-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Licensed Materials - Property of IBM WSAM32 Language Pack (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2005 All Rights Reserved US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRODUCT: IBM WEBSPHERE STUDIO APPLICATION MONITOR (WSAM) TITLE: IBM WEBSPHERE STUDIO APPLICATION MONITOR (WSAM) 3.2 FP002 Language Pack ======== README ======== This document covers Package Details Installation Instructions For additional information, please refer to the Application Monitor User Guide and Installation Guide. =============== PACKAGE DETAILS =============== This package contains: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILENAME FUNCTION/DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WSAMLP_FP2.tar WebSphere Srudio Application Monitor Fix Pack Language Pack README_LanguagePack.txt This file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================= INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ========================= Pre-requisites: --------------- You MUST 1st installed the WSAM 3.2 FP002 Managing Server prior to installing this language pack. Instructions: -------------- 1. Simply untar the WSAMLP_FP2.tar. You then will see the following files in the package. wsam_lp.jar (executable jar file to install the language pack) 2. Double click on the executable file "wsam_lp.jar" and installation will begin.