IBM® Tivoli® Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway, Fix Pack 6.1.1-TIV-TFIMBG-FP0010 README

©Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2007. All rights reserved. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

NOTE: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the general information under Notices in this document.

Date: Monday, 15 December 2008

  1. About the fix pack
    1. Fix pack contents and distribution
    2. Architectures
    3. Fix packs superseded by this fix pack
    4. Fix pack structure
  2. APARs and defects fixed
    1. Problems fixed by fix pack 6.1.1-TIV-TFIMBG-FP0010
    2. Problems fixed by fix pack 6.1.1-TIV-TFIMBG-FP0009
    3. Problems fixed by fix pack 6.1.1-TIV-TFIMBG-FP0007
    4. Problems fixed by fix pack 6.1.1-TIV-TFIMBG-FP0005
    5. Problems fixed by fix pack 6.1.1-TIV-TFIMBG-FP0003
    6. Problems fixed by fix pack 6.1.1-TIV-TFIMBG-FP0001
  3. Before installing the fix pack
  4. Installing the fix pack
  5. Deploying the fix pack runtime component
  6. Uninstalling the fix pack
  7. Documentation updates
    1. Adding a custom mapping module (defect 74201)
    2. Need document to reference all properties required for scripting (IZ03213)
    3. Enabling tracing for TFIM Business Gateway (IY97854)
    4. Querying the FIM runtime status (IY97857)
    5. lppchk -v error on AIX (IZ03220)
    6. Addition of SAML Claims to STS Universal User (76384)
    7. Problem patching when TFIM/TFIMBG installed twice (IZ03121)
    8. Bad path in on Windows platform (IZ03221)
    9. Problems installing a fix pack on Linux for PPC (IZ07734)
    10. A complex work-around must be used when installing a TFIMBG 6.1.1 fix pack into the 2nd-Nth TFIMBG instance on a system (IZ05324)
    11. Problems installing a fix pack when TFIMBG's components span two WASs (IZ07735)
    12. TFIMBG's fix pack installer requires Java 1.5 (IZ07736)
    13. TFIM's documentation of Alias Service is incomplete (IZ06470)
    14. Intermittent signature validation errors (IZ04887)
    15. Fix pack installation script fails due to SOAP port mismatch (IZ11274)
    16. Failure installing TFIMUI when TDI product is installed (IZ14126)
    17. TFIM Runtime Deployment on z/OS can Hang and Fail (IZ16477)
    18. Configuration of Novell eDiretory for use as a TFIM User Registry (IZ14730)
    19. The FIM Installer fails if a '$' is used in a WAS JKS or P12 file's password (IZ30089)
    20. Cannot install TFIM 6.1.1 as nonroot on AIX (IZ31403)
    21. Must edit /etc/hosts to install to a multi-NIC WAS (IZ31400)
    22. Console installation can fail if files are out of sync (IZ31399)
    23. TFIM 6.1.1 fixpack installation fails with soap error if WAS security settings change (IZ31405)
    24. Installing TFIM/TFIMBG using a nonroot userid requires special care (IZ33321)
    25. Insufficient disk space can cause strange fix pack failures (IZ36140)
  8. Software limitations
    1. Installing a component after installing the fix pack
  9. Known problems and workarounds
  10. Notices
    1. Trademarks

About the fix pack

This fix pack corrects problems in IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway, Version 6.1.1. It requires that IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway, Version 6.1.1, be installed. After installing this fix pack, your Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway installation will be at level

Fix pack contents and distribution

This fix pack package contains:

This fix pack is distributed as an electronic download from the IBM Support Web Site.


This fix pack package supports the same operating system releases as the Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway 6.1.1 release that are listed in the Hardware and software requirements document.

ATTENTION: In March 2007, the following versions of HP-UX Integrity on Itanium® were added to the list of supported operating systems:

If you installed Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway on either of these versions, the administration console will display the version number "" However, TFIMUI and a real fix pack must be installed to create the DE database, register TFIMBG 6.1.1 in the DE database as a deployed application, and register the fix pack as the installed level. Fix pack 1 bundles TFIMUI with it. If starting with a subsequent fix pack then TFIMUI must be downloaded from its download page and installed separately.

ATTENTION: In June, 2008, FP0007 added support for AIX 6.1, including WPARs, and Windows 2008 Server. The Windows 2008 Server certification did not include eWAS as eWAS was not supported there at that time.

ATTENTION: In September, 2008, FP0009 added support for Firefox 3.

Fix packs superseded by this fix pack






Fix pack structure

Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway consists of three components that can be installed separately:

All components must be at the same level. Therefore, if you install a fix pack for one of the components, you must install that fix pack for the rest of the components. Components at one release level are not guaranteed to interoperate with components at a different release or fix pack level.

APARs and defects fixed

Problems fixed by fix pack 6.1.1-TIV-TFIMBG-FP0010

The following problems are corrected by this fix pack. For more information about the APARs listed here, refer to the Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway support site.

APAR IZ40002
SYMPTOM: TFIM complains "invalid_message_timestamp" when it receives an AuthnRequest with a SAML 2.0 IssueInstant of "2008-07-01T13:30:50.830773Z".

APAR IZ36140
SYMPTOM: A TFIM 6.1.1 fix pack can fail to install because the TFIMUI installation quietly failed due to insufficient space in one or more partitions of the disk where TFIMUI lays down files.

Problems fixed by fix pack 6.1.1-TIV-TFIMBG-FP0009

APAR IZ23758 (reported as TFIM 6.1.1 APAR IZ23365)
SYMPTOM: On Solaris an attempt at uninstalling a fix pack fails with a "test: argument expected" error.

APAR IZ31398 (reported as TFIM 6.1.1 APAR IZ21188)
SYMPTOM: If a browser in an English locale accesses a TFIM 6.1.1 server in a non-English locale, the browser will receive non-English pages instead of the English pages it should receive.

APAR IZ32755 (reported as TFIM 6.1.1 APAR IZ23753)
SYMPTOM: If a nonroot user attempts to install TFIMUI on Unix/Linux it will fail. This is fixed with TFIMUI

Problems fixed by fix pack 6.1.1-TIV-TFIMBG-FP0007

APAR IZ18639
SYMPTOM: After creating a new TFIM partner that uses a new custom module, modifications to the partner properties made via the "Module Current Properties" button are not saved.

APAR IZ22367
SYMPTOM: It is impossible to install a fix pack in an AIX 6.1 WPAR. This is fixed in TFIMUI

Problems fixed by fix pack 6.1.1-TIV-TFIMBG-FP0005

APAR IZ04021
SYMPTOM: When using the XPath specification to choose the STS module chain, memory consumption can grow without bound.

APAR IZ15777
SYMPTOM: When trying to view the contents of a keystore, there may be a failure that causes an error to be displayed on the panel and the contents of the keystore to not be displayed.

APAR IZ15778
SYMPTOM: The canonicalized XML data over which a signature is computed is not traced, making analysis of some signature validation errors impossible.

APAR IZ05324
SYMPTOM: A complex work-around must be used (IZ03121) when installing a TFIMBG 6.1.1 patch into the 2nd-Nth TFIMBG instance on a system.

APAR IZ15779
SYMPTOM: There is a potential memory leak on ZOS in FIM XPath processing.

APAR IZ15780
SYMPTOM: If either of the patch installation scripts, or install.bat, is executed from any directory different from the script/ directory containing the script then the script fails.

APAR IZ15781
SYMPTOM: When an error occurs that should include an exception (the FBTSML012E error, for example) the @EXCEPTION_STACK@ substitution macro is not filled in for the ALLERROR.html page template.

APAR IZ14251
SYMPTOM: If the TFIM Administration Console's "Deploy Runtime" button is clicked multiple times on a multi-processor machine it is possible to initiate multiple concurrent runtime deployment actions.

APAR IZ15151
SYMPTOM: The ISC Console welcome screen only shows a three digit FIMBG version, e.g., 6.1.1. It should show a four digit version, e.g.

APAR IZ15152
SYMPTOM: When the group membership of a user that is built using an STS module is modified, the change will not be reflected in either the STSUuser or the credential generated for WebSEAL. The group membership will contain only the groups that were mapped to the user the first time through the module chain.

Problems fixed by fix pack 6.1.1-TIV-TFIMBG-FP0003

Internal defect 76384
SYMPTOM: SAML claims and the target value are not available to an XSLT mapping module.

Internal defect 76428
SYMPTOM: The "Do not cache" condition parsing is broken for SAML. It incorrectly looks for the "Audience Restriction" condition instead of the "SAML do not cache" condition.

Problems fixed by fix pack 6.1.1-TIV-TFIMBG-FP0001

APAR IY92604
SYMPTOM: After redeploying the runtime in Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway, the WebSphere role mappings are updated incorrectly. Authentication can be adversely affected.

Internal defect 74200
SYMPTOM: A memory leak might occur under a heavy load.

Internal defect 74201
SYMPTOM: The Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway console does not provide a way for custom map module plug-in to be used.

Internal defect 74203
SYMPTOM: In a custom map module, the setPrincipalName method does not update the STSUser instance correctly.

Internal defect 74217
SYMPTOM: Single sign-on fails when a SAML 1.x service provider has more than one identity provider partner configured.

Internal defect 74346
SYMPTOM: A VPD file cannot be created when using HP-UX 11i version 2.

Internal defect 74459
SYMPTOM: Thread issues occur during Liberty and SAML single sign-on actions.

Internal defect 74779
SYMPTOM: Using the WSSM wsdl2tfim tool with WebSphere Application Server causes errors to occur.

Internal defect 74855
SYMPTOM: Sending SAML requests to the artifact service can cause an exception.

Internal defect 74909
SYMPTOM: Signature validation fails if the document contains two elements with the same ID.

Before installing the fix pack

Be aware of the following considerations before installing this fix pack:


This fix pack requires that you have Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway 6.1.1 and its prerequisites installed. Due to restrictions of the current fix pack installer the features of a single Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway 6.1.1 instance that are installed on a single system must all reside in a single directory. Otherwise the techniques described below must be used to apply this fix pack.

Update Installer

This fix pack requires the use of the Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Update Installer. You will need to download the Update Installer from its download page and install it for your operating system on each computer where you will install the fix pack. Installation instructions are on the download page.

Fix Pack packaging

The fix pack package is provided in a zip file for each supported platform. The downloadable zip file contains the Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway fix pack 6.1.1-TIV-TFIMBG-FP0010. The contents of the zip file are used by the Update Installer to apply the fixes to all of the installed Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway components on the system you are updating.

Automatic creation of a backup directory

The Update Installer saves backup copies of the files that it replaces during the installation. You do not need to manually backup the Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway files.

Installing the fix pack

NOTE: Before installing this fix pack, be sure that you have reviewed the prerequisites in Before installing the fix pack.

After you have downloaded the fix pack, you need to perform a few steps before you can run the installation program.

  1. Unzipping the fix pack file
    1. Locate the directory where you downloaded the fix pack zip file.
    2. Use the unzip option of the zip program for your operating system to unzip the fix pack zip file. On HP-UX either use jar -xvf to unzip the file or download an unzip utility from the HPUX Connect site.
    3. If you are using AIX, HP-UX, Linux, or Solaris, the execute permission flag is turned off on all the scripts (all .sh files). Before invoking any of these scripts make sure you turn on the execute permisison for all the scripts by executing chmod +x *.sh in the /script directory.

  2. Preparing the variables file

    If security is enabled on the WebSphere Application Server where Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway is installed, you must provide the appropriate passwords in the fix pack variables file.

    If security is not enabled, you can skip this step.

    If the TFIM runtime is installed on the system, then the three TFIMRuntime passwords must be specified. If the TFIM console is installed on this system then the three TFIMConsole passwords must be specified. If both the runtime and the console are anywhere on this system then both sets of passwords must be given.

    The variables file contains the following passwords:

    The administrator login password to the WebSphere server where the TFIM Runtime component is installed.
    The password to the trust key store of the TFIM Runtime component's WebSphere administrative client (typically in the profile's 'etc' directory).
    The password to the key store for client-side SSL connections of the TFIM Runtime component's WebSphere administrative client.
    The administrator login password to the WebSphere server where the TFIM Console component is installed.
    The password to the trust key store of the TFIM Console component's WebSphere administrative client (typically in the profile's 'etc' directory).
    The password to the key store for client-side SSL connections of the TFIM Console component's WebSphere administrative client.

    To provide the appropriate passwords:

    1. Locate the file called variables in the fix pack /script directory.
    2. Open the file in a text editor.
    3. Specify the passwords that are used on the system on which you are installing the fix pack. Take care not to add trailing blanks to the password field; otherwise they will be included as part of the password.

    ATTENTION: If you added passwords to the variables file, as described here, the passwords are in plain text in this file. Be sure to remove the passwords from this file to prevent a security breach.

  3. Running the Update Installer

    Note that begining with patch 6.1.1-TIV-TFIMBG-LA0004 these instructions apply to each TFIMBG 6.1.1 instance on a system. The addition of the DE discriminant argument to the install script's execution (describe below under step 6) makes the work-around described under APAR IZ03121 no longer necessary.

    1. Ensure that the WebSphere Application Server that hosts the Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway runtime and management service component is running.
    2. Ensure that the WebSphere Application Server that hosts the Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway console component is running.
    3. Ensure that the service acsi is running, as follows:
      • For Windows:
        Check the Services console. If the IBM ADE service is not running, start it with the Start button.
      • For HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, or AIX:
        1. Open a command prompt.
        2. Type ps -ef|grep acsi
        3. If the service is running, you will see the process and an associated PID. Close the command prompt window.
          If the service is not running, type: /usr/ibm/common/acsi/bin/ -start. Then ensure the service is running.
    4. Open a command prompt.
    5. Change to the /script subdirectory of the directory where you unzipped the fix pack zip file.
    6. Type the installation command:
      • install.bat on Windows systems
      • ./ for AIX, Solaris, Linux, or HP-UX

      This command has a single optional argument, the discriminant under which the TFIM 6.1.1 instance being patched is registered in the DE database. This argument defaults to /opt/IBM/FIM, the discriminant used by TFIMUI 1.3 to register any TFIM 6.1.1 instance. So for the simple case of patching a single TFIM 6.1.1 instance registered by TFIMUI 1.3 no argument need be provided. For the more complex case, where more than one TFIM 6.1.1 instance was registered using TFIMUI 1.3 with the procedure described under APAR IY98408, contact support.

      TFIMUI uses a TFIM 6.1.1 instance's installation path as the discriminant when registering an instance, so use the installation path as the install command's argument in this case. If the installation path contains a space then it must be enclosed in double quotes.

    7. Press Enter.
    8. The progress of the installation is shown. When the installation has completed, repeat these steps on each computer where the fix pack must be installed. Then continue with Deploying the fix pack runtime component.

    ATTENTION: If you added passwords to the variables file, as described in Preparing the variables file, the passwords are in plain text in this file. Be sure to remove the passwords from this file to prevent a security breach.

Deploying the fix pack runtime component

The fix pack install automatically deploys the newly installed Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway runtime. However, you should verify that the current deployed version is

  1. Log in to the console and click Tivoli Federated Identity Manager ->Manage Configuration ->Domain Properties. The details of the components installed in the domain are listed.
  2. Review the Runtime Information.
    For example:
        Runtime Information
    Current deployed version [070406a]

    Note: The number within the brackets [070406a] might be different from this example.

Uninstalling the fix pack

If you want to return your installation to the state it was in prior to installing the fix pack, you can uninstall the fix pack.

ATTENTION -- When you remove the management service and runtime component fix pack, you will lose any configuration (domains, federations, and so on) that you added after the fix pack was installed.

  1. Ensure that the WebSphere Application Server that hosts the Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway runtime and management service component are running.
  2. Ensure that the WebSphere Application Server that hosts the Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway console component is running.
  3. Ensure that the service acsi is running, as follows:
  4. Open a command prompt.
  5. Change to the directory where the fix pack was unzipped.
  6. If security was enabled and you removed the passwords from the variables file that was used when the fix pack was installed, edit the file and add the appropriate passwords. Then save and close the file.
  7. Change to the /script directory and the type the uninstall command:

    The uninstall process will remove the fix pack and revert to the previous versions of files that were changed by the fix pack.

  8. Verify successful uninstallation of the fix pack:
    1. Log in to the administration console.
    2. In the Welcome panel, verify that the version number is not and corresponds to the software level on which you installed fix pack 10.

      For example, if you had installed fix pack 10 onto a Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway system, then after uninstalling fix pack 10 you would see the following:

              Suite Name                           Version
      Tivoli Federated Identity Manager [050428a]

      Note: If you uninstalled the fix pack on an Itanium Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway system, the version number displayed will be even after you uninstall the fix pack.

  9. Redeploy the runtime for each domain:
    1. Log in to the administration console.
    2. Select Domain Management -> Runtime Node Management.
    3. Click Deploy Runtime.
    4. Restart WebSphere Application Server.
  10. Verify that the current deployed version is the version you had prior to installing the fix pack.
    1. In the administration console, go to the Runtime Node Management panel.
    2. Look in the Runtime Management section of the Runtime Nodes portlet in the right panel. Review the Runtime Information.
      For example:
             Runtime Information
      Current deployed version [061110a]

      Note: The number within the brackets [061110a] might be different from this example.

      Note: If you uninstalled the fix pack on an Itanium Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway system, the version number displayed will be even after you uninstall the fix pack.

    3. Repeat this step for each node in a WebSphere cluster environment.

Documentation updates

The product documentation for Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway, Version 6.1.1, can be found on the information center for IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway .

Updates to the documentation follow:

Adding a custom mapping module (defect 74201)

The management console for Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway Version 6.1.1 does not have a GUI interface for adding a custom mapping module into a federation or partner trust chain. Patch 2 provides this GUI interface.


Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway provides wizards that build trust chains for SAML 1 federations. You must define trust chains when creating a federation and when adding a partner to a federation.

Trust chains convert user identity information from one token type to another token type. The conversion task includes use of an identity mapping module. Administrators use this module to define identity mapping tasks that are specific to their deployments.

Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway provides a default mapping module that uses XSLT code to perform identity mapping. You have the option of replacing the default mapping module with a custom mapping module.

You must first develop the custom mapping module and then use the management console to add the module to the trust chain.

Solution summary

To add a custom mapping module:

  1. Develop your custom mapping module.
  2. Use the management console to create a new module type.
  3. Use the management console to create a new module instance.
  4. Use the management console to configure the custom mapping module instance into a trust chain.

Solution details:

Step 1: Develop your custom mapping module

This is a programming task that must be completed prior to configuring the module into the federation. You must write a Java(R) class for a new module type and install the class into the plug-ins directory for your domain.

For more information, see:

Step 2: Use the management console to create a new module type.

  1. Log in to the Tivoli Federated Identity Manager management console.
  2. Click Tivoli Federated Identity Manager -> Configure Trust Service -> Module Types. The Module Types panel is displayed.
  3. Select Create. The Module Types wizard displays the Module Configuration panel.
  4. Enter the requested values and click Finish.

Step 3: Use the management console to create a new module instance.

  1. Click Tivoli Federated Identity Manager -> Configure Trust Service -> Module Instances. The Module Instances panel displays module instances that are created by default, and also displays any module instances that you have added.
  2. Click Create. The Token Type panel displays the module types that have been defined. The list includes the default token types and any custom token types that you have defined.
  3. Select your new token type and click Next. The Module Instances wizard displays the Module Instances Name panel.
  4. Enter values for the requested properties and click Finish.

Step 4: Use the management console to configure the custom mapping module instance into a trust chain

Step 4a: Create a new trust chain that contains the custom mapping module. Use this step when you are either:

The IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway Version 6.1.1 Administration Guide contains the necessary instructions. Use (search for) the instructions entitled "Use Custom Mapping Module Instance" that apply to your task and deployment. (Page numbers refer to the PDF® image):

Task and Deployment Page #
Creating your federation as the service provider 123
Adding an identity partner to a federation 129
Adding an identity provider partner manually 134
Creating your federation as the identity provider 137
Adding a service provider partner using metadata 141
Adding a service provider partner manually 144

Step 4b: Modify an existing trust chain to use the custom mapping module

Use this task when you want to modify an existing trust chain by replacing the default mapping module with your custom mapping module.

The IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway Version 6.1.1 Administration Guide contains the necessary instructions. Use (search for) the instructions entitled "Use Custom Mapping Module Instance" that apply to your task and deployment (Page numbers refer to the PDF image):

Task and Deployment Page #
Modifying federation properties 162
Modifying partner properties 166

Need document to reference all properties required for scripting (IZ03213)

The documentation for the TFIM staging tools that ship with the TFIM 6.1 and later releases has limited information about the valid properties that can be specified in the properties files that are passed as parameters to the staging utilitites. To address this issue, the TFIM Staging Utilities Reference white paper has been written to document the valid properties that can be specified in a properties file used with the TFIM staging utilitites. It can also be found under White Papers on the Tivoli Federated Identity Manager support site,

Enabling tracing for TFIM Business Gateway (IY97854)

The IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway Version 6.1.1 Problem Determination Guide includes text that refers to a TFIM 6.1.0 whitepaper "Configuring Java Logging for Tivoli Federated Identity Manager 6.1". The text describes how to set trace logging for ISC events, and includes a link that does not resolve.

The text is in Chapter 7, under the topic is "Configuring log settings". The documentation incorrectly specifies that the wsadmin command line tool for WebSphere administration must be used to enable the TFIM product tracing. In fact, the eWAS administration console can be used to enable the tracing. This is done by expanding "Troublehooting" in the left frame and selecting "Logs and Trace". Then select "Change Log Detail Levels" and set the desired tracing levels.

Querying the FIM runtime status (IY97857)

It is not possible to query the status of the FIM runtime from the eWAS console. The following wsadmin commands show how to query the FIM runtime's status as well as how to start and stop the FIM runtime from the command line. These commands assume the WAS server instance is named "server1".

lppchk -v error on AIX (IZ03220)

The ISMP version used for fix pack 1 has a defect that can cause AIX's lppchk -v command to report the following kind of error:

# lppchk -v
lppchk: The following filesets need to be installed or corrected to bring
the system to a consistent state:


This error reports an inconsistent update of the ODM database by ISMP. It does not affect the functioning of TFIM at all. A new version of the ISMP is being used as of patch 2 that will no longer make this error. However the error made by earlier installs will still remain.

The following script will eliminate the lppchk -v error by removing the offending fileset from the ODM database. It takes a single argument, the fileset name the lppchk -v complained about, e.g., FIMLic in the example above.


#echo "Removing LPP $1: Are you sure?" 1>&2
#read foo
#case "$foo" in
# ;;
# exit 1
LPPID=`ODMDIR=/usr/lib/objrepos odmget -q "name = $1" lpp | grep lpp_id | awk '{print $3}'`

echo "
Removing files of LPP $1..."
lslpp -fcq $1 | awk '(FS = ":") {print "rm -f",$3}' | sh -x 2>&1

echo "
Removing $1 from ODM (inventory,product,history,lpp,vendor)"
ODMDIR=/usr/lib/objrepos odmdelete -o inventory -q "lpp_id = $LPPID"
ODMDIR=/usr/lib/objrepos odmdelete -o product -q "lpp_name = $1"
ODMDIR=/usr/lib/objrepos odmdelete -o history -q "lpp_id = $LPPID"
ODMDIR=/usr/lib/objrepos odmdelete -o lpp -q "name = $1"
ODMDIR=/usr/lib/objrepos odmdelete -o vendor -q "lpp_id = $LPPID"

ODMDIR=/etc/objrepos odmdelete -o inventory -q "lpp_id = $LPPID"
ODMDIR=/etc/objrepos odmdelete -o product -q "lpp_name = $1"
ODMDIR=/etc/objrepos odmdelete -o history -q "lpp_id = $LPPID"
ODMDIR=/etc/objrepos odmdelete -o lpp -q "name = $1"
ODMDIR=/etc/objrepos odmdelete -o vendor -q "lpp_id = $LPPID"

ODMDIR=/usr/share/lib/objrepos odmdelete -o inventory -q "lpp_id = $LPPID"
ODMDIR=/usr/share/lib/objrepos odmdelete -o product -q "lpp_name = $1"
ODMDIR=/usr/share/lib/objrepos odmdelete -o history -q "lpp_id = $LPPID"
ODMDIR=/usr/share/lib/objrepos odmdelete -o lpp -q "name = $1"
ODMDIR=/usr/share/lib/objrepos odmdelete -o vendor -q "lpp_id = $LPPID"

Addition of SAML Claims to STS Universal User (76384)

The SAML claims should be part of the STS Universal User so that they can be referenced from the XSLT mapping modules but are not. The fix to this defect corrects this oversight. The claims are made available by defining the TFIM custom runtime property This is done in the TFIM administration console by selecting "Domain Management"->"Runtime Node Management", selecting the "Runtime Custom Properties" button, creating a property with a name of "" and a value of "true", and restarting the WAS server.

Problem patching when TFIM/TFIMBG installed twice (IZ03121)

Due to interactions between assumptions made by the fix pack installer and the operation of the Deployment Engine component embedded in it, the standard instructions for applying a fix pack do not work when patching the 2nd-Nth TFIM 6.1.0, TFIM 6.1.1, or TFIMBG 6.1.1 instance on a system. To simplify the wording, the following work-around describes patching just the 2nd instance of TFIMBG 6.1.1, but the instructions apply equally well to patching the 2nd-Nth instances of TFIM 6.1.0, TFIM 6.1.1, or TFIMBG 6.1.1. Also, the following two italicized words are used below as abbreviations for the following two directory paths:

The directory where TFIMUI is installed.
The directory where the 2nd TFIMBG is installed.

The following steps must be executed in order to apply a fix pack or an LA patch to the 2nd TFIMBG 6.1.1 instance on a system. Steps (7) and (12) apply to a Unix/Linux installation where the 2nd TFIMBG instance's WAS application server did not use localhost but used a separate, unique IP address instead.

Note that if the WAS application server of the first TFIMBG instance to be patched did not use localhost but used a separate, unique IP address instead then the manipulation of localhost described by step (7) must be performed before running the update installer and step (12) must be performed after running the update installer.

On Windows, replace the .sh file extension in these steps with .bat.

  1. Find the file TFIMUI-dir/DE/test/selectedfeatures.

  2. Add/remove selectedFeature lines in this file until there's one for each feature in the 2nd TFIMBG. Check the 2nd TFIMBG's <TFIMBG-dir>/etc/ file for a definitive list of the 2nd TFIMBG's features.

    Each feature line in the 2nd-TFIMBG-dir/etc/ file is of the form

    where featurename is one of the choices in the first column of the table below and n is the installed fix pack number.

    Each feature line in the TFIMUI-dir/DE/test/selectedfeatures file is of the form


    where featurename is one of the choices in the second column of the table below.

    The mappings from the 2nd-TFIMBG-dir/etc/ feature names to the TFIMUI-dir/DE/test/selectedfeature feature names are as follows:

    feature name
    feature name
    ewas #FIMEwasFeat
    fimpi #FIMIISPlugFeat
    mgmtcon #FIMConsoleFeat
    rte-mgmtsvcs #RunTimeAndManagementFeat
    wsprov #WSProvisioningFeat
    wssm #FIMWssmFeat

  3. Fixup the last line in the TFIMUI-dir/DE/test/selectedfeatures file. This line looks like


    Replace the existing some-TFIMBG-dir with the installation directory path of the 2nd TFIMBG instance.

  4. Change the -r option in the last line of the TFIMUI-dir/DE/test/ file from whatever TFIMBG installation directory is there (/opt/IBM/FIM initially) to the installation directory path of the 2nd TFIMBG instance.

  5. On Unix/Linux, execute the following command: chmod a+x TFIMUI-dir/DE/test/*.sh.

  6. Execute TFIMUI-dir/DE/test/ to register the 2nd TFIMBG in the DE database.

  7. If the WebSphere application server hosting the TFIMBG component is not listening on localhost, then

    1. Edit the /etc/hosts file, moving localhost to the line that defines the IP address used by the 2nd TFIMBG's WAS application server (or create such a line).
    2. Stop and restart the acsi service.

  8. Go to the unzipped fix pack's files, find the script/ directory.

  9. Change the -r option in the last line of the script/ file from whatever TFIMBG installation directory is there (/opt/IBM/FIM initially) to the installation directory path of the 2nd TFIMBG instance.

  10. Fixup the passwords in the script/variables file to be those of the 2nd TFIMBG.

  11. Execute the script/ file to apply the fix pack to the 2nd TFIMBG.

  12. If the WebSphere application server hosting the TFIMBG component is not listening on localhost, then

    1. Undo the changes to the /etc/hosts file made in step (7).
    2. Stop and restart the acsi service.

Bad path in on Windows platform (IZ03221)

The installer sets the wrong value when the product is installed on Windows. Here is an example of an incorrect entry in the file (the file is installed in the directory /<TFIMBG-installation-directory>/pkg):\Program FilesIBMWebSphereAppServer

The value should be: Files/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer

The TFIM runtime can be successfully deployed, but users are never able to select the runtime to configure it from the runtime node management panel of the TFIM administration console. The file must be manually edited to fix the incorrect entry so that it has the correct slashes ('/') in the path value.

Problems installing a fix pack on Linux for PPC (IZ07734)

On a Linux PPC system, fix pack installation using TFIMUI 1.3 fails with the following message:

ACUINI0012I Deployment Engine Installation Failed! Causes:; ACUINI0045E The current OS is unrecognized by this application: Name = Linux ; Architecture = ppc ; Version = 2.6.5-7.244-pseries64

DE 1.3 refuses to install on a PPC64 Linux system when using the 32-bit JVM packaged with TFIMUI 1.3.

After executing linux_ppc_install.bin and getting this error, perform the following steps.
  1. Execute /opt/IBM/FIMUI/DE/ using a 64-bit JVM. This script, which installs the DE and the acsi code, uses the java on $PATH, and the java on $PATH is normally the 64-bit JVM that came with SLES9 for PPC64 unless $PATH or the soft-link at /usr/lib/java has been changed. It is possible to change the JVM used through the script's -javeHome path-to-JVM option.

    To determine whether a particular java is 32-bit or 64-bit, first cd into the directory containing the java executable to be used, then execute

        # file java

    The output will clearly state whether it is a 32-bit or a 64-bit executable.

  2. Execute /opt/IBM/FIMUI/DE/test/ to register TFIMBG 6.1.1 with the DE's database.
  3. Execute <path-to-fix-pack>/scripts/ to install the fix pack. Be aware of this script's need for Java 1.5 described below under APAR IZ07736.

A complex work-around must be used when installing a TFIMBG 6.1.1 fix pack into the 2nd-Nth TFIMBG instance on a system (IZ05324)

As of patch LA0004 the complex work-around for this defect, documented under APAR IZ03121, is no longer necessary. Together, the installer of patch LA0004 and the new TFIMUI implement a fix for this defect that makes patching the 2nd-Nth TFIM instance on a system much simpler

The essence of the defect was that TFIMUI 1.3 always registered a TFIM/TFIMBG 6.1.1 instance in the Deployment Engine (DE) database using the same key, making it impossible to discriminate between multiple instances on the same system. The Deployment Engine uses a two-part key when registering an application instance in its database. The first part is an application-specific GUID. The second part is an instance-specific discriminant, an arbitrary string that should be unique for each instance on a system. Unfortunately, TFIMUI 1.3 always used /opt/IBM/FIM as the discriminant.

The fix to this defect was to have TFIMUI use the installation path of the TFIM/TFIMBG 6.1.1 instance being registered as the discriminant. On Windows the 8.3-form of the installation path is used with a lower-case drive letter. This simple change, while not changing the installation of TFIMUI at all, has several implications.

  1. Every "install" script, both the fix pack install scripts and the TFIMUI manual registration scripts, now has a single argument, the installation path of the TFIM/TFIMBG 6.1.1 instance being registered or patched. If the installation path contains a space then it must be enclosed in double quotes.
  2. To register the 2nd-NTH TFIM/TFIMBG instance on a system a new script has been added to TFIMUI 1.3 0.1's DE/test directory, registerTFIMInstall.bat(.sh). Instead of reinstalling TFIMUI for each of the 2nd-NTH instances, this script must be executed. It, too, has the same single argument as the "install" scripts.
  3. Because most TFIM/TFIMBG 6.1.1 instances registered by TFIM 1.3 were registered using a discriminant of /opt/IBM/FIM, the fix pack install scripts' argument is optional, defaulting to /opt/IBM/FIM. This default will leave the patching of most existing TFIM/TFIMBG 6.1.1 installations unchanged.
  4. The vast majority of TFIM/TFIMBG 6.1.1 systems have only a single instance installed. If there is any doubt what discriminant was used to register a single TFIM/TFIMBG 6.1.1 instance, execute the acsi script de_lsapp -verbose. This .bat(.sh) script is found in /usr/ibm/common/acsi/bin on a Unix system or in c:\Program Files\IBM\Common\acsi\bin on a Windows sytem. It lists all registered applications and their discriminants.
  5. If there is any doubt what discriminant was used to register a TFIM/TFIMBG 6.1.1 instance on a system with multiple instances installed by TFIMUI 1.3, contact support.

Problems installing a fix pack when TFIMBG's components span two WASs (IZ07735)

Sometimes fix pack installation fails with an exception whose stack dump contains the following two entries:

Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: ADMC0053E: The system cannot create a SOAP connector to connect to host localhost at port 18881 with SOAP connector security enabled.

followed by (a bit farther down)

Caused by: [SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client; msg=Error opening socket: No trusted certificate found; targetException=java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Error opening socket: No trusted certificate found]

An inability to switch the fix pack installer's certificate source from the WAS where the TFIMBG runtime is installed to the WAS/eWAS where the TFIMBG console is installed.

Disable security on the WAS/eWAS where the TFIMBG console is installed before starting the fix pack installation. Re-enable it when the fix pack installation is done. This may be done via the WAS/eWAS admin console or by saving the following as script.jacl:
    set security_item [$AdminConfig list Security]
set argv0 [lindex $argv 0]
set value null
if {[regexp $argv0 enable]} { set value true }
if {[regexp $argv0 disable]} { set value false }
if {[regexp $value null]} {
puts "Wrong parameter, use enable / disable"
$AdminConfig modify $security_item [list [list enabled $value]]
$AdminConfig save

then executing it from the wsadmin of the console's WAS/eWAS as follows:

    wsadmin -username was-adminname -password was-password -f script.jacl [enable | disable]

TFIMBG's fix pack installer requires Java 1.5 (IZ07736)

Sometimes fix pack installation fails with an exception whose stack dump contains the following entry:

Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: javax/management/NotificationListener (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)

Using a Java 1.4.2 JVM to run <path-to-fix-pack>/scripts/ to install a fix pack. This script runs the TFIMBG fix pack installer which requires Java 1.5.

The JVM used by this script is controlled by the value of SI_JAVA_HOME on line 44 of /var/ibm/common/acsi/ The normal installation of TFIMUI points this at a Java 1.5 JVM so there is usually no problem. The work-around for IZ01850 can leave this variable pointing at a Java 1.4.2 JVM. The TFIMBG fix pack installer requires Java 1.5.

TFIM's documentation of Alias Service is incomplete (IZ06470)

The current TFIM FSSO documentation does not sufficiently document the limitations of the TFIM alias service.

An alias is created when a user agrees to federate their service provider account with an associated account on an identity provider. At the end of the federate action an LDAP alias service on the identity provider will include a secselfalias and an LDAP alias service on the service provider will have a secpartneralias.

Note that only 1 account on a service provider should be federated to any given identity provider account. Multiple accounts on different service providers can be federated to the same account on the identity provider, but only one account on any given service provider should be federated with any given account on the identity provider. The secselfalias generated for a partner, as described in the product documentation (Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Single Sign-on Guide, Chapter 8. Alias Service) contains as part of the value the ProviderId value of the partner (service provider) that it is associated with. The rest of the value of the secselfalias is the randomly generated alias, so if there are multiple aliases for the same ProviderId, there is no mechanism for determining which alias should be provided in an assertion generated for consumption by that partner.

For example, a user John Smith has accounts jsmith and jsmith1 on Service Provider 1, johns on Service Provider 2, and JohnSmith on the Identity Provider. Both jsmith and johns can be federated with the JohnSmith account, but only jsmith or jsmith1 should be federated with the JohnSmith account. Otherwise, the principal specified in the generated assertion by the identity provider is indeterminate, since there are multiple accounts from the same service provider that are federated with the same identity provider account. Once John Smith has authenticated to Identity Provider, and wishes to access resources on Service Provider 1, the alias that is stored in the alias service associated with the account JohnSmith for Service Provider 1 is provided in the assertion sent to Service Provider 1. If there are multiple aliases for Service Provider 1, it is undefined which alias will be provided by Identity Provider in the generated assertion.

The alias values can be updated by performing a NameID update. The update will change the secselfalias of the identity provider and secpartneralias of the service provider. This action can be initiated at either the identity provider or the service provider.

The secselfalias generated for a partner, as described in the product documentation (Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Single Sign-on Guide, Chapter 8. Alias Service), contains as part of the value the ProviderId value of the partner that it is associated with. The rest of the value of the secselfalias is the randomly generated alias, so if there are multiple aliases for the same ProviderId, there is no mechanism for determining which alias should be provided in an assertion generated for consumption by that partner.

Intermittent signature validation errors (IZ04887)

Intermittent failures validating messages received can occur in a TFIM environment if the JVM does not have the fix for IY93387.

Errors in the trace file indicate a falure to validate the received XML:

[9/7/07 17:05:27:807 EST] 0000002d KessServiceJk 3 validateXML The certificate retrieved for xml signature validation was: [
Version: V3
Subject: CN=Certificate Name :7100000475, O=Company, C=US
Signature Algorithm: SHA1withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5

Key: IBMJCE RSA Public Key:
<...modulus value removed...>
public exponent:

Validity: [From: Wed Nov 01 14:28:26 EST 2006,
To: Sun Mar 30 11:46:30 EST 2008]
Issuer: CN=TEST Cert, O=TestCert Company, C=US
SerialNumber: [1162351707]

<...cert information removed for brevity ...>

[9/7/07 17:05:27:813 EST] 0000002d KessServiceJk 3 validateXML
Signature was NOT valid on the XML document.
Core Validity: false
SignedInfo: false
Msg: SignatureValue mismatched.


This problem is resolved by the APAR IY93387 and is fixed in the JVM 1.4.2 SR9 and JVM 5.0 SR4.

The Java SDK 1.4.2 SR9 fix level can be downloaded from its download page.

The Java SDK 1.5 SR5 fix level can be downloaded from download page.

Fix pack installation script fails due to SOAP port mismatch (IZ11274)

The fix pack installation of the TFIM runtime must connect to a WAS's SOAP port in order to deploy the runtime. The fix pack installer acquires its SOAP port value from the following line in the /<TFIM-installation-directory>/pkg/ file of the TFIM instance being patched:


This value was placed there when the TFIM instance was installed.

For the connection to be successful the WAS being deployed to must still be using that SOAP port. If it is not then the TFIM fix pack installation fails with lines like the following in the de_trace.log file:

Caused by: [SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client; msg=Error parsing HTTP status line &quot;...&quot;: java.util.NoSuchElementException; targetException=java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Error parsing HTTP status line "...": java.util.NoSuchElementException]

where the "..." are binary bytes from the bad status line.

The SOAP port being used by the WAS is reported at startup in the SystemOut.log file as follows:

ADMC0013I: The SOAP connector is available at port 8886

If the two SOAP port values differ, then change the value in TFIM's file to agree with the port being used by WAS and reapply the fix pack.

Failure installing TFIMUI when TDI product is installed (IZ14126)

On a system with TDI (Tivoli Directory Integrator) 6.1 already installed, the install of a the ITFIMUI may fail with the following output:

Installing Tivoli Federated Identity Manager - Update Installer.
Please wait...

0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Deployment Engine Installation Failed!
Causes:;java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException:null; batch failure.
The batch was submitted, but at least one exception occurred on an individual member of the batch.
Use getNextException() to retrieve the exceptions for specific batched elements.
Entering FakeDeRegistry::execute
Loading input properties from: /opt/IBMFIM61
Found: #RunTimeAndManagementFeat
Found: #FIMConsoleFeat
Found: #FIMWssmFeat
Writting out translated properties to :
Exiting FakeDeRegistry::execute
Before calling this installation script please call

Updating the inventory ...

Creating uninstaller...

The InstallShield Wizard has successfully installed Tivoli Federated Identity Manager - Update Installer. Choose Finish to exit the wizard.

The problem has only been reported when the TDI 6.1 product is installed first and then ITFIMUI is installed.

To work around this issue, the following workaround steps must be performed:

  1. Run TFIMUI's installer. It will fail but before it fails it will lay down and configure the necessary software to install DE and to register TFIMBG 6.1.1 in the DE database.
  2. Execute the script (located in the DE installation directory, typically /usr/ibm/common/acsi/bin/ for UNIX/Linux platforms and
    C:\Program Files\IBM\common\acsi\bin\si_inst.bat on Windows platforms). This will install DE 1.3 using the Java 1.4.2 configured by TDI 6.0.
  3. Execute the Fix Pack installation script (<fix-pack-directory>/script/ on UNIX/Linux, <fix-pack-directory>\script\install.bat on Windows). This will register TFIMBG 6.1.1 in the DE database.
  4. Follow the directions in the TFIM README "TFIM's fix pack installer requires Java 1.5 (IZ07736)" to manually make the DE use Java 1.5.
  5. Install the TFIM fix pack.

TFIM Runtime Deployment on z/OS can Hang and Fail (IZ16477)

A limitation of the z/OS platform can cause TFIM actions to hang and fail. This has been observed with the deployment of the TFIM runtime, and can be diagnosed by examining the WAS log file and looking for a WARNING message such as the following:

 Trace: 2008/02/20 15:30:48.909 01 t=9BE748 c=UNK key=P8 (13007002)
ThreadId: 00000044
Category: WARNING
ExtendedMessage: BBOO0221W: WSVR0605W: Thread "WebSphere:ORB.thread.pool t=009c22b8"
(00000022) has been active for 181010 milliseconds and may be hung.
There is/are 1 thread(s) in total in the server that may be hung.

To resolve this problem, a WAS environment variable must be defined that increases an essential thread pool size.

To define the environment variable for a standalone application server from the WebSphere administration console, browse to: "Servers" -> "Application servers" -> server_name -> "Server Infrastructure" -> "Administration" -> "Custom properties".

Add the property private_bboo_internal_work_thread_pool_size with the value of 5.

To define the environment variable for a network deployment configuration from the WebSphere administration console, browse to: "System Administration" -> "Deployment manager" -> "Administration services" -> "Custom properties".

As in the standalone environment, add the property private_bboo_internal_work_thread_pool size with the value of 5.

Restart the WAS server that has had the environment changed. To verify that the new value has taken effect, when the server starts look for this message in the output of the server:

BBOM0001I private_bboo_internal_work_thread_pool_size: 5.

These failures have currently only been reported on the deployment of the TFIM runtime, and the value of 5 has resolved the issue. However, if similar error messages are seen performing other TFIM activities, the pool size environment variable should be increased to resolve the problem.

Configuration of Novell eDiretory for use as a TFIM User Registry (IZ14730)

The TFIM 6.1.1 documentation lists the supported user registries in the "User Registry support" section of the "Hardware and Software Requirements" document.

This document lists support for Novell eDirectory 8.6.x and Novell eDirectory 8.7.x. This section does not list Novell eDirectory 8.8.x, because eDirectory 8.8 was not available at the time and the TAM Base product did not claim support for this level yet. However, TAM claimed support for Novell eDirectory 8.8 in the TAM Base 6.0.0 FP0009 README.

Based upon this information, it would seem that TFIM would support eDirectory 8.8.x as a user registry. Support for eDirectory 8.8.x was verified, but in the process it was found that additional configuration steps for eDirectory were required in order to be used by TFIM successfully. These configuration steps are not in the current documentation, so a Tech Note has been written and published that documents the required actions to configure the Novell eDirectory to be a supported TFIM user registry.

The TechNote entitled "Configuration of Novell eDirectory v8.8 required to be a supported TFIM v6.1.1 user registry" has been published and is publicly available on the TFIM support site.

This TechNote MUST be consulted and followed before attempting to use the Novell eDirectory as a TFIM user registry.

The FIM Installer fails if a '$' is used in a WAS JKS or P12 file's password (IZ30089)

Because this is a defect in the Installer, it cannot be fixed in a fix pack. Consequently it is a permanent restriction in TFIM 6.1.1. The same code is used by the fix pack installer so the same restriction applies to fix pack installations.

TechNote #1307656 entitled "A $ symbol in a truststore or key store password prevents installation" documents work-arounds for this restriction and is publicly available on the TFIM support site.

Cannot install TFIM 6.1.1 as nonroot on AIX (IZ31403)

Because this is a defect in the Installer, it cannot be fixed in a fix pack. Consequently it is a permanent restriction in TFIM 6.1.1. The same code is used by the fix pack installer so the same restriction applies to fix pack installations.

Tech Note #1314890 discusses this permanent restriction in more detail.

Must edit /etc/hosts to install to a multi-NIC WAS (IZ31400)

The TFIM 6.1.1 installer assumes that the WAS profile to which TFIM is being deployed is listening on localhost. If not, then the work-around given in Tech Note #1315020 must be followed.

Console installation can fail if files are out of sync (IZ31399)

Because this failure is caused by a WAS administration error, it cannot be fixed in a fix pack. Consequently it is a permanent restriction in TFIM 6.1.1. The same code is used by the fix pack installer so the same restriction applies to fix pack installations.

Tech Note #1315672 discusses the work-around for this permanent restriction in more detail.

TFIM 6.1.1 fixpack installation fails with soap error if WAS security settings change (IZ31405)

When TFIM 6.1.1 is installed with WebSphere security turned off initially then WAS security is turned on, the TFIM file file can become out of sync with the WebSphere configuration. As such, the FIM 6.1.1 fixpack installation will fail with a soap error. An example error that can occur is similar to the following:

java.lang.RuntimeException: .exception.ConnectorException: ADMC0016E: The system cannot create a SOAP connector to connect to host localhost at port 8880.

The following should be performed to fix the problem:

  1. Save a copy of the file, which is located in FIM_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/ (for example, /opt/IBM/FIM/etc/ An example copy of the file is as follows if you are using WAS:

    #WAS configuration information.
    #Fri Aug 15 11:47:53 CDT 2008

  2. Modify the file (changes highlighted in bold) similar to the conifguration noted below. Be sure sure to add the correct values that correspond to your system environment.

    #WAS configuration information.
    #Fri Aug 15 11:47:53 CDT 2008

  3. Run the TFIM 6.1.1 fixpack installation again.

Note that if you are using eWAS, a modified version of the may be similar to the configuration noted below. Again, be sure to add the correct values that correspond to your system environment.

#eWAS configuration information.
#Tue Aug 19 11:11:55 CDT 2008

Installing TFIM/TFIMBG using a nonroot userid requires special care (IZ33321)

Because this problem occurs at install time it cannot be fixed in a fix pack. Consequently it is a permanent restriction in TFIM 6.1.1. The same code is used by the fix pack installer so the same restriction applies to fix pack installations.

Tech Note # 1316262 discusses the work-arounds for this permanent restriction in more detail.

Insufficient disk space can cause strange fix pack failures (IZ36140)

A TFIMBG 6.1.1 fix pack can fail to install because the TFIMUI installation quietly failed due to insufficient space in one or more partitions of the disk. This is especially problematic on Unix, where TFIMUI lays down files in /opt, /usr, and /var, which may be independently allocated. Close examination of the de_install.log and de_trace.log files is needed to determine the cause of these failures. They can be prevented by making sure sufficient free space exists before the installations are started.

To avoid insufficient space failure see Tech Note # 1323199 to understand the required space.

Insufficient space failures are rare on Windows because the entire C:\ drive must be almost full for them to happen. Therefore this discussion will talk in terms of the Unix case.

TFIMUI installation failures do not appear on the console. The TFIMUI installation always claims it succeeded. If a fix pack installation fails then look at the


file for real TFIMUI installation failures, like exceptions or lines like

       File extraction failed, error = 6
(Cannot write file (out of space))
Installation failed, rolling back

Recovery from such a TFIMUI installation failure where part of TFIMUI and DE may have been laid down in /opt, /usr, and/or /var requires the following steps:

  1. Run /opt/IBM/FIMUI/_uninst/uninstaller.bin
  2. rm -rf /opt/IBM/FIMUI
  3. Run /usr/ibm/common/acsi/bin/ -r if possible. If not, then stop the acsi service (if running) and remove the acsi service's entry in /etc/host (if present)
  4. rm -rf /usr/ibm/common/acsi
  5. rm -rf /var/ibm/common/acsi
  6. Check for DE entries.
  7. Check ODM for DE and UI entries (AIX only)

Now, if sufficient free space is available then a TFIMUI installation and a TFIMBG 6.1.1 fix pack installation will succeed.

Software limitations

Installing a component after installing the fix pack

If you install a Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Business Gateway component to the system after the fix pack has been applied, you must reinstall the fix pack on that system, so that all components are at the same level.

To re-apply the fix pack:

  1. Run the registration script for the component that was added from the 6.1.1 installation media:
    1. Open a command prompt on the system where the component was installed.
    2. Change to the following directory where the Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Update Installer was installed:


      where <TFIM-UPDATE-INSTALLER> is the directory where the update installer was installed.
  2. Run the appropriate script for the installed component. The scripts are:
  3. Console component:
    ./ on AIX, Linux, Solaris, or HP-UX
    addconsolefeat.bat on Windows

    Runtime and Management Services component:
    ./ on AIX, Linux, Solaris, or HP-UX
    addmgmtfeat.bat on Windows

    IIS plug-in component
    addiisplugin.bat on Windows

  4. After running the script, the added component has been registered. Install the fix pack as described in Installing the fix pack and Deploying the fix pack runtime component.

Known problems and workarounds



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