IBM Tivoli NetView V7.1.3 FixPack 1 ReadMe

December, 2002

Copyright © 2002 by IBM Corporation.
All rights reserved.

Table of Contents



Defects Fixed in this Release

Documentation Changes

Product Notes


This document describes how to install IBM Tivoli NetView Version 7.1.3 FixPack 1 and the code, documentation, and functional changes that result. This fixpack is only for IBM Tivoli NetView for UNIX/Windows Version 7.1.3, and will not install or work on any other version of IBM Tivoli NetView.

This fixpack is comprised of four TestFix Package (one each for RS6000 AIX, SUN Solaris, Linux Intel and Linux 390), and one InstallShield Multi-Platform executable (for Windows). Customers will need to use the appropriate InstallShield Multi-Platform executable or TestFix package on each platform on which an IBM Tivoli NetView native server or client has been installed.

Once this fixpack has been installed on a platform, this readme file can be found at /usr/OV/service/V713/FixPack1/readme.html (or \usr\ov\service\V713\FixPack1\readme.html on Windows).


There are two different mechanisms used to install the IBM Tivoli NetView V7.1.3 Fixpack 1, depending on the platform on which the fixpack is being installed. For the Unix platforms (RS6000 AIX, SunOS Solaris, Linux Intel, and Linux 390), there is a set of TestFix packages that will automatically install the fixpack. For Windows platforms, the fixpack is available as an InstallShield Multi-Platform executable, which will also automatically install the fixpack.

Installation Requirements

In order to install this FixPack on a system, the following requirements must be met:

  1. The customer must download the appropriate InstallShield Multi-Platform executable or TestFix package for that platform, and make it available to the system on which it is to be installed.

  2. The customer must be logged into the system with the same user account that performed the original NetView V7.1.3 installation (the root account on UNIX).

  3. The system must already contain an IBM Tivoli NetView Version 7.1.3 installation.

  4. The system on which the FixPack is to be installed must have enough free space to (1) hold the fixpack installation package, (2) unpack the fixpack package, and (3) contain the fixpack contents. The free space required for the first two are temporary and will be returned to the system once the fixpack has been installed. The space required for the fixpack contents remains in use until either the fixpack is backed out or a new version of NetView is installed.

    The table below describes the amount of space required on each platform for each of the the space requirements described above.

    Operating System

    Space for Package1

    Space for Unpacking

    Space for Contents







    RS6000 AIX

    Package location

    110 Mb

    Package Location

    205 Mb


    215 Mb

    SunOS Solaris

    Package Location

    105 Mb

    Package Location

    205 Mb


    215 Mb

    Linux Intel

    Package Location

    110 Mb

    Package Location

    200 Mb


    210 Mb

    Linux 390

    Package Location

    135 Mb

    Package Location

    195 Mb


    205 Mb


    Package Location

    195 Mb


    200 Mb


    55 Mb

    1This space is required in whatever location the user has placed the FixPack installation package.

    Please note that most of the space required to contain the fixpack contents in /usr/OV or \usr\ov can be returned to the system by deleting the /usr/OV/service/V713/FixPack1 (or \usr\ov\service\V713\FixPack1 on Windows) subdirectory and its contents. However, doing so removes the ability to backout the fixpack.

InstallShield Multi-Platform Installation (Windows Platforms)

To perform the actual installation of the InstallShield Multi-Platform version of the fixpack, simply execute the appropriate InstallShield Multi-Platform executable on the platform on which it is to be installed. In the event the installation is unable to complete, the installation will either report the problem, or point to a file containing a description of the problem. In either case, the message will contain enough information for the customer to correct the problem, and rerun the installation.

InstallShield Multi-Platform does not appear to work well when run from a mapped drive on Windows platforms. The fixpack installation should be performed from a local disk when installing on Windows NT, 2000, or XP.

A set of log files from the installation will be located in the /usr/OV/service/V713/FixPack1 subdirectory. Those files, with names of either log.txt or FP1_*.log, may contain additional useful information.

Once this fixpack has been installed on all of the platforms running a native NetView Server or Client, all NetView web clients must be reinstalled from an upgraded native NetView installation.

TestFix Installation (Unix Platforms)

To perform the actual installation of the TestFix package, perform the following steps:

  1. Place the TestFix package into a subdirectory and change directory to that subdirectory.

  2. Extract the installation script with the command:

    zcat FixPack1.{Platform}.V713.tar.Z | tar -xvf - install

  3. Execute the installation script with the command:


In the event the installation is unable to complete, the install script will report the problem with enough information for the customer to correct it and rerun the installation.

Once this fixpack has been installed on all of the platforms running a native NetView Server or Client, all NetView web clients must be reinstalled from an upgraded native NetView installation.

Backout Instructions

As a part of the fixpack installation, a copy of each file that is replaced during the installation is saved in the /usr/OV/service/V713/FixPack1 subdirectory (the \usr\ov\service\V713\FixPack1 subdirectory on Windows). If a customer wishes to, he may uninstall the fixpack by running the backout script contained in that directory, and the system will return to the same state it was prior to the fixpack installation.

Any NetView efixes installed on the system after the fixpack is installed must be backed out prior to backing out the fixpack.

Defects Fixed in this Release

The following customer-reported problems have been fixed in IBM Tivoli NetView V7.1.3 by this fixpack:






A customer reported that the sample program found in the /usr/OV/prg_samples/xmp/ems directory doesn't work: this turned out to be due to the use of a new compiler; the build process for the EMS library was modified to correct the problem.



When setting zoom on a background picture and then resizing the screen, only part of the picture is displayed, but no scrollbar is provided to see the rest of the picture.




Customer reported that the online help implies that the wordlist/wordindex function is available in several ruleset nodes, but was only able to find it in the "event attribute" node. The wordlist/wordindex function was previously available on the "Event Attribute", "Event Threshold", "Pass-On-Match", and "Reset-On-Match" nodes, and has been added to the "Set Global Variable", "Query Global Variable", "Set Database Field", and "Query Database Field" nodes.




Customer requested that the SNMP V2 MIB Browser application be able to view a draft MIB. The V2 MIB Browser was modified to display both the standard MIBs and other MIBs.



There are some circumstances where the reset-on-match block in a ruleset does not appear to work as expected. The manner in which a customer should expect to see this function work was documented, and the information has been added to the "Documentation" section of this readme file.




When using the gtmd daemon, new objects are positioned correctly when using the NetView GUI on the server, but are not positioned correctly when viewed from the NetView GUI on a native client console.



The snmptrap application cores when loading the MIB database. This was the result of a timing issue, in which snmptrap attempted to read the MIB database at the same time the MIB loader is trying to write out a new database. This problem was resolved by setting up file locking to keep snmptrap from attempting to read the database at the time a new database is being written.




The status of icons of non-IP submaps doesn't always match the color of the same submap minimized in the lower part of the screen (e.g. Navigation History).



Some routers are being discovered with incorrect interfaces that do not exist on the device.



Customer reported that the APM filter Throttle Setting fields "arm" and "unarm" have limits (256 bytes) that are not defined anywhere. A recommended documentation change is described in the "Documentation Changes" section below.




The ipmap menu action "OpenSubMap" does not work. This action is not supported directly, so the action "SubMapOpen" was removed from the ipmap registration file.



The collection editor application has problems with hyphens in smartset names. This turned out to be due to the parsing mechanism used in the collection editor, and was corrected.



The MIBTable command returns an incomplete number of rows depending on the number of columns requested.



The document ion was incomplete for some NetView internal events. The trapd.conf was modified and will be available in all future releases. If customers wish to upgrade their current trapd.conf files, a new trapd.conf file can be found in /usr/OV/newconfig/OVSNMP-RUN/trapd.conf, and the nvaddtrapdconf script found in /usr/OV/bin can be used to update their existing trapd.conf file. Please note, however, that nvaddtrapdconf will also update many traps to use the TEC_ITS_BASE event class for TEC and add new slot mappings, so users who have not done that migration yet should NOT use nvaddtrapdconf in this way. Instead, they will have to change their trapd.conf files manually using xnmtrap.



The nvcorrd daemon cores while issuing "nvcdebug -N" when a custom trap with a large amount of text in a trap variable is stored in a threshold node. This resulted in a buffer overrun building the label, which was corrected.



Smartset data is not collected for nodes whose smartset selection name is not the primary hostname in DNS.



The snmpwalk application cores on Solaris in specific MIB-trees.



The netmon daemon cores due to netmon incorrectly trying to add an interface that has already been discovered and is simply in an "admin down" state.



Non-Global acknowledged objects not shown correctly in global-mode opened GUIs.




Memory leaks reported in the nvcorrd daemon in the override and pass-on-match functions. A significant (200 byte) overlay was found and corrected in the override node code.



The NetView APM is sending alias names to MLM-SOLARIS over 19 characters in length, which fails due to problems with the Solaris snmpdx agent encoding the variables. This problem requires a fix for the Solaris snmpdx agent provided by SUN (Solaris bug id 4691177).



The netviewd daemon cores while running the NVHotBackUp command.



The nvrsEdit application on Linux stops (window closes, no core written) when dragging a node outside the boundaries of the window.




The ipmap application is not setting a label on an interface to the IP address as requested (user-preferred format) when interface is deleted and re added. Code was added to check node type in these circumstances and call a different routine to get the correct label.




When using more than five different rule sets with the web event browser, a warning popup appears that continues reappearing when the "OK" button is pressed. The code was modified to stop the thread when an error occurs.



Request for clarification on type of installation to use with NetView for UNIX V7.1 and higher. The statement has been placed in the "Product Notes" section of this document.



Starting the read-write map from the Tivoli Desktop results in read-only map if netviewd is running the r/w map. This was due to the command option used by the Tivoli desktop to start the map being incorrect. The command option was modified to resolve the problem.



Hyphens are not allowed in the trapd log maintenance script name when providing it through the smit and setup interfaces. This was due to the parsing methods used, which assumed a hyphen would be used only to preface a command line option. The code was modified to remove this assumption.



Placing a ruleset in the ESE.automation file and restarting actionsvr results in one instance of actionsvr running with more than 80% of the CPU. Neither the complexity of the ruleset nor the amount of traps on the system impacts the high CPU rate.




Accessing the NetView and Jetty logfiles using a browser does not require (or ask for) a userid/password. Customer did use the default security realms.




The netmon daemon is hanging on spinning snmp agents.



Cannot add a device to Linux versions of NetView with an IP address containing a zero as one of the octets (e.g.




The netmon daemon stops with a "Unable to synchronize node Layer 2" message.



NetView V7.1 is changing the permissions on the directories to 777 every time it is stopped/restarted, even though the permissions on the directories are adequate. The code was modified to set the permissions only on subdirectory creation.



After distributing security information from the security panel and rerunning nvsec_admin, the nvsecd daemon goes down and needs to be restarted.



The ovtopmd daemon and the collmap application fail with a signal 6 on Solaris.




Release notes need to document requirements around the scope feature of the NetView Web Console. The information has been placed in the "Documentation Changes" section of this document.




The xnmbrowser application sets the IP address variables incorrectly.




Uncollapsed network must go through the location placement code.




Managing a router can leave router interfaces unmanaged.




ISDN Interfaces were mistakenly deleted during demandpoll.




Unable to delete a location symbol copy.



The mib2trap baroc file still refers to Nvserverd_Event. A product note has been added below describing the resolution of this issue.




The netmon daemon is not picking up the MAC address from ARP cache when interface is not on include list.



The addtrap command creates duplicate trap names when long trap names are truncated.



The rectrap application cores on Solaris when Enterprise Name is null.



The trapd daemon is dropping the last two octets from the enterprise when receiving a SNMP V2 trap.




The ovwdb daemon is leaking 100 Mb of memory daily.



The ovwdb cache overflow is being incorrectly calculated, resulting in a performance hit in the ovwdb daemon.



Map compression via "nvTurboDatabase speed" corrupts portions of the NetView database.



The nvsec_admin command cores on Solaris. This was due to a null pointer being encountered when a directory does not exist.




The nvdbformat command cores on AIX.



The command "ovw -copymap NewMapName" only produces an error message that the command requires a valid map name



The nvserverd daemon cores on startup on Solaris 8.




Initial discovery creates incomplete unnumbered link interfaces (Selection Name "Interface:0").



The actionsvr daemon has problems with double quotes in trap variables if additionallegaltrapcharacters is set to disable.



Creating a Smartset using IP Status = Normal on a large Database (90K+) will cause ovw_binary to core.




The nvdbimport command cores when a field has a value greater than 256 bytes.




Manage Objects menu item is grayed out for interfaces.



The snmpCollect daemon doesn't start if a value of "0,000000" exists in the snmpcol.conf file.



The NetView Web Console lost connection while showing a large smartset. This was due to the code not having time to perform garbage collection on a local reference and resulted in a memory leak. Code was added to insure the the local reference will be properly deleted.



Change to propagation of Unreachable status (from ignore to Propagate Marginal) undesirable in some instances. To allow customers a choice in the method used to propagate the Unreachable status, an environment variable was added that users could set to tell ovw to revert back to the original propagation rule (ignore). For more information, see the "Product Notes" section below.



SmartSet use in SNMP configuration causes tremendous performance hit in netmon daemon fixups.



An invalid selection Name was encountered when using loadhosts. To correct this, a unique ID will be added behind the selection name of node when adding the node by using loadhosts.



SmartSet error in NetView for AIX 7.1.3.



The mgragentd daemon on Solaris is spawning an process that becomes defunct and is not picked up and cleaned out. The code surrounding the SIGCLD signal was modified to correctly handle this situation. Additional steps may be taken by Solaris users to insure this doesn't happen; see the section regarding the /etc/snmp/conf/mgragentd.rsrc file in the "Product Notes" section below.



Setting history file in ksh environment can cause NetView installation to fail. A note has been added in the Product Notes section below.



NetView assigns only either DNS names or IP addresses to TEC slots. A note has been added to the Product Notes section below for this APAR.



Customer is getting NetViewNT objects that become managed/unmanaged or unmanaged/managed at random.



Closing submap with snapshot open stops the submap from being re-displayed, and results in an error that the map is already open.



The /usr/OV/registration/C/NetViewWebApp.reg file is appending a slash to the URL passed to this process, which causes the command to fail.



Operator can access xnmloadmib even though the option "XNMLoadMIB Application" has been deselected.




An ipmap core (Dr. Watson) when trying to start the map.



SMConvert process fails on Solaris if it tries to process more than 256 files.



TECConfig.bat hangs at the smartsetutil command.



NetViewNT Beginners guide should state that nvauth needs to be run to use the shift-in/out option.



NetViewNT creates multiple service icons on the map after a remote node's name changes.

Documentation Changes

  1. Note to be added to the IBM Tivoli NetView for UNIX Administrator's Guide, Chapter 5, "Correlating, Filtering, and Configuring Events", under "Types of Ruleset Nodes".

    A note on specifying time values:

    When an event is first pulled from the event stream, it is given a time stamp to be used in determining its eligibility for processing in time-critical operations within a ruleset, such as Pass-on-Match, Reset-on-Match, or Threshold operations. This time stamp on the event remains unchanged during all subsequent processing. Determinations as to whether an event should be held or discarded are made, therefore, based upon the time that the event was received. This makes all subsequent time comparisons after the first one cumulative. Should you wish to add two time-critical operations back-to-back, you must allow for this cumulative time. Thus, for example, should you wish to code two Reset-on-Match nodes, back-to-back, within the same ruleset, and have the first one hold the event for two minutes and the second one hold it for an additional minute, then you must specify a two-minute time value in the first Reset node, but a three-minute time value in the second one, to allow for the two minutes which have already expired before the event passes to the second Reset-on-Match node. Failure to allow for this will result in unintended results, typically with events not being held as long as you intended.

  2. Note to be added to future versions of the NetView Release Notes:

    The Scope feature of the NetViews Web Console requires not only the default map open - with the name "default" - but this map must be open in r/w mode. Customers can configure web accounts to effectively view "read-only" maps by just removing the manage/unmanage and acknowledge/unacknowledge actions from the role their account is configured for. Although a user using such an account would really be viewing a read-write map, he/she would not be able to modify the map in any way and therefore it would effectively be read-only.

  3. A note to be added to the Beginner's Guide in the Shift-In/Shift-Out section (page 6):

    In order to use the Shift-In/Shift-Out mechanism, you need to run nvauth first.

  4. In the IBM Tivoli NetView for UNIX Administrator's Guide, Chapter 5, under "Environment Variables for Trap Data", the information given in the first product note below regarding the exported varbinds "NVSEV", "NVSRC", and "NVCAT" should be included.

  5. The help panel for "Agent Policy Manager Filter Panel" Throttle Settings should be updated to include the 256 byte length limitation in the Armed and Disarmed commands:

    8. Click Throttle Settings to specify the number of matching traps that are sent to the top-level manager. These values are used only if the Action field is set to throttle Traps. The Armed Command and Disarmed Command fields have a length limitation of 256 bytes.

Product Notes

  1. Ever since NetView for UNIX Version 5.1, the Action node is a ruleset has added additional three variables to the end of every trap passing through it. These are, in order, the trap severity, the trap source character, and the trap category, obtained from trapd.conf, in order to make these items available to the user's scripts. In NetView 6.0.3, a new variable, NVATTR_COUNT was added to tell the user how many variables the trap now contains, and it permitted easier reference of these last three (the NVATTR_n variable, where n = NVATTR_COUNT-1 was the trap category, the NVATTR_n variable where n = NVATTR_COUNT-2 was the trap source, and so on), but even this was cumbersome for the user. In 7.1.3, an additional enhancement to this feature was made. These additional varbinds are now exported into variables called "NVSEV", "NVSRC", and "NVCAT" to make using them easier to reference.

  2. Some customers have encountered difficulties when using the stand-alone NetView V7 installation on a system that has the Tivoli Framework installed in a customized location. To avoid these difficulties, we recommend that customers who wish to retain the Framework in their environment install NetView V7.0 via the standard Tivoli Framework installation. If the Framework was installed only to support NetView and is no longer desired, then customers should backup the NetView installation via the backup function in serversetup, remove both the Tivoli Framework and NetView from their system, and install NetView from the command line using the update option.

  3. The syntax of the mib2trap command has changed. This can be seen by issuing the command "mib2trap -?" from the command line. The mib2trap command will now produce the optional baroc file with "TEC_ITS_BASE" as the base event class by default. The general syntax is given by:

    mib2trap mib_file addtrap_output_file [baroc_file] [base_event_class_name]

    Users who wish to continue using the old base class, Nvserverd_Event, may do so by specifying it as the fourth (optional) parameter, in this way:

    mib2trap mib_file addtrap_output_file baroc_file Nvserverd_Event

    since the command will now support any user-defined base event class.

  4. Manipulation of the Korn shell history file from a .kshrc file is not recommended. Several of the installation mechanisms used by NetView expect the standard history file to be set; if it is not, the prerequisite checking and the actual NetView installation will fail.

  5. The origin field of the an event sent to TEC by the internal TEC adapter in nvserverd will always contain the IP address of the NetView machine. The adapter_host field will contain either the fully-qualified domain name of the NetView machine or that same IP Address as the origin field. Shortnames will no longer be used for the adapter host field in order to facilitate event responses and forwarding at the TEC server.

  6. The java MIB Loader no longer puts MIBs which failed to load into the list of loaded MIBs. It also now warns the user if loading a MIB is skipped and that, for the java MIB loader, the only valid extensions for MIB files are ".mib", ".my", and ".def".

  7. Prior to NetView 7.1.3, unreachable symbols in a submap were ignored for the purpose of calculating the compound status of the parent symbol. In NetView 7.1.3, the default compound propagation was changed to treat symbols with unreachable status as marginal. If one or more, but not all, symbols in a submap are unreachable then those symbols will be treated as marginal to indicate that at least one symbol in that submap has a problem. OVw can be instructed to ignore unreachable symbols for compound propagation by setting the variable OVW_NO_UNREACHABLE_PROPAGATION=1 in OVw's environment. If all symbols in a submap are unreachable, then unreachable status is propagated regardless of the variable setting.

  8. Currently, the NetView Web Client does not support the connections popup menu option or the meta-connection drill down.

  9. The file installed on Solaris as /etc/snmp/conf/mgragentd.rsrc has been changed so that the command field reads just 'command = "" ' (a null command entry), from it's former value, 'command = /usr/bin/echo mgragentd registered with snmpdx'. The purpose of this change is to avoid any possibility of a defunct process being created when snmpdx is restarted. However, the file is only installed once, on the initial install of NetView, and the current copy on the user's system is not updated by this fix pack. Therefore, users who wish to have this change before the next release will have to manually insert this change into the /etc/snmp/conf/mgragentd.rsrc file.