8.2-TWS-0002 Verification Summary Report ---------------------------------------- This report summarizes the results of 8.2-TWS-0002 verification. External ID 8.2-TWS-0002 Internal ID 8.2-TWS-0002 Prerequisite Tivoli Workload Scheduler version 8.2 Fixes contained in patch ======================== APAR or Symptom Defect# ------- --------------------------------------------------------- IY42981 VALIDATE ERROR ON OPENS DEPENDENCY IY46920 TWS 8.2 COMPOSER DID NOT SAVE THE RIGTH JOB DEFINITION IF THERE IS A RETURN CODE CONDIT + A PARAMETER IN THE JOBDEF IY49101 TWSINST -UPDATE MOVES /USR/BIN DURING 8.2 UPGRADE FROM PRIOR RELEASES IY48660 The TWS 8.2 "trapJobAbend" trap has a carriage return coded int IY46411 REP11 REPORTS INCORRECT PLANNED DATE IY45818 Limit of 0 not honored on Standard Agent IY48325 JOBS WITH OPENS DEPENCENCIES LAUNCH EVEN THOUGH BATCHMAN IY45913 TWS SCHED on Master stays READY even if its job on FTA goes SUC IY49420 TWS PLUS MODULE 8.1 - DM MONITOR - STDLIST SPACE USED DOES NOT IY50833 TWS Plus Module FP01 fails to install on managed node. IY40719 "VERSION -A" COMMAND DOES NOT REPORT PATCH INFORMATION IY46140 TWS-PROCESSES GOES DOWN AFTER DELETE OF RESOURCE WITH 2 PARALLE IY46202 THE VARIABLE $UNISON_HOST IS SET EVERY TIME TO THE MASTER WKS IY35486 IMPROVE ERROR REPORTING OF NT/W2K DOMAIN ERRORS IY41341 PERFORMANCE ISSUES FOR TWS WITH THE AUTOTRACE FEATURE IY46139 Bogus opens dependency OPENS FTA#"" causes Jobman to abend on A IY46414 Can't define an NT-User beginning with a numeric char from comp IY46787 CANCEL JOB STREAM - RESOURCE NOT RELEASED - OPENS DEP PLACED ON IY46970 COMPOSER CREATE CMD DON'T USE THE UMASK SETTING IY47381 AFTER APPLYIING FIXPACK 7 - CONMAN SJ (SHOWJOBS) ERROR ON IY47889 JSC CANNOT SAVE JOBSTREAM. REASON: AWS22220027 ERROR FINDING IY48072 SCHEDULES WITH RUNCYCLES CONTAINING WORKDAYS OFFSETS AND FREEDA IY48076 TWS with FP06 on W2K does not execute all the possible jobs def IY49003 X-AGENT HOSTED BY $MASTER IS SHOWN AS UNLINKED FROM JSC IY49150 DBCS USER's GECOS FIELD GETS GARBLED IN TWS JOB OUTPUT IY49379 R11XTR CORE DUMP WHEN RUN REP11 IY49577 Carryforward schedules causing corrupt Symphony file messages IY49672 Failed TWS job creates joblog IY50011 TWS 8.2 FIXPACK FP01 DOES NOT UPDATE PATCH.INFO OR UPDATE IY50123 unable to submit jobstream defined for a cpu class in 8.2 IY50146 TWS 8.2 NT4 FTAs Don't Work After Applying FP-01 IY48535 PLUS MODULE FOR TWS 8.2 FAILS TO INSTALL ON SOLARIS 2.9 IY49876 JOBINFO NOT WORKING CORRECT IN 8.1 IY35151 NUMEROUS DIRECTORY PERMISSION ARE WORLD WRITABLE IY50278 abended recovery jobs status shows as exec/running indefinitely IY50126 PLUS MODULE FOR TWS 8.2 FAILS TO INSTALL ON SOLARIS 2.9 162604 Wrong date in the version.info 159230 TOS error occurred with W2k and NT FTAs 165804 tws_env.sh doesn't work on tier2 165955 jobstdl doesn't work fine on AIX when put the flags -num 167026 Connector def. To complete IY49870 167043 IY46792 this defect is to integrate changes for this apar 167089 SSL netman default port must be 31113 167349 TierII customize script write a bad patch_id into patch.info 167777 Failed TWS job creates joblog in stdlist directory Verification Results ==================== Regression Tests ---------------- 1. Manual regression test was executed against this patch. APAR or Defect# Test Status ------- ----------------------------------------- ------ IY42981 On a Solaris machine on the globalopts file I have set the value of validateopens = no. I have create a schedule with a job that contains an OPENS dependency that did not exists on the machine; No warning message is issued from the composer. Pass IY46920 On a Solaris and a W2k machine, using either composer or JSC 1.3 I have saved a job def. containing a return code condition, and a parameter in the command field The return code condit.is not discarded. Pass IY49101 On a AIX and an HP machine I have create a TWSUser with home directory of type /dir1/dir2. I have create a copy of /usr/bin in dir1 (cp -r /usr/bin /dir1). I have install TWS81 for TWSUser. With TWSINST -update script I have upgraded to TWS82. The directory /dir1/bin is not moved in the TWSUser home dir but only copied. Pass IY48660 Configured the magent on a master workstation to talk to an mdeamon server on Netview. Created different jobs and in particular jobs in abend. The events related to the different job states arrived to the Netview console. It was verified that the date in the event details on console was always displayed correctly. Pass IY46411 On an environment Win2k and an environment Linux, specifing a free days rule and in clausole FREEDAYS CALFREEDAY [ -sa ] [ -su ] and using an offeset in the clausole ON CALNAME +/-n [WORKDAYS,,,] the schedule that have this specified have no problem launching rep11 report. Pass IY45818 From a Master with a Standard Agent (W2k, Aix) both with limit=10 change the limit of the SA to 0. Submit a job on the SA you will see that the job is not executed Pass IY48325 On an environment Win2k and an environment HP I have create a job stream S0 that execute a simple job1 A jobstream S1 with an open dependency from file1 That execut another job2 that delete file1 following job1. A job stream S2 with the same open dependency of JS1. I run the Jenextday: S0 finishes successfully, then I create file1 on the fta, S1 is launched and delete file1. S2 is not launched. Pass IY45913 I have a Master(AIX, W2k, Linux) and two FTA fullstatus off (AIX, W2K, LINUX). I have create a schedule on FTA1 that execute a job on FTA2. Submitting ad hoc the schedule many times and very quickly No errors occur I the status reported Pass IY49420 The APAR has was and regressed using a WNT system as TMR, Gateway and Endpoint. On it was installed the framework 4.1 and the DM 3.7. The "Disk Space Used" monitor for stdlist directory was distributed to the endpoint; no failure occure if stdlist files of jobs executed by a user different from the one running the profile is present into the stdlist dir. Pass IY50833 The environment was a ManagedNode connected to a TMR, having a dispatcher number greter than 9 (that is, like 10 ManagedNodes were connected to the TMR). In order to recreate this 10 ManagedNode installation were performed. Then the TWSPlus 8.2 GA was installed on the TMR and let it to fail. The regression verified the TWSPlus 8.2 installation finished successfully and the functionalities were correctly installed. Pass IY40719 After apply TWS82 FP2 on AIX and Solaris the command "VERSION -A" report correct patch infornation Pass IY46140 Delete, from two JSCs at the same time, the resource dependency from a schedule in the plan that is in hold because the resource is not available. batchman doesn't crashes. Pass IY46202 From a master W2K and Linux launching a job env on a Exdented agent W2K and Linux, in the job stdlist the variable UNISON_HOST is set to the FTA that host it Pass IY35486 Install TWS with a domain account and create jobs with streamlogon local and domain user with problems like: user does not exist, the domain user exist but the network is not available, the user does not exists. The stdlist trace report correctly the errors. Pass IY41341 Performance issues for tws with the autotrace Pass IY46139 On a master AIX, create a schedule SCHED with a job JOB From conman launch this command adddep SCHED.JOB;OPENS=CPU#"" the dependency is not added to the schedule and an error message return Pass IY46414 Create NT users that starts with a number Pass IY46787 On AIX, W2K workstation, schedule that are in hold status and has a resource, release the resource if they are cancelled Pass IY46970 Composer use the umask settings on all UNIX OP Pass IY47381 conman sj doesn't show message error on Symphony Setting the ignore flag on fta Pass IY47889 no error occurs when attempting to save a Job Stream for an extended agent using a RESOURCE on the HOST CPU when using $MASTER for the HOST within extended agent workstation definition. The test has been performed on AIX and W2k Pass IY48072 On w2k a schedule with runcycles containing workdays offsets and freedays. Schedulr command return correct report Pass IY48076 On W2K all the possible jobs permicted by the limit cpu are executed at the same time. Pass IY49003 X-Agent hosted by $master is shown as linked from JSC Pass IY49150 DBCS User's gecos correctly write in TWS job output The test has been performed on Linux Pass IY49379 When r11xtr is launched with these incorrect parameters "-m /usr/Tivoli/fmlog" it doesn't gets a memory access violation Pass IY49577 On AIX machine, using a Symphony with 9500 records resources are correctly carryforwarded Pass IY50011 On all Unix OP patch.info is created after a successful installation of FP02, file version.info and the command ./version reports report the correct fixpack level Pass IY50123 Submitting a job stream that is defined to a workstation class, a warning is provided if the job stream already exists in the plan and that an alias is required The test has been performed on AIX and W2k Pass IY50146 I have installed a master and an FTA on a Windows machine having a _ (underscore) inside the hostname.Linking the FTA, it come up, and writer doesn't dies Pass IY48535 Plus Module correctly installed after installation of FP2 on Solaris Pass IY35151 The group of maestro user and all other user does not have write permission on these directories: OV, Opc, Tbsm, codeset, config, demo, man, zoneinfo Pass IY50278 On an FTA on Win2k, abended recovery jobs status shown Correctly Pass IY49876 Set UNISON_JOBNUM variable to reflect a running job. Launch Jobinfo to return one of the job parameter, for example job_name: the parameter is returned correct. Pass IY50126 Plus Module correctly installed after installation of FP2 on Solaris Pass 162604 The date in the heading of the file version.info the fix pack date. Pass 159230 the FTAs have been successfully installed and the NetMan is started .. the FTA log doesn't report TOS error. Pass 165804 tws_env.sh correctly works on CompacQ Pass 165955 The command jobstdl with the option -num return the correct stdlist file Pass 167026 I have create a new Job Stream with a description that contains: more that 27 DBCS characters written in one line. Saving the Job Stream no character result corrupted Pass 167043 If the Framework Administrator does not have the correct user roles, i.e admin, super and user roles, stopping the connector wmaeutil doesn't core dump Pass 167089 Created SSL certificates and configured a CPU to accept SSL connection. Stop all TWS processes (in particular netman). Comment/delete the line related to the SSL port inside the localopts file. Restart netman. Verified with netstat command that netman does not open the port specified as SSL port. Pass 167349 TierII customize script write a correct patch_id into patch.info Pass 167777 Not failure when TWS job creates joblog in stdlist directory Pass Architecture Configuration verified(s): --------------------------------------- Master: AIX 5.2, Solaris 5.8, HPUX 11.0, Windows 2000, Linux Red-Hat 7.2 FTAs: AIX 4.3, Solaris 5.8, HPUX 11.0, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Irix, Compaq Patches superceded by this patch: 8.2-TWS-0001 Dependencies: none Database changes and Special Considerations: none Patch Distribution Mechanism ---------------------------- Patch will be downloadable via ftp from a WEB Server Verification Performed by ------------------------- Roberta Eluisi, Cristian Critelli, Emanuele Maggini, Stefania Oliverio, Elisabetta Flamini (All APARs and all defects above) The Test has been executed against this defect with positive outcome ---------------------------------------- 8.2-TWS-0002 Verification Summary Report