IBM TXSeries CICS PTF APAR README for AIX, Windows, HP-UX and Solaris Systems

Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2005. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

About this document

The TXSeries(R) Program Temporary Fix (PTF) is a collection of cumulative product patches and recent software fixes. For TXSeries, separate PTFs exist for CICS(R) and for Encina(R). Installing this PTF updates TXSeries CICS to version This README file lists the APARs that have been fixed in the TXSeries CICS PTF, and gives important notes for all supported platforms.

For information about TXSeries CICS PTF install procedures and prerequisites, refer to READPTF_lang.htm file that is included in the PTF image.

Table of contents

Important notes

Obtaining the TXSeries CICS PTF

Downloading the PTF from the IBM FixDist service (AIX only)

Contents of the TXSeries CICS PTF

Contents of previous PTF releases

Contents of the TXSeries CICS PTF

Contents of the TXSeries CICS PTF

Important notes

The following are important notes about TXSeries CICS 5.1 on all supported platforms.

Obtaining the TXSeries CICS PTF

To obtain TXSeries CICS PTFs, do one of the following:

Downloading the PTF from the IBM FixDist service (AIX only)

This section contains guidelines for using the IBM FixDist service to obtain the CICS PTF. FixDist enables you to download AIX software fixes directly from an IBM anonymous FTP server. You must have the FixDist application installed on the machine in order to obtain the CICS PTF.

You can download the FixDist application by using an anonymous FTP from the (IBM AIX software FTP) Web site as follows:


> class=GramE>login: anonymous

> password: class=SpellE>your_email_addr (example:

> class=GramE>bin

> cd /class=SpellE>aix/tools/fixdist

> get fd.tar.Z (class=SpellE>FixDst tool in compressed tar format)

> quit

This section does not provide complete instructions for using FixDist. For the complete instructions, see the FixDist User's Guide, which is available by anonymous FTP from the (software FTP) Web site. To use FixDist to download the CICS PTF:

  1. Create a temporary directory on your machine. Ensure that it is large enough to hold the PTF file.
  2. Use FixDist to download and unpack the PTF file. Refer to the FixDist User's Guide for complete instructions if necessary. Be sure to use the following guidelines when you download the patch with FixDist:
  3. Follow the install procedures that are given in READPTF_<lang>.htm file to install the PTF onto your system.

Contents of the TXSeries CICS PTF

APAR Number


IY63888 Compatibility APAR to gracefully handle and abend inbound requests with containers.
IY69474 Supporting multiple COBOL runtimes to work simultaneously.
IY70711 FTOS on CICSSDT is hanging on JA_JP and ZH_TW locales with more than 127(RRN) records.
IY71703 ECI-RPC client application when timed out causes CICS to hang in a multi-processor AIX system.
IY72702 CICS signal handler loops when an exception is generated while handling the current signal.
IY73015 CECI inquire connection on an APPC connection is returning CONNSTATUS(1) when the connection is INSERVICE and acquired.
IY74226 Region pool leak observed after multiple transaction force purges and subsequent cleanup activity in the CICS application server process.
IY75448 Renaming the core file shows incorrect timestamp.
IY75610 Lack of facility to disable automatic invocation of ShowProcInfo (SPI) against the core file to generate stack dump.
IY75911 On a silent install when specifying a file for the setup log, the resulting log is incomplete.
IY76019 ERRNO 24 when using the CICS leakdebug environment variable.
IY76310 Abend U4199 in process CICSIP as a result of an exc_e_illaddr on a socket receive.
IY76432 SHOWPROCINFO failing with message ERZ058997I when being invoked within CICS to format a core file.
IY78106 Abend A57A while negotiating client termination during transaction routing.
IY78198 After installing Solaris linker patch, Micro Focus Cobol applications missing APPC symbol.
IY78531 Messages ERZ001005I and ERZ015033E are issued incorrectly when a CICS COBOL program issues a COBOL call to another program.
IY78556 APPC transactions fail to start on the region while most CICSAS processes are waiting for work.
IY78568 CICS does not allow changing an expired password through EAM.
IY78571 ERZ058003E received when attempting to connect to TXSeries CICS region via ECI or EPI when running on AIX 5.2.
IY78572 CICS region abends with U5701/U5655 when transactions are FORCEPURGED.
IY78573 CICS task shared pool corruption after a FORCEPURGE.
IY78575 Incorrect screens are received when running the CDCN transaction to debug a program on a multi-processor machine.
IY78576 Region crash during transaction backout/recovery with high CICS terminal install/uninstall activity while using CUC clients.
IY78577 Java(TM) garbage collection produces a performance slowdown when java is running under TXSeries CICS.
IY78578 When using CICSSDT, a hang is observed during updating of a file created using both decimal and byteArray type fields.
IY78579 CICSTCL fails with ERZ058405E/0163: the (program '*' failed to execute, error number is '2') when SYSLIB longer than 228 bytes.
IY78580 TXSeries for CICS on Windows(R) on start receives exception_access_violation if MAXTSHPOOL >32M.

Contents of previous PTF releases

This is a cumulative update for the CICS functions of the TXSeries CICS product. It also contains all the TXSeries CICS 5.1 APARs that have been processed since the General-Availability (GA) of TXSeries CICS V5.1 on all supported platforms.

Contents of the TXSeries CICS PTF

APAR Number Abstract
IY64374 (AIX only) Building the DB2(R) XA switchload file fails when libdb2.a is not in /usr/lib.
IY65600 When using CICSSDT QTOS to convert a qsam file into SFS, incorrect output is received due to an old buffer being used.
IY65621 Increasing the number of TCPPROCESSCOUNT gives SUPOS_TAKESOCKET message in symrecs.
IY65703 When using CICSSDT QTOS to convert a qsam file into SFS, the log file name is garbled.
IY66401 Enable GRAPHIC data type support in CICSSDT QTOS function.
IY66402 Increase the number of DFHCNV macros in CICSSDT QTOS function.
IY66499 CICSSDT replaces SO/SI characters will NULL.
IY67419 Search of an application module to be made more effective.
IY67521 SEGV during postmortem prevents valid region abend.
IY67537 FTOS command fails for CICSSDT.
IY67538 U5655 if the mutex state is SUPOS_MUTEXSTATE_UNKNOWN.
IY67539 CICSMAP allow hyphens in the DFHMDF macro field name for COBOL.
IY67541 APCT error for COBOL dir paths/prog names having period chars.
IY67542 Terminal ID generated matches with IDs in WD.stanza.
IY67543 RPC security issues while working with EPI/ECI applications.
IY67544 Region does not start with LDR_CNTRL & TaskPrivatePool>256MB.
IY67545 Tran ID is not getting printed along with the EXEC CICS API.
IY67546 CICSRL hangs when the Oracle database goes down on AIX.
IY67547 COBOL runtime occupies CICS shared segment.
IY67548 The -u option needs to be enabled for CICSDDT to connect to a remote database.
IY67549 Fails to create table using CICSDDT FTOD command.
IY67550 CICSAS process with high CPU usage in HP-UX.
IY67551 SYNCONRETURN bit is not being set in FMH43 with DPL.
IY67552 Enable DFHCCINX to display IP address.
IY67553 Timeout implementation for ISC functions with CICS TCP/IP.
IY68493 U5701 region abend while attempting to run a program repeatedly.

Contents of the TXSeries CICS PTF

APAR Number Abstract
IY58024 The cicsip listener process hangs when a receive thread times out.
IY58072 Date format for message ERZ010128E in console log is always MM/DD/YY instead of the locale specific format.
IY58105 CICS region abends with U5701 in the case of XPRecv timeouts.
IY58107 Enhancements of cicstran over the handle condition APIs with copybooks.
IY58108 With Oracle 9i 64 bit, IBM COBOL cheese transaction fails with an ASRA.
IY58112 File DFHCJDB.MAP is required so that the CJDB JAVA debugging can be used. It was not included in the Solaris package.
IY58115 CICS region abends with U6301 after the termination of a cicssl process.