Prospect® 8.0.6 P4 (


Prospect® 8.0.6 P4 is a patch release for Prospect. It is a cumulative release and can be applied on Prospect 8.0.6, Prospect 8.0.6 P1 patch or Prospect 8.0.6 P3 patch in order to bring a system up to the 8.0.6 P4 release point.

Check you have installed on your system one of the versions required as prerequisite, by running the show_installed command.
Note that 8.0.6 release is displayed as, 8.0.6 P1 patch as and 8.0.6 P3 patch as

Note: If PWeb is being used to access the Prospect server being patched, PWeb patch should be applied before continuing with
  PWeb will not show traffic data loaded prior to the installation of patch until PWeb patch is applied.

This patch introduces the solutions for APARs IZ40085, IZ50881, IZ53006, IZ53521, IZ54532 and IZ55663 as well as MR0617092831.

This is the delivery of an Enhancement Request

Readme file for: Prospect® 8.0.6 Patch4 [Server: Build 1]
Product/Component Release: 8.0.6
Update Name: 8.0.6 P4 (
Fix ID: 8.0.6-PROSPECT-IF0004
Publication Date: 06 August 2009
Last modified date: 06 August 2009

Download location
Prerequisites and co-requisites
      Network Timeouts
      Installation Privileges Required
Known Issues

Installation Information