Setting up Evidence Sharing

The configuration options for sharing evidence are available in the administration application using the evidence broker. Evidence sharing can be configured between a person/ prospect person, application case and integrated cases.

In order to share evidence the caseworker must enable each evidence type for sharing, as the evidence broker will only share evidence changes for evidence types that have been enabled for sharing. Where evidence types have been enabled for brokering, the next step is to define the source (where the evidence needs to be shared from) and target (where the evidence needs to be shared to).

The following items should be considered when configuring evidence broker:

Note: In order for system processing to work correctly, it is essential the person and prospect person evidence configured outside of the person tab, are configured to share any changes back to the person tab.
For example, an organization may have a Child Welfare case that maintains identification evidence for a person and an Income Assistance case which also maintains identification evidence for the same person. If sharing is not configured between those two case types, it is important to share evidence back to the individuals person tab, because it ensures all the person / prospect person evidence can be viewed centrally.

There are three processes for configuring evidence sharing between case types: identical evidence, non-identical evidence and non-identical evidence mapping. For all three processes, it is necessary to select a source and target. The evidence broker will broadcast shared evidence from the source to the target.

The recommended evidence broker configuration for organizations using Universal Access:

Sharing from source Person/Prospect Person to a target Application Case

An existing registered person, applies for a program online. The caseworker managing this application case may want to know the existing information for the person and have the opportunity to update the information received on the application case for that person. Note: When brokering evidence from a person/prospect person the automatic accept and automatic activate options should not be set. This is important because the evidence being shared from the person/prospect person may be out of date (e.g. they may have been registered some time back and any benefits/cases since closed). If these are not set, it ensures that the worker processing the application case gets an opportunity to see those details as part of incoming evidence. At that point, they can decide whether or not the evidence on the application case needs to be updated based on some information we already have about the client, accept any additional evidence not already captured on the application case or ignore the evidence from their person/prospect person record because the evidence received on the application case is more up to date.

Sharing from source Application Case to a target Person/Prospect Person

Once the application is complete, programs are authorized. New information may have been received about the person on the application that should be shared to their person record.

Sharing from source Application Case to a target Ongoing Case (Integrated Case or Product Delivery)

When an application case is authorized, the evidence broker is the mechanism used to copy this evidence from the application case. Therefore configuration from the application to the ongoing case should also include automatic acceptance as well as automatic activation to facilitate a straight through process. This configuration ensures that a caseworker does not have to review and apply changes to evidence again on the integrated case thus facilitating straight through processing.

Sharing from source Ongoing Case to a target Application Case

A person has an existing ongoing Case and makes a new application for benefits. The intake worker managing the application would be interested to receive the existing information on the system for the applicant, as it may impact their new application.

Sharing from source Ongoing Case to a target Person / Prospect Person

It is important that the person record holds all the person evidence changes, and is up to date. Therefore sharing should be enabled from the ongoing case. This ensures that any updates to evidence is shared to the person record where system processing relies on that data

Sharing from source Person to a target Ongoing Case

Any evidence captured about a person should be shared to the ongoing case to ensure that the information that may affect eligibility and entitlement is up to date. At a minimum, it provides the owner of the ongoing case with the information about a case member that was updated elsewhere. If configured to do so, they then have the opportunity to either accept or reject the change

In order to understand how the recommended configuration would work, see appendix A. For detailed information on configuring the Evidence Broker, see the Cúram Evidence Broker Guide.