IBM® Tivoli® Compliance Insight Manager, Fix Pack 6.0.0-TIV-TCIM-FP001 README

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Date: 2007 October 01

About the Fix Pack

This Fix Pack corrects problems in IBM Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager, Version It requires that IBM Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager, Version, is installed. After installing this Fix Pack, your Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager installation will be at level

Patch contents and distribution

This Fix Pack package contains:

This Fix Pack is distributed as an electronic download from the IBM Support Web Site.


This Fix Pack package supports the same operating system releases as the Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager release that are listed in the Hardware and software requirements document.

Fix Packs superseded by this Fix Pack


Fix Pack structure

Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager supports multiple platforms, for each platform requiring updates a separate package is installed. The package will contain the updates for all components installed on that platform.

APARs and defects fixed

Problems fixed by Fix Pack 6.0.0-TIV-TCIM-FP001

The following problems are corrected by this Fix Pack. For more information about the APARs listed here, refer to the Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager support site.

Internal defect PE03630
SYMPTOM: When exporting (archiving) old data chunks, the default committed policy (of Jan 1, 2000) is exported and removed for the system.

Internal defect PE03680
SYMPTOM: AIX marge does not display information correctly if there are commas in the "gecos" field.

Internal defect PE03770
SYMPTOM: Email Excerpts not working after upgrade to InSight 6.0.

Internal defect PE03830
SYMPTOM: Linux syslog is not supported correctly in some platforms.

Internal defect PE03840
SYMPTOM: It is not possible to collect logs correctly when collecting multiple SAP instances on a single non Windows machine to one InSight Server.

Internal defect PE03880
SYMPTOM: File level auditing and Obj_Read, Obj_Write & Obj_Execute events are not supported by the AIX actuator.

Internal defect PE03890
SYMPTOM: Some issues with the Raptor event source may occur:
  1. When loading logfiles from different Raptor instances into 1 GEM database, InSight gets in an out-of-memory situation
  2. The "where" field doesn't contain the system name from the Raptor instance.

Internal defect PE03910
SYMPTOM: Logs are not collected properly when collecting multiple SAP instances via a single Windows Point of Presence.

Internal defect PE03930
SYMPTOM: Logon Failures for OS390 platform (RACF) are not mapped correctly.

Internal defect PE04000
SYMPTOM: The remote actuator install activated by the Management Console Add Machine Wizard breaks off when the remote install cannot ping the InSight server machine.

Internal defect PE04020
SYMPTOM: The bbbin.exe (bluebook) crashes as soon as the InSight server is started when real time actuators and/or a real time mapper is present.

Internal defect PE04030
SYMPTOM: Timestamps are parsed incorrectly for "RealTime Linux" event source.

Internal defect PE04040
SYMPTOM: OS/390 data sometimes is displayed with an offset of one hour in iView compared to the original SMF records.

Internal defect PE04050
SYMPTOM: For the Windows Event Source the WhereFrom sometimes does not contain a correct value.

Internal defect PE04080
SYMPTOM: iView uses an undesired sort column. When selection is on date column, it actually sorts on eventcount.

Internal defect PE04120
SYMPTOM: Some event types are not mapped for the HP-UX event source.

Internal defect PE04130
SYMPTOM: iView is not able to cooperate with the Netegrity Siteminder SSO solution.

Internal defect PE04150
SYMPTOM: When in the SSH Event Source the logfile contains the event type "Authentication Failure" the WhereFrom has an invalid value. It shows the value from the Where field instead.

Internal defect PE04160
SYMPTOM: Some alerts that occur during listener close down are not sent, they are flushed instead.

Internal defect PE04220
SYMPTOM: Sybase 12.5.0-12.5.3 is not supported.

Internal defect PE04240
SYMPTOM: Non-unique combos in consolidation are not solved, causing a constraint error.

Internal defect PE04260
SYMPTOM: DB2 UDB event source doesn't support Sun Solaris.

Internal defect PE04360
SYMPTOM: When installing the agent, the InSight Security Manager server checks if the machine defined from the Management Console corresponds to the machine the agent is installed on. When there are DNS problems (like double entries on the DNS server) or multiple IP addresses the IP check will fail and logs will not be accepted.

Internal defect PE04430
SYMPTOM: Some issues with the Active Directory event source may occur:
  1. The grouping does not work for certain event types where there is a mismatch between the WHO and originator
  2. The machines (platform names) are not grouped into the correct domain name
  3. Certain standard groups such "Users" and "Domain Users" are not populated (they will remain empty)
  4. The UIS information some userids are not collected (Anonymous logon user id with SID: S-1-5-7, Local System account: SID S-1-5-18)

Internal defect PE04470
SYMPTOM: MSSQL version 2005 is not supported.

Internal defect PE04540
SYMPTOM: Oracle can store its audit records either in the (audit)files, or in the database. When database audit trail is used, InSight doesn't support collection of Oracle Audit events from the database's system audit tables.

Internal defect PE04580
SYMPTOM: Some issues with the z/OS actuator may occur:
  1. Several processes start and then the agentproper process dies
  2. The message in the SYSLOG states that a returncode occurred in C2RCARLA, but the SYSPRINT is empty
  3. The SYSTERM should (also) be written to STDERR
  4. One attention rule description exceeding 128 characters
  5. Reading "Write Sensitive Data" should be allowed (unless also part of group "Read Sensitive Data")
  6. When 2 UISses that both use the active database and with different complex values specified the collect fails

Internal defect PE04600
SYMPTOM: When logfiles are archived(gzip) and this archive exceeds 2Gb then after being collected the mapping succeeds, but in practice not all content of the chunk is mapped, the last block is left out.

Internal defect PE04640
SYMPTOM: When chuncks get a a specific size, the chunk should be closed, renamed and the new logfiles whould be entered in a new chunk. This process is called rotation. Due to the fact that the chunk was locked by another process, this rotation doesn't take place.

Internal defect PE04650
SYMPTOM: the Oracle mapper fills the Who field with data from the db namespace mixed - in an undeterministic way - with data from the os namespace.

Internal defect PE04700
SYMPTOM: MS Exchange server 2000/2003 versions are not supported.

Internal defect PE04760
SYMPTOM: Some issues with the Active Directory User Information Source (UIS) may occur:
  1. When creating a UIS using the Domain Controller as POP the UIS for Active Directory does not list any users, while the Windows UIS lists them all
  2. When the data is loaded the Originator is shown instead of the User Id in the Management Console

Internal defect PE04770
SYMPTOM: The original Event Source for Oracle does not support events for Oracle Fine Grained audit.

Internal defect PE04820
SYMPTOM: Some issues may occur with the Oracle actuator on UNIX systems:
  1. Collection directory becomes full during collection
  2. The output file produced by oracle log collector exceeds the soft filesize limit
  3. Oracle log collector hangs scanning for that non-existing instance name
  4. Oracle log collector hangs when it encounters incomplete oracle audit trail files or records
  5. Sort command runs out of space and results in collect failure

Internal defect PE04870
SYMPTOM: The shutdown.bat (seaman.exe) is not able to shutdown the InSight server service.

Internal defect PE04910
SYMPTOM: The aggregation terminates with an "out of memory" error for Windows GEM databases (daily and weekly).

Internal defect PE04920
SYMPTOM: In some cases log files are locked when there is an attempt to move it this might prevent that chunks are moved to the depot. The previous method used for calling subprocesses did pass the file handling to the subprocesses. The improvement is to use a different method in which this call to a subprocess has an explicit parameter to not pass the handles to the child.

Internal defect PE05100
SYMPTOM: Because of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 the dates on which the Daylight Saving Time (DST) starts en end is not correctly implemented in the version of java that is shipped with Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager.

Internal defect PE05110
SYMPTOM: Novell Audit 2.0, which is the new name for Novell NSure Audit, is not supported.

Internal defect PE05160
SYMPTOM: The GEM database reports a java.lang.NullPointerException error while calculating the starting index.

Internal defect PE05170
SYMPTOM: When groupnames exist with single quotes the consolidation fails. The logfile then shows "ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended".

Internal defect PE05280
SYMPTOM: Queries in SCOPING package for Firewall1 GEM database causes the TEMP tablespace to grow to 16GB.

Internal defect PE05290
SYMPTOM: After upgrading the Tru64 machine, the collected chunks cannot be mapped for the Tru64 event source. There are no errors reported during mapping, however the mapping results in 0 events, although there is data in the chunks.

Internal defect PE05340
SYMPTOM: Improved coverage for selected Windows events (SIDs).

Internal defect PE05420
SYMPTOM: For the Oracle Event Source (ES) the event order is incorrect. This may result in 'unavailable' data fields for logoff events, when the logon and logoff occur in the same second.

Before installing the Fix Pack

Please be aware of the following considerations before installing this Fix Pack:


This Fix Pack requires that you have Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager 6.0.0 and its prerequisites installed.

Fix Pack package

The Fix Pack package is provided as an executable file for the Microsoft Windows platform and as an archive file for each supported non Windows platform.

Installing the Fix Pack

Installing the Fix Pack on Microsoft Windows

Execute the Fix Pack 6.0.0-TIV-TCIM-Win32-FP001.exe. The Fix Pack will detect any Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager components installed in the system, and will install the updates for the detected components.


Installing the Fix Pack on AIX

To apply the Fix Pack for Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager Actuator for AIX, follow these steps:

  1. Transfer the 6.0.0-TIV-TCIM-AIXPPC32-FP001.tar.gz to a temporary directory on the AIX system, via FTP in binary mode.
  2. Decompress the upgrade package:
    # gzip -dc 6.0.0-TIV-TCIM-AIXPPC32-FP001.tar.gz | tar xvf -
  3. Apply the Fix Pack package, (The default installation directory is assumed.)
    # ./ /usr/lpp/Consul/eprise/actuator
  4. Verify that the Actuator agent has started by inspecting the list of active processes:
    # ps -ef | grep agent

    Only one instance of the Actuator agent should be active.

Installing the Fix Pack on Solaris

To apply the Fix Pack for Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager Actuator for Solaris, follow these steps:

  1. Transfer the 6.0.0-TIV-TCIM-SolarisSparc-FP001.tar.gz to a temporary directory on the Solaris system, via FTP in binary mode.
  2. Decompress the upgrade package:
    # gzip -dc 6.0.0-TIV-TCIM-SolarisSparc-FP001.tar.gz | tar xvf -
  3. Apply the Fix Pack package, (The default installation directory is assumed.)
    # ./ /opt/CRMNceaac
  4. Verify that the Actuator agent has started by inspecting the list of active processes:
    # ps -ef | grep agent

    Only one instance of the Actuator agent should be active.

Installing the Fix Pack on HP-UX

To apply the Fix Pack for Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager Actuator for HP-UX, follow these steps:

  1. Transfer the 6.0.0-TIV-TCIM-HPUXPARISC-FP001.tar.gz to a temporary directory on the HP-UX system, via FTP in binary mode.
  2. Decompress the upgrade package:
    # gzip -dc 6.0.0-TIV-TCIM-HPUXPARISC-FP001.tar.gz | tar xvf -
  3. Apply the Fix Pack package, (The default installation directory is assumed.)
    # ./ /opt/consul/actuator
  4. Verify that the Actuator agent has started by inspecting the list of active processes:
    # ps -ef | grep agent

    Only one instance of the Actuator agent should be active.

Documentation updates


Software limitations

Installing a component after installing the Fix Pack

If you install a Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager component to the system after the Fix Pack has been applied, you must reinstall the Fix Pack on that system, so that all components are at the same level.

Known problems and workarounds



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