IBM® Tivoli® Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway, Fix Pack 6.2.0-TIV-TFIMBG-FP0001 README

©Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2008. All rights reserved. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

NOTE: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the general information under Notices in this document.

Date: Tuesday, 18 November 2008

About the fix pack

This cumulative fix pack corrects problems in IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway (Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway), Version 6.2.0. It requires that Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway, Version 6.2.0, be installed. After installing this fix pack, your Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway installation will be at level

Fix pack contents and distribution

This fix pack package contains:

This fix pack is distributed as an electronic download from the IBM Support Web Site.


This fix pack package supports the same operating system releases that are listed in the Hardware and software requirements topic for the Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway Version 6.2.0.

Fix packs superseded by this fix pack


Fix pack structure

Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway consists of the following components that can be installed separately:

This fix pack applies only to the administration console and management service and runtime components (first two components listed above). These two components must be at the same level. Therefore, if you install a fix pack for either the administration console component or the management service and runtime component, you must install the corresponding fix pack for the other of these two components. If the administration console and management service and runtime components are not at the same fix pack level, they are not guaranteed to interoperate with each other as designed.

APARs and defects fixed

Problems fixed by fix pack 6.2.0-TIV-TFIMBG-FP0001

The following problems are corrected by this fix pack. For more information about the APARs listed here, refer to the Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway support site.

APAR IZ32487
SYMPTOM: SAML 2.0 sessions expire immediately if the Amount of time the assertion is valid property is set to 4294080 seconds or greater (49.7 days or greater).

APAR IZ29211
SYMPTOM: A failure could occur while performing a SAML 2.0 single logout with the Service Provider, if the assistant name identifier was configured for the federation. The reported error was FBTSML219E.

APAR IZ29167
SYMPTOM: The underlying secure protocol of an HTTPS connection created by Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway is hard-coded to be SSL. See IZ29167 for more information.

APAR IZ30074
SYMPTOM: A timestamp is embedded within a passticket, but the time value interval is only granular to a full second. See IZ30074 for more information.

APAR IZ30083
SYMPTOM: An error could occur when attempting to run the tfimcfg tool in a Sun Solaris(TM) environment. The error was seen after the WebSEAL hostname was provided. The reported error stated that HTTPS is not a recognized protocol.

APAR IZ30053
SYMPTOM: A performance degradation problem could occur when a federated single sign-on is attempted using LDAP registries containing millions of federated users. Depending on system and network conditions, a single sign-on operation could fail due to timeouts. The associated error reported a bad subtree search in LDAP.

APAR IZ30076
SYMPTOM: LTPA v2 issued tokens that were rejected by WebSphere Application Server versions 6.0.2 and 6.1. See IZ30076 for more information.

APAR IZ30078
SYMPTOM: Logging and tracing could not be set for identity mapping from within an XSLT rule. See IZ30078 for more information.

APAR IZ30080
SYMPTOM: An XSLT identity mapping failure occurred when using the alias server with JDBC. See IZ30080 for more information.

APAR IZ34568
SYMPTOM: The mode for LDAP Servers under Alias Service settings will always display 'Read only' upon logging into the admin console.

APAR IZ34570
SYMPTOM: When an RST is sent to the STS with an empty textnode for either the AppliesTo, PortType or OperationName a null pointer exception is thrown.

APAR IZ34572
SYMPTOM: The Higgins Client Jars directory adks/client/sts is missing some dependency JARs and includes unnecessary server JARs.

Before installing the fix pack

Be aware of the following considerations before installing this fix pack:

Installation path specification for the Windows Server 2008 platform
This preinstallation item applies only to installations on a 64-bit Windows platform like Windows Server 2008.

Because Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway is a 32-bit application its default path when installing on Windows Server 2008 changes from

C:\Program Files\IBM\FIM


C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\FIM

Note that this change to the installation path name also affects a 32-bit WebSphere Application Server on Windows Server 2008:

C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere

changes to:

C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere

You must have the following software installed in order to install this fix pack:

Update Installer
This fix pack requires the use of the WebSphere Update Installer version Ensure that you have installed the correct version of the WebSphere Update Installer on each computer where you will install the fix pack. You can download the WebSphere Update Installer version from the WebSphere Application Server Update Installer Web site. Installation instructions are on the download page.

Fix pack packaging
This Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway 6.2.0-TIV-TFIMBG-FP0001 patch package is provided on the Tivoli Support Web site as a single downloadable zip file for each supported platform. After you select the package that is appropriate for the target platform, download the package and unzip the contents into a target directory, typically the default WebSphere Update Installer directory, either

C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\UpdateInstaller\maintenance

for Windows or


for Unix/Linux

You must unzip the downloaded file before you attempt to apply the patch. The unzipped contents are one or more pak files. Each pak file corresponds to one or more product components. For example, a fix pack might contain two pak files: one for the administration console and management service and runtime components, and one for the WSSM component. The full list of product components is described in Fix pack structure.

You use WebSphere Update Installer to apply the fixes of each pak file to the target component on the system that you are updating. Apply all of the pak files that are required by your installation to ensure that the software levels in your environment are identical for all of the components for which a pak file is supplied. The fixes are tested against all affected components; therefore, to minimize any possible issue that can arise from applying a partial fix, ensure the you apply the complete set of files. See Installing the fix pack for specific instructions on using Update installer to apply the fixes.

Automatic creation of a backup directory
The Update Installer saves backup copies of the files that it replaces during the installation. You do not need to manually backup the Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway files.

Preinstallation enablement requirement for installing the fix pack for the first time

If this is the first time you are applying the fix pack to Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway, you must download and install the enablement fix for Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway.

NOTE: Perform the following steps only if this is the first time you are applying a fix pack. You will not need to perform these steps for subsequent product updates.

  1. Download the enablement fix into the Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway installation directory (typically C:\Program Files\IBM\FIM on Windows systems, or /opt/IBM/FIM on UNIX-based systems) by clicking here.
  2. Use the unzip option of the zip program for your operating system to unzip the file. On HP-UX, either use jar -xvf to unzip the file or download an unzip utility from the HPUX Connect site.

    NOTE: If you are prompted to overwrite existing files, accept it so that the target files are overwritten.

Installing the fix pack

NOTE: Before installing this fix pack, be sure that you have reviewed the prerequisites in Before installing the fix pack.

Downloading the fix pack

To obtain the fix pack:

  1. Go to the IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway Support Web site.
  2. Click Download. The fix pack (6.2.0-TIV-TFIMBG-FP0001) should be listed under Latest by date. If you do not see this fix pack listed, enter "6.2.0-TIV-TFIMBG-FP0001" in the Search field to access the link to the download window.
  3. In the fix pack download window, scroll to the bottom of the window to view a listing of the download packages by platform.
  4. Select the platform that corresponds to the target platform where you will apply the fixes. To ensure a secure download, you can select the DD (Download Director) option. If you have not used Download Director before, you will need to configure your browser to use Java security. Click What is DD? for configuration instructions.

Setting the WebSphere security passwords

If security is enabled on the WebSphere Application Server where Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway is installed, you must set the appropriate password values in the file before you can apply the fix pack.

If security is not enabled, you can skip this step.

NOTE: If you add passwords to the file, as described below, you specify these passwords using plain text. However, at the end of the fix pack installation process these passwords are obfuscated and will no longer be available in plain text format.

To specify security passwords, use the following procedure:

  1. Using a text editor, open the file FIM_INSTALL_DIR/etc/
  2. If the property is present in the file and is set to true then you must add two password properties to the file: For example,
  3. If the property is present in the file and is set to true then you must add two password properties to the file: For example,
  4. Save and close the file

Applying the fix pack

  1. Unzip the file you downloaded in Downloading the fix pack, preferably into the default WebSphere Update Installer's maintenence directory,
    C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\UpdateInstaller\maintenance

    for Windows.or


    for Unix/Linux

  2. Ensure that the WebSphere Application Server that hosts the Federated Identity Management Business Gateway runtime and management service component is running.
  3. Ensure that the WebSphere Application Server that hosts the Federated Identity Management Business Gateway console component is running.
  4. Start the appropriate WebSphere Update Installer (typically located in C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\UpdateInstaller on Windows systems, or in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/UpdateInstaller on UNIX-based systems).
  5. In the Welcome window click Next. Federated Identity Management Business Gateway will not be listed, but is supported.
  6. Specify the path to the installation directory for Federated Identity Management Business Gateway (typically C:\Program Files\IBM\FIM on Windows systems, or /opt/IBM/FIM on UNIX-based systems), then click Next.
  7. Select Install maintenance in the dialog.
  8. Specify the path where the fix pack (.pak) files were unzipped. The Update Installer automatically detects, enables, and displays the FIM fixes (pak files).
  9. Determine which product components are installed on the system that you are updating. You should install only the pak files that correspond to the components on the target system. To determine the names and version levels of the product components installed on the target system, view the contents of the FIM_INSTALL_DIR/etc/version.propeties file with a text editor. The following list describes how to interpret the properties in the file:
    Specifies that the management service and runtime component is installed at the level specified by version.
    Specifies that the administration console component is installed at the level specified by version.
    Specifies that the WS-provisioning runtime component is installed at the level specified by version.
    Specifies that the Web services security management (WSSM) component is installed at the level specified by version.
    Specifies that the Web plug-in (either the Internet information services (IIS) Web plug-in or the Apache/IBM HTTP Server Web plug-in) is installed at the level specified by version.

    The recommended order for applying fix packs to the product's components is:

    1. Management service and runtime and administration console>
    2. Other components

  10. Compare the list of installed components to the list of pak files in the WebSphere Update Installer and select the pak files that correspond to the installed components, then click Next.

    Note: The WebSphere Update Installer allows you to select more than one pak file at a time for execution. Select only the pak files that correspond to the components that are installed on the system you are updating. If you accidentally install more pak files than are needed, you can separately uninstall any fix packs for components that are not installed on the target system.

  11. If needed (for example, if you need to install multiple pak files on the target system, and you only installed one pak file), repeat the previous step to install any additional pak files on the target system.

Deploying the fix pack runtime component

The fix pack install automatically deploys the newly installed Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway runtime. However, you should verify that the current deployed version is

  1. Log in to the console and click Tivoli Federated Identity Manager-> Manage Configuration-> Domain Properties. The details of the components installed in the domain are listed.
  2. Review the Runtime Information.
    For example:
        Runtime Information
    Current deployed version [080922a]

    Note: The number within the brackets [080922a] might be different from this example.

Documentation updates

The product documentation for Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway, Version 6.2.0, can be found on the information center for IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway.

Configuration of Novell eDiretory for use as a TFIM User Registry (IZ34548)

The TFIM 6.1.1 documentation lists the supported user registries in the "User Registry support" section of the "Hardware and Software Requirements" document.

This document lists support for Novell eDirectory 8.6.x and Novell eDirectory 8.7.x. This section does not list Novell eDirectory 8.8.x, because eDirectory 8.8 was not available at the time and the TAM Base product did not claim support for this level yet. However, TAM claimed support for Novell eDirectory 8.8 in the TAM Base 6.0.0 FP0009 README.

Based upon this information, it would seem that TFIM would support eDirectory 8.8.x as a user registry. Support for eDirectory 8.8.x was verified, but in the process it was found that additional configuration steps for eDirectory were required in order to be used by TFIM successfully. These configuration steps are not in the current documentation, so a Tech Note has been written and published that documents the required actions to configure the Novell eDirectory to be a supported TFIM user registry.

The TechNote entitled "Configuration of Novell eDirectory v8.8 required to be a supported TFIM v6.1.1 user registry" has been published and is publicly available on the TFIM support site.

This TechNote MUST be consulted and followed before attempting to use the Novell eDirectory as a TFIM user registry.

Querying the FIM runtime status (IZ34557)

It is not possible to query the status of the FIM runtime from the eWAS console. The following wsadmin commands show how to query the FIM runtime's status as well as how to start and stop the FIM runtime from the command line. These commands assume the WAS server instance is named "server1".

TFIM Runtime Deployment on z/OS can Hang and Fail (IZ34560)

A limitation of the z/OS platform can cause TFIM actions to hang and fail. This has been observed with the deployment of the TFIM runtime, and can be diagnosed by examining the WAS log file and looking for a WARNING message such as the following:

 Trace: 2008/02/20 15:30:48.909 01 t=9BE748 c=UNK key=P8 (13007002)
ThreadId: 00000044
Category: WARNING
ExtendedMessage: BBOO0221W: WSVR0605W: Thread "WebSphere:ORB.thread.pool t=009c22b8"
(00000022) has been active for 181010 milliseconds and may be hung.
There is/are 1 thread(s) in total in the server that may be hung.

To resolve this problem, a WAS environment variable must be defined that increases an essential thread pool size.

To define the environment variable for a standalone application server from the WebSphere administration console, browse to: "Servers" -> "Application servers" -> server_name -> "Server Infrastructure" -> "Administration" -> "Custom properties".

Add the property private_bboo_internal_work_thread_pool_size with the value of 5.

To define the environment variable for a network deployment configuration from the WebSphere administration console, browse to: "System Administration" -> "Deployment manager" -> "Administration services" -> "Custom properties".

As in the standalone environment, add the property private_bboo_internal_work_thread_pool_size with the value of 5.

Restart the WAS server that has had the environment changed. To verify that the new value has taken effect, when the server starts look for this message in the output of the server:

BBOM0001I private_bboo_internal_work_thread_pool_size: 5.

These failures have currently only been reported on the deployment of the TFIM runtime, and the value of 5 has resolved the issue. However, if similar error messages are seen performing other TFIM activities, the pool size environment variable should be increased to resolve the problem.

Specifying the transport security protocol for HTTPS connections (IZ29167)

The default secure protocol for HTTPS connections created by Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway is SSL_TLS. To change (override) the default protocol, specify the following runtime custom property in the file: PROTOCOL

where the value of PROTOCOL can be any of the following values: SSL_TLS, SSL, SSLv2, SSLv3, TLS or TLSv1

Disabling replay validation detection in a passticket (IZ30074)

A timestamp is embedded within a passticket, but the time value interval is only granular to a full second. If two passtickets are generated for the same object (user, target app, secret-key) within one second, then the two passtickets will be identical; that is, the passtickets will look to the validator like a "replay attack." To manage this problem, RACF allows "disable replay detection," and this APAR enables Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway to support this functionality.

To disable replay, you can set either or both of the following custom runtime properties:


where chainid_uuid is the value of the Chain UUID. For example:


To determine the value of Chain UUID, in the administration console select Trust Service Chains-> Select Action, then select Show Chain ID in column in table. This action selection causes a new column to appear in the table that displays the unique Chain ID.

Specifying custom Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway runtime properties that force compatible QName generation (IZ30076)

WebSphere Application Server versions 6.0.2 and 6.1 do not distinguish between LTPA v1 and LTPA v2 tokens in Web Services. Only one BinarySecurityToken ValueType is supported for LTPA tokens, and the QName of the value type is:

When the Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway STS issues an LTPA v2 token, the token is created with the following QName. This QName is correct, but it is not supported by WebSphere Application Server versions 6.0.2 and 6.1:

This APAR provides custom Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway runtime properties that force compatible QName generation if needed. To enable compatibility mode, set either or both of the following custom runtime properties:

ltpa.enable.compat.mode.[chainid_uuid]=true ltpa.enable.compat.mode=true

where chainid_uuid is the value of the Chain UUID. For example:


To determine the value of Chain UUID, in the administration console select Trust Service Chains-> Select Action, then select Show Chain ID in column in table. This action selection causes a new column to appear in the table that displays the unique Chain ID.

Generating debug statements for identity mapping in XSLT rules (IZ30078)

When authoring XSLT rules for identity mapping, there is no mechanism to log or trace statements for debugging purposes. This APAR adds an extension that enables you to generate debugging statements to XSLT rules.

To invoke debug statements for identity mapping, add entries in the XSLT rules using the following syntax:

  <xsl:variable name="variablename" select="mapping-ext:traceString('debug string')">

XSLT identity mapping failed when using the alias server with JDBC (IZ30080)

This APAR fixes an XSLT identity mapping failure that occurred when using the alias server with JDBC. An XSLT identity mapping that links accounts from a JDBC configure-alias service would fail with the following exception:
init javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Need to specify class name in environment or system property,
or as an applet parameter, or in an application resource file: java.naming.factory.initial
at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.getURLOrDefaultInitCtx(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
at java.lang.Class.newInstanceImpl(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.registry.osgi.RegistryStrategyOSGI.createExecutableExtension(

Creating a Federated Identity Manager domain might require a WebSphere Application Server restart ( IZ33916)

When creating a Federated Identity Manager domain (or a connection to a domain), if you specify inaccurate information in the security settings panel, WebSphere Application Server might have to be restarted.

If you enter correct data and the Federated Identity Manager console successfully connects to the management service (use Test Connection to test the connection), you do not need to reconnect to WebSphere Application Server. If the Federated Identity Manager console cannot connect to the Management Service, even if correct security information is supplied, then you need to restart WebSphere Application Server.

Posting (POST) artifacts for single sign-on might not work when using WebSphere Application Server or (IZ37209)

This APAR fixes an error exception that can occur when posting artifacts for a single sign-on operation in WebSphere Application Server version or version When using WebSphere Application Server version or, the POST artifacts for single sign-on operation can sometimes fail with the following exception text:

[9/4/08 10:59:44:143 CDT] 0000002b MultibrokerDo E CWWDR0008E: Runtime exception occurred :
Unable to locate Replication Domain.
[9/4/08 10:59:44:148 CDT] 0000002b CacheServiceI I DYNA1001I: WebSphere Dynamic Cache
instance named itfim/distributedmaps/ssops_plugins initialized successfully.
[9/4/08 11:00:08:532 CDT] 0000002b SRTServletReq E SRVE0133E: An error occurred while parsing
parameters. SRVE0216E: post body contains less bytes than specified by content-length

Querying the Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway runtime status (IZ37278)

It is not possible to query the status of the Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway runtime from the eWAS console. The following wsadmin commands show how to query the Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway runtime's status as well as how to start and stop the Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway runtime from the command line. These commands assume the WebSphere Application Server instance is named "server1".

Fix pack installation script fails due to SOAP port mismatch (IZ37210)

The fix pack installation of the Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway runtime must connect to a WebSphere Application Server SOAP port in order to deploy the runtime. The fix pack installer acquires its SOAP port value from the following line in the /<TFIM-installation-directory>/etc/ file of the Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway instance being patched:




This value is set in the file when the Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway instance is installed.

For the connection to be successful, the WebSphere Application Server instance to which it is being deployed must still be using that SOAP port. If it is not, then the Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway fix pack installation fails in the WebSphere Application Server UPDI and the error is reported as:

Prerequisite checking has failed. Click Back to select a different package, or click Cancel to exit.

Associated failure messages are:

The WebSphere server does not seem to be listening in host localhost port 8881 as specified in /opt/IBM/FIM/etc/ Make sure the server is running and that the specified port and host are correct.

If the specified port is different than the actual SOAP port used, then change the value in the file to agree with the port being used by WebSphere Application Server and reapply the fix pack.

Software limitations


Known problems and workarounds



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