Software Development Platform core Release Notes

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Release notes

1.0 Known problems and workarounds
   1.1 English UI on non English locale platform
   1.2 HTTP Status 500 error or visible HTML code in Help search results
   1.3 Clicking a Help search result displays XML code

1.0 Known problems and workarounds

1.1 English UI on non English locale platform

Some UI is displayed in the platform locale language even if English is only selected in installation by the IBM® Installation Manager. To get English UI completely, it's required to add "-nl en_US" option at the start up.  

1.2 HTTP Status 500 error or visible HTML code in Help search results

If you search the online documentation in the Help window (Help > Help Contents) and encounter one of the following problems: 

Try running the same search again in the Dynamic Help view: click Help > Dynamic Help and then click the Search link at the bottom of the view. The Dynamic Help search will display the results under the Local Help category.

1.3 Clicking a Help search result displays XML code

If you search the online documentation in the Help window (Help > Help Contents) and click one of the results, and the content frame displays an XML source file rather than something readable, then run your search again in the Dynamic Help view. Click Help > Dynamic Help and click the Search link at the bottom of the view. The Dynamic Help search will display the results under the Local Help twistie. If you have selected the Show result categories button, then the result you are looking for will be shown under a category such as Welcome or Cheat Sheets (these are some of the categories that display correctly only in the Dynamic Help view).