IBM® Tivoli® Compliance Insight Manager, Fix Pack 8.0.0-TIV-TCIM-FP002 README

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Date: 2007 October 01

About the fix pack

This fix pack corrects problems in IBM Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager, Version It requires that IBM Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager, Version, is installed. After installing this fix pack, your Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager installation will be at level

Patch contents and distribution

This fix pack package contains:

This fix pack is distributed as an electronic download from the IBM Support Web Site.


This fix pack package supports the same operating system releases as the Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager release that are listed in the Hardware and software requirements document.

Fix packs superseded by this fix pack


Fix Pack structure

Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager supports multiple platforms, for each platform requiring updates a separate package is installed. The package will contain the updates for all components installed on that platform.

APARs and defects fixed

Problems fixed by fix pack 8.0.0-TIV-TCIM-FP002

The following problems are corrected by this fix pack. For more information about the APARs listed here, refer to the Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager support site.

APAR IZ03660
SYMPTOM: Some Windows events are not mapped or there are some inaccuracies on the mapping.

APAR IZ02804
SYMPTOM: When the User Information Source contains realnames with a length exceeding 64 characters, the load will fail.

APAR IZ03058
SYMPTOM: The version of Java that is installed on the Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager systems is not aware of the new daylight saving switches that are defined in the New Zealand time zone.

Internal defect PE05390
SYMPTOM: Several issues for the Tivoli Access Manager for Operating Systems Event Source (ES): The non-initial collect on AIX and HP-UX fails if month day number is between 1 and 9, the active audit log file is missed in the original sublog, "Add User Information Source" button in the Management Console is disabled for remotely audited machines, and the "successclass" is based on the wrong data field.

Internal defect PE05410
SYMPTOM: For the Oracle Event Source (ES) the event order is incorrect. This may result in 'unavailable' data fields for logoff events, when the logon and logoff occur in the same second.

Internal defect PE05470
SYMPTOM: When trying to edit a custom report with multiple "or" conditions, only one of those conditions will appear in the report editor. When the report is then saved in this state, the other (not shown) conditions are removed from the definition.

Internal defect PE05540
SYMPTOM: Spaces in the TIM UIS "Organization Name" event source field value causes grouping collection failure.

Internal defect PE05440
Novel UIS event source fails to collect.

APAR IZ07020
SYMPTOM: Some zOS events show UNINIT values.

Internal defect PE05600
SYMPTOM: Session is always expires after approximately 30 minutes no matter is there any actions in iView.

APAR IZ05031
SYMPTOM: For the OpenVMS Event Source, deletion events are always registered as "failure".

APAR IZ07140
SYMPTOM: In iView column filter editor, some characters are not escaped properly.

Internal defect PE05650
SYMPTOM: CCRG does not generate LogManagerReportGenerator.log and LogManagerReportGenerator_AuditTrail.log.

Internal defect PE05680
SYMPTOM: TAM-OS fails to collect from the second time in some environments.

Internal defect PE05690
SYMPTOM: MSSQL event source reports incomplete data, including some UNINIT and Unavailable values.

APAR IZ06758
GEM database fails to load permanently after out of memory error.

Internal defect PE05730
SYMPTOM: Database may become inconsistent after sliding failure.

APAR IZ05070
SYMPTOM: SYSDBA events are not supported in Oracle event source.

APAR IZ05990
SYMPTOM: Syslog NG event sourcewill attempt to use the audit machine hostname in uppercase, failing to collect.

APAR IZ08467
SYMPTOM: AD Event source is not stripping the @domain from the logonname and name.

Before installing the fix pack

Please be aware of the following considerations before installing this fix pack:


This fix pack requires that you have Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager 8.0.0 and its prerequisites installed.

Fix Pack package

The fix pack package is provided as an executable file for the Microsoft Windows platform and as an archive file for each supported non Windows platform.

Installing the fix pack

Installing the fix pack on Microsoft Windows

Before installing the fix pack on a Microsoft Windows system:

To install the fix pack, run 8.0.0-TIV-TCIM-Win32-FP002.exe.

The fix pack installation program determines which Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager components are installed on the system and applies the necessary updates to those components. If you have previously installed one or more interim fixes to the system, the fix pack automatically detects them and applies the necessary fixes.

Installing the fix pack on AIX

To apply the fix pack for Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager Actuator for AIX, follow these steps:

  1. Transfer the 8.0.0-TIV-TCIM-AIXPPC32-FP002.tar.gz to a temporary directory on the AIX system by using FTP in binary mode.
  2. Decompress the upgrade package:
    # gzip -dc 8.0.0-TIV-TCIM-AIXPPC32-FP002.tar.gz | tar xvf -
  3. Apply the fix pack package, (The default installation directory is assumed.)
    # ./ /usr/lpp/Consul/eprise/actuator
  4. Verify that the Actuator agent has started by inspecting the list of active processes:
    # ps -ef | grep agent

    Note: Only one instance of the Actuator agent should be active.

Installing the fix pack on Solaris

To apply the fix pack for Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager Actuator for Solaris, follow these steps:

  1. Transfer the 8.0.0-TIV-TCIM-SolarisSparc-FP002.tar.gz to a temporary directory on the Solaris system by using FTP in binary mode.
  2. Decompress the upgrade package:
    # gzip -dc 8.0.0-TIV-TCIM-SolarisSparc-FP002.tar.gz | tar xvf -
  3. Apply the fix pack package, (The default installation directory is assumed.)
    # ./ /opt/CRMNceaac
  4. Verify that the Actuator agent has started by inspecting the list of active processes:
    # ps -ef | grep agent

    Note: Only one instance of the Actuator agent should be active.

Installing the fix pack on HP-UX

To apply the fix pack for Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager Actuator for HP-UX, follow these steps:

  1. Transfer the 8.0.0-TIV-TCIM-HPUXPARISC-FP002.tar.gz to a temporary directory on the HP-UX system by using FTP in binary mode.
  2. Decompress the upgrade package:
    # gzip -dc 8.0.0-TIV-TCIM-HPUXPARISC-FP002.tar.gz | tar xvf -
  3. Apply the fix pack package, (The default installation directory is assumed.)
    # ./ /opt/consul/actuator
  4. Verify that the Actuator agent has started by inspecting the list of active processes:
    # ps -ef | grep agent

    Note: Only one instance of the Actuator agent should be active.

Documentation updates

Collecting events from Linux Syslog NG


Follow the steps described at the installation manual for remote SSH collection ("Chapter 9. Enabling collect using SSH event sources").

Installing Syslog NG

Many distributions offer packages that automatically install Syslog NG on a Linux system. For instance in Fedora Core, the following command can be used:
yum install syslog-ng

In Debian based distributions:
apt-get install syslog-ng

Use the automated method whenever it is available, as the necessary configuration is applied automatically. A source code distribution is also offered by Syslog NG manufacturer, which can be found at its Web site (, which should work in most Linux distributions.

To use host names (and a DNS server is not set in the network), the "/etc/hosts" file needs to be modified to add any remote machine IP address. For instance, if we want to assign the host name "redhat" to the "" IP address, we should add the following line: redhat redhat

The Syslog NG configuration file (located at "/etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf") needs to be modified in order to place the procuded logs at the right place and with the right format. The following configuration data can be used:
source s_udp {
udp(ip( port(514));

filter f_ism_hosts { host("999.999.999.999"); };

destination d_ism {
template("<$PRI>$DATE $HOST $MSG\n")

log { source(s_udp); filter(f_ism_hosts); destination(d_ism); };

Make sure to substitute "999.999.999.999" with the adequate IP address, if not using DNS, or host name, if it is. It was assumed that the created TCIM user name for SSH collection was "insight" (change if it's different). The default folder where logs are store is located at "/var/log/tcim", but any other folder may be used as long as the event source "Log dir" property at TCIM's management console is updated to reflect the right location.

In case that host names are preferred over IP addresses, change the value of the "use_dns" option to "yes" in the "options" section of the Syslog NG configuration file. It's important to keep in mind that host names are case sensitive in Linux, and it's recommended to always use lowercase.

In most cases, Linux will have an "iptables" firewall that will prevent the exchange of syslog messages. In order to allow it, add the following line to "/etc/sysconfig/iptables" (just before the line with "-j REJECT" on it):
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 514 -j ACCEPT

After the modifications are made, make sure to restart the modified services. To restart the network services:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart

To restart Syslog NG:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/syslog-ng restart

To restart iptables firewall: service iptables restart

Software limitations

Installing a component after installing the fix pack

If you install a Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager component to the system after the fix pack has been applied, you must reinstall the fix pack on that system, so that all components are at the same level.

Known problems and workarounds

After applying the fix for APAR IZ08467 (which will strip the @domain from the logonname and name) there might be some duplicates in the mapping due a non related mapper issue (this is being handled in internal defect QE070C006).


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