User assistance Release Notes

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Release notes

1.0 Limitations
   1.1 Incomplete user-assistance content
   1.2 Tours do not run on foreign language machines
2.0 Known problems and workarounds
   2.1 Welcome pages may show errors or unexpected behavior

1.0 Limitations

1.1 Incomplete user-assistance content

User-assistance content for the current release is incomplete. The existing content may be reorganized or revised. When available, you can install the product fix pack that includes the complete set of user-assistance.

1.2 Tours do not run on foreign language machines

In Rational® Software Architect, Rational Application Developer, and Rational Functional Tester v7.0, tours do not run on foreign language machines.

2.0 Known problems and workarounds

2.1 Welcome pages may show errors or unexpected behavior

When browsing some Welcome topics, you may see errors or unexpected items in the page content.

Workaround: If you encounter this situation, click a section label to return to a main starting point. You can still view all of the topics.