
Dieser Ausdruck erstellt aus einem Paar von inklusivem Startdatum und inklusivem Endatum (beide optional) eine Zeitlinie eines angegebenen Typs.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Abschnitt Zeitlinien erstellen.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<RuleSet name="Example_existencetimeline"

  <Class name="Person">

    <Attribute name="dateOfBirth">
        <javaclass name="curam.util.type.Date"/>

    <!-- will be null if the person is still alive -->
    <Attribute name="dateOfDeath">
        <javaclass name="curam.util.type.Date"/>

    <!-- Creates a timeline which is false before the Person is
         born, true while the Person is alive, and false after the
         Person dies.   If the Person has no date-of-death recorded,
         there will be no trailing "false" interval. -->
    <Attribute name="isAliveTimeline">
        <javaclass name="curam.creole.value.Timeline">
          <javaclass name="Boolean"/>
            <javaclass name="Boolean"/>
            <reference attribute="dateOfBirth"/>
            <reference attribute="dateOfDeath"/>


   <!-- Creates a timeline which is "Before Birth" before the Person
        is born, "During Lifetime" while the Person is alive, and
        "After Death" after the Person dies.   If the Person has no
        date-of-death recorded, there will be no trailing "After
        Death" interval. -->
    <Attribute name="lifeStatus">
        <javaclass name="curam.creole.value.Timeline">
          <javaclass name="String"/>
            <javaclass name="String"/>
            <reference attribute="dateOfBirth"/>
            <reference attribute="dateOfDeath"/>
            <String value="Before Birth"/>
            <String value="During Lifetime"/>
            <String value="After Death"/>

