain a dot. The SMTP Sender can now accept server name without a dot.
  3. APAR JR20083: Fixed the bug that caused missing the values of Business Measures when creating process instances using Process Template Execute API.
  4. APAR JR20117: Fixed the bug in Workflow Dashboard Set Filter Page that caused considering any And or OR that exists between quotation marks to be a logical operator. The Filtering validation now resolves any "And" or "Or" as strings as long as they exist inside double quotation marks.

  5. APAR JR20170: Fixed the bug that caused the failure of creating the Automatic Corrective Action process instances when its Business Measure becomes true.