Fix Pack Notes for
WebSphere Business Integration (WBI) Toolset version

The patch notes contain the following sections: 





This patch contains fixes for the following CRs based on customer reported and internally discovered issues.
CR Number
As of Version
Connector Configurator/System Manager :
The MaxEventCapacity property of a connector was not validated in the range from 1 to 2147483647 in both Connector Configurator as well as the Property dialog of a connector in the Server Component view.  Consequently, the invalid values of "blank" and zero of this property were entered without an warning or error message.
Fixing notes: The MaxEventCapacity property is validated in range >  0 and <= 2147483647 in both Connector Configurator and System Manager.
Business Object Designer:
A Integration Component Libraries (ICL) project  that had been already deleted  in System Manager still existed in  in the left panel of Business Object  Designer, even after invoking Refresh action.
Fixing notes: By applying Refresh action., all ICL projects that has no longer existed in System Manger disappear from Business Object Designer.
System Manager:
Problem occurs when exporting solution using a user-defined (non-default) directory. Part of a solution is still exported to the default directory and later can not be found. 
Fixed path to export complete solution in a user-defined directory.
Connector Configurator:
"Save as" in Connector Configurator does not work normally:
When user open a connector and save it to project as a new connector, the configurator system will create a new CXRConnectorXML instance which should have the new connector properties, but the pConnector still point to the old CXRConnectorXML instance.  When we change the GUI properties, they will be put to the old CXRConnectorXML instance. When user save the new connector again, pDoc will get the new CXRConnectorXML instance which has no change. So user looks lost his updates.
42134 Map Designer:
Maps saved with names > 76 chars cannot be deployed.
Fixing notes: The MapDesigner was checking for 80 characters as the limit for map names. It has been changed to 76 characters to be in sync with the ICS.
42109 Map Designer:
Can't distinguish uppercase server name and lowercase server name.
Fixing notes: Case sensitivity is enforced on server names now.
Activity Editor:
When doing Business object (BusObj) assignments, Activity Editor generates code that uses the BusObj.setContent() to assign the value of one business object to another business object.  However, the BusObj.setContent() method do only a shallow copying and will make the destination business object and the source business object share the underlying content.  Thus, after the assignment, any further change in the source business object will also reflect in the destination business object.  This would cause a problem for a synchronous collaboration if the triggeringBusObj is changed after assignment.  This fix will replace the API that is used for business object assignment from BusObj.setContent() to BusObj.copy(), which will do a full copy of the underlying business object values.
General Tools:
Tools has provided a ITLM license file since Toolset 4224 patch.
Repos Copy:
The issue  was the import from a repository jar file was failing when a collaboration Template's message files were named without locale as the suffix.
For example, if a Template was named WrapperFoundation , it had corresponding entries in a repository jar file when exported out of the server or System Manager:
3) one or more WrapperFoundation_en_US.txt (i.e. WrapperFoundation<locale>.txt files).
Some customers had repositories where the message files were named WrapperFoundation.txt without <locale> suffix.
The SystemManager was failing when the user tries to import this jar into an Integrated Component Library.
The Server was also failing when we repos_copy into the server.
Fixing notes: this fix is on the Tools side and will allow the user to import the jar into an ICL.  The Server side fix, which allows the user to import (repos_copy) the jar file into the server,  belongs to the Server side.
System Manager:
Unable to create part error in ICS System View
Fixing notes: Overflow occurred when integer type was used to store time values. Replaced integer types with long types so that overflow doesn't occur.
System Manager/Properties:
When a connector has many Supported BOs and maps (on the order of 100) it takes a long time (180 seconds) to display the dynamic properties in System Manager.  During this time, the ICS experiences 100% CPU usage. Customers typically need to access this window on a production system in order to change log/trace settings or flow settings for the connector.
Fixing notes:  When user need display or change log/trace settings of a connector properties, the dynamic properties of the connector will be displayed in system manager faster than before. When users click Associated Map tab of the connector properties dialog, the response time will be long to load its supported BOs and maps.
Business Object Designer:
Business Object Designer automatically fixes attributes with MaxLength = 0 to MaxLength = 255. This fix is to turn off this behavior but still requires a manual change from users:
1) Open file %CROSSWORLDS%\bin\cwtools.cfg
2) Add the following segment at the end of this file:
    AllowZeroLengthAttr = true

Fixing notes: This is a preliminary fix and the implementation may change later on (e.g. instead of editing cwtools.cfg you'll have to use the UI).
System Manager/Properties:
Properties popup window does not appear for collaboration object.
Fixing notes: The problem was occurring because the collaboration gets some of the properties from  its template and if the template is not available in the ICL it gives a null pointer exception.
Connector Configurator:
Exception occurs when saving to project after switching brokers:
When user switches a connector's broker type from WMQI to WAS or from WAS to WMQI, an exception will occur. This will prevent user from switching a  connector's broker type between WMQI and WAS once this connector has been created.
System Manager/Configuration Management:
In French, Bytes are called Octets so the size of a file is not specified in KB, MB, GB but in KO, MO, GO.
When the Locale is French, the System Manager is in French and ICS configuration interface also. So in the trace/log files panel, it is possible to set the size of the files in Octets.... but this is not recognized afterwards by ICS.
35225 Connector Configurator - Runtime Error in BO Configurator:
When generating Associated Maps, the Connector Configurator need to get the ICL project's BO name list by using JNI mechanism to call Java code. The program need to create a large number of local references in a single native method invocation, such as variable "jstr". This may result in an overflow of the internal JNI local reference table. In order to avoid this problem, the program should explicitly free these local references.
35029 Dashboard:
In System Monitor if changing the Display items for a table and having the Refresh Rate in 'Set Options' set to greater then 0, then the auto refresh would not work properly. This has been fixed.
34906 Flow Manager:
Eclipse-based Flow Manager is much slower than the C++ version for the following tasks: resubmitting/deleting failed flows.
34367 Connector Configurator:
Once-supported business objects and maps remain in the configuration file, causing dependency errors during project validation.  After applying this fix, maps associated to previously supported business objects will be removed as the file is saved. The updated configuration file will pass validation.
34342 Business Object Designer:
Business Object Designer isn't showing the child business object's application specific information (ASI) properly.
Map Designer:
Map Designer join dialog cannot display long attribute name.
Fixing notes: The cells that display the attribute name are provided with cursors to move to the invisible area. Tool tip is also provided to see the entire string.
SNMP manager does not receive the host name from the SNMP agent.
The traps sent out by the SNMP Agent did not contain the correct origination host name of the trap.  The origination host name for traps are all set to "localhost", which results in whatever machine name the network manager is on to be displayed.  The correct origination host name of the trap should be the host name that the SNMP Agent is running on.  This has been fixed in the patch.
33416 System Manager/Monitors:
Collaboration statistics are not calculated/displayed correctly.
System Manager:
When there is more than one GBO in the collaboration ( the map names are explicitly bound in the connector)  the Tree and the graphical views in the SM show the incorrect map name for the collaboration.
When there is no need to migrate, running WBSMMigrate.bat will give a proper message instead of throwing an Exception.
Fixing notes: The problem with the -c<country> parameter for the WBSMMigrage.bat script has been fixed.  To migrate from the System Monitor Views and Monitors from a release previous to 4.2.2, please run the script bin/WBSMMigrate.bat from the command line with the following parameters:
-s<servername> - ICS server name
-u<username> - Username to connect to ICS.  This is an optional parameter. If not provided it will default to admin.
-p<password> - password to connect to ICS.  This is an optional parameter. If not provided it will default to null.
-l<language> - the language code the current server is using, e.g. pt.  This is an optional parameter. If not provided it will default to use the JVM’s default locale.  Therefore, it is important to provide this parameter if running this script from a machine that is set to a different locale than the ICS server.
-c<country> - the country code the current server is using, e.g., BR.  This is an optional parameter and will be used together with the language parameter. If the language code is set to pt or zh, the country code must be provided.  The other languages do not require the country code.  If the country code is provided without the language, the country code will be ignored. If the language code is not provided the script will use the JVM’s default locale.  Therefore, it is important to provide this parameter (together with the language) if running this script from a machine that is set to a different locale than the ICS server and the language is pt or zh.
Example of running script:
WBSMMigrate.bat –sWebSphereICS –uadmin –pnull -lpt -cBR
19672 Connector Configurator:
Dependencies page show all properties, but the selected property should not be in it.
Connector Configurator:
Connector Configurator still shows deleted projects.
Flow Manager: 
It took a very long time to start up Flow Manager.  The problem became much clearer if the server connected to has a big repository.  The fix has improved the start-up time of Flow Manager up to 25 times.
33714(a.k.a 33743, 33486, 34105, 34341)
Business Object Designer: 
When saving a BO with BO Designer the changes to the BO were not immediately replicated in the System Manager. In this fixpack this defect is fixed.
System Manager: 
When Flow Monitoring is enabled, the ICS uses a queue to store flow information before it is written out to the database.  The queue has a default depth (size) of 500 flows.  This number is now configurable by using the System Manager.  To configure it, connect to the ICS with the System Manager, right click on the server icon and choose Edit Configuration.  In the Edit Configuration view, choose Misc.  In the Flow Monitoring section there is a text field labeled "Max flow queue depth".  It can take values from 1 to 2147483647.  If the check box "Max Value" is checked, then the value will be set to the maximum possible value of 2147483647.
Connector Designer:
Using "Save To File" to save a cfg file may incorrectly specify that the file is read only and will not be saved.
Connector Designer:
Clicking on the Property column header on the Properties tab for sorting purposes causes the Connector Designer to abnormally terminate.
Flow Manager:
In Flow manager bracket number in search results does not match.
Fixed search results has match bracket number.
Flow Manager: 
The search in Flow Manager fails after selection of 'any' from column Event and selection of 'any' from column Verb.  If one used a locale different from US the list of column values in Event Attributes Table in Flow Manager has "any" together with local translation of "any" ("Beliebig" in German case).  It causes insertion of new row if one selects "any" and the search fail.
Fixed version has only local translation of "any" in Event Attributes Table in Flow manager and does not cause the search fail.
System Manager: 
Scheduled Events panel text is cut off in Korean.
Fixed Scheduled Events panel layout by increasing width of the left Panel.
Flow Manager: 
In Flow Manager, in save event popup dialog, clicking on buttons does nothing when “file saved dialog” is opened.
Fixed “save event dialog” disappear when “file save dialog” popup 
Flow Manager: 
In Flow Manager ”save event dialog” shows Open button. Fixed ”save event dialog” shows Save button.
Flow Manager: 
Column values in the drop down lists for values in Event Attributes Table in Flow Manager are not sorted.
Fixed Event Attributes Table has column values sorted in drop down lists.
Connector Designer: 
After applying this patch, a new standard property, EnableOidForFlowMonitoring, will be added for ICS brokers. 
The property is a Boolean with a default of false.  If the property is set to true, the ADK will mark the incoming ObjectEventID as a foreign key for Flow Monitoring.
System Monitor: 
System Monitor didn't show the failed events for collaborations in system overview window. 
With this fix system overview displays failed events for collaborations correctly.
Process Designer: 
Business Object definitions were missing if the template definition window was not open first.  This problem caused empty business object definitions in the business object probe property, and in the correlation property of service call nodes. 
The problem is fixed so that business object definitions are correctly displayed in the respective properties without opening the template definition window first.
Connector Designer: 
For WebSphere Message Brokers, if the Message Set ID is null, the supported business object was not saved in the configuration file. 
After applying this patch, the supported business object will be saved in the configuration file whether or not the Message Set ID is null.
System Manager: 
The WMQI 5.0 deployment wizard in System Manager 2.4 did not print the "SchemaLoc" property in the options file used by the WMQI 2.1 schema importer. As a result, the import was incomplete. The fix in this patch ensures "SchemaLoc" property is printed.
Connector Designer: 
If an already available connector configuration was changed via Connector Configurator and saved as a new connector, the properties CW:NAME in CW:ConfigurationInfo and in CW:header in the .cfg file were not being updated.  After applying this patch, these properties will be updated as the file is being saved.
Connector Designer: 
If a configuration file was being saved to the same name as a current read-only file, the save message specified the save as successful. After applying this patch, an error message will indicate that the file is read-only and that it will not be saved. To remedy the situation, save to another file name, delete the current file, or change the current file's access permission.


Before applying this patch, it is highly recommended that  you backup the %CROSSWORLDS%/bin, %CROSSWORLDS%/lib, %CROSSWORLDS%/WBSM and %WSWB_PATH%/plugins folders (e.g.  C:\IBM\WebSphereICS\Tools\WSWB203\plugins).  In the case you want to uninstall the patch, replace those folders with the backups.

To perform an upgrade to this version of the WBI Toolset, please follow instructions in the correct order as follows:

  1. Make sure that you have InterChange Server  and Toolset version 4.2.2  installed.
  2. Update to the InterChange Server patch.
  3. Run the attached exe file (e.g. 4224_toolset_patch.exe).   Please notice that in the second step of the installing wizard, by default the installer enters the value of variable %CROSSWORLDS% as an installing directory name.  If you installed WBI ICS and Toolset version 4.2.2 at another location, use the Browse button to select the correct location.  The installer will do all installing work for you. 
Note that the path name "C:\IBM\WebSphereICS" assumes that IBM WebSphere Business Integration Toolset has been installed under an IBM WebSphere InterChange Server directory on the C drive. 

Below are a list of files that need to be replaced in this patch:
For WICS Version
Platform [Windows]
Add / Replace / Remove
File (Starting from ~/IBM/WebSphereICS/ Windows 2000/XP Replace bin/BusObjDesigner.exe Windows 2000/XP Replace bin/ConnDesigner.exe Windows 2000/XP Replace bin/MapDesigner.exe Windows 2000/XP Replace bin/Data/Std/StdConnProps.xml Windows 2000/XP Replace bin/Data/Std/StdConnProps_chs_chn.xml Windows 2000/XP Replace bin/Data/Std/StdConnProps_cht_twn.xml Windows 2000/XP Replace bin/Data/Std/StdConnProps_deu_deu.xml Windows 2000/XP Replace bin/Data/Std/StdConnProps_esn_esp.xml Windows 2000/XP Replace bin/Data/Std/StdConnProps_fra_fra.xml Windows 2000/XP Replace bin/Data/Std/StdConnProps_ita_ita.xml
Windows 2000/XP Replace
Windows 2000/XP Replace
bin/Data/Std/StdConnProps_kor_kor.xml Windows 2000/XP Replace bin/Data/Std/StdConnProps_ptb_bra.xml Windows 2000/XP Replace bin/ActivityEditor.dll Windows 2000/XP Replace bin/CxCommon2.dll Windows 2000/XP Replace bin/SMInterface.dll Windows 2000/XP Replace bin/Utils.dll Windows 2000/XP Add bin/CC001224W040202.sys Windows 2000/XP Replace lib/datamanager.jar Windows 2000/XP Replace lib/flowmanager.jar Windows 2000/XP Replace lib/ConfigWizard.jar Windows 2000/XP Replace lib/cwsnmpagent.jar Windows 2000/XP Replace lib/vtc.jar Windows 2000/XP Replace lib/CrossWorlds.jar Windows 2000/XP Replace WBSM/CWDashboard.war Windows 2000/XP Replace WBSM/WBSMMigrate.jar Windows 2000/XP Replace plugins/
Windows 2000/XP Replace
Windows 2000/XP Replace
plugins/ Windows 2000/XP Replace plugins/



In part UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS, you are recommended to backup the %CROSSWORLDS%/bin, %CROSSWORLDS%/lib, %CROSSWORLDS%/WBSM and %WSWB_PATH%/plugins folders for the purpose of uninstalling the patch.
If you have done the backup process, uninstall the patch by manually replacing the folders with the back-ups.


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