DoDAF modeling Release Notes

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Release notes

1.0 Limitations
   1.1 DoDAF document product generation
   1.2 DoDAF model structure
   1.3 OV-2 and OV-3 product generation
   1.4 SV-3 and SV-6 product generation
   1.5 Display of OV-3 matrix
   1.6 Display of SV-6 matrix
   1.7 Standard UML modeling support
   1.8 Support for top-down architecture design
   1.9 CADM support
   1.10 UML model import and convertion
   1.11 Web reports
2.0 Known problems and workarounds
   2.1 Update of realized operational nodes
   2.2 Opening products in default Eclipse editor
   2.3 Definition descriptions of AV-2 product
   2.4 Update of DoDAF products with model changes

1.0 Limitations

1.1 DoDAF document product generation

The Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) document product generation is supported in Windows® environments only.
The DoDAF document products (AV-1, OV-6a, SV-9, SV-10a and the DoDAF report) use Microsoft® Word templates whose contents are supplied by using the COM interface of Microsoft Word. Document product generation is not supported in Linux® environments.

1.2 DoDAF model structure

The DoDAF model has a fixed structure. The DoDAF model, created from the template, is structured so that you can use one product to generate a subsequent product. The UML package names in the model are reserved and the package hierarchy is fixed. If the structure is changed or packages are renamed, various DoDAF commands might not work as expected.

1.3 OV-2 and OV-3 product generation

The OV-2 and OV-3 products are generated from the OV-6c product by using the data from sequence diagrams of the OV-6c product. As such, creating OV-2 manually or modifying it directly does not cause changes to the OV-3 product.

1.4 SV-3 and SV-6 product generation

The SV-3 and SV-6 products are generated from the SV-10c product by using the data from sequence diagrams of the SV-10c product. If no sequence diagrams exist, these products are empty.

1.5 Display of OV-3 matrix

The displayed OV-3 matrix is a subset of the OV-3 product. The OV-3 window displays the operational information exchange matrix. The data presented in this matrix is a small subset of the OV-3 product and does not support the association of Information Exchange Requirement (IER) characteristics. However, the Data column in the matrix displays the type property of the parameters that are defined by the corresponding operation of the receiving operational node. The Receiving Activity column shows the name of the corresponding operational activity (i.e. method on the operational node).

1.6 Display of SV-6 matrix

The displayed SV-6 matrix is a subset of the SV-6 product. The SV-6 window displays the systems data exchange matrix. The data in this matrix is a small subset of the SV-6 product and does not support the association of data exchange characteristics. However, the Data description column in the matrix displays the type property of the parameters that are defined by the corresponding operation of the consumer systems node. The Consumer Function column shows the name of the corresponding system function (i.e. method on the system).

1.7 Standard UML modeling support

Standard UML modeling is supported only for some products. For many of the operational and systems view products, you must use the standard UML modeling techniques to create these products. The products affected are as follows: OV-1, OV-4, OV-5, OV-6b, OV-7, SV-1, SV-2, SV-4, SV-7, SV-8, SV-10b and SV-11.

1.8 Support for top-down architecture design

The support for top-down architecture design is limited. The basic workflow that the DoDAF modeling feature supports is based on a bottom-up approach. Sequence diagrams (OV-6c) are manually created for communication between the operational nodes and other products (OV-2 and OV-3) are derived from the data defined in the sequence diagrams. Likewise, sequence diagrams (SV-10c) must be manually created for the data that is exchanged between systems nodes and other products (SV-3, SV-5 and SV-6) are derived from the sequence diagram data.

1.9 CADM support

The CADM database is not supported by the DoDAF modeling feature.

1.10 UML model import and convertion

The DoDAF modeling feature does not support existing UML design models that are created by using a different paradigm. You cannot import UML models and convert them into DoDAF models. The workflow requires you to start with new DoDAF models. However, you can import and open a DoDAF model created by version of the Rational modeling products.

1.11 Web reports

IBM® Rational® Web publishing does not create expected reports. If you use the model publishing feature of the Rational Software Development Platform to publish a DoDAF model, the generated web report does not contain any of the DoDAF document products nor does it contain any of the matrices.

2.0 Known problems and workarounds

2.1 Update of realized operational nodes

When an operational node is realized, a collaboration is created for the node in the SV-10c package in the model. For each operation that is defined on that operational node, an interaction with a sequence diagram is created within the corresponding SV-10c collaboration. The name of the collaboration reflects the operational node and the contained interactions have the same names as the operations of that node. If the operational node or any of its operations are renamed or deleted, the collaborations and interactions in SV-10c are not automatically updated with the changes or deletions. Likewise if the collaborations or interactions in SV-10c are renamed or deleted, the operational nodes and their operations are not updated.

Workaround: If any of the operational nodes, operations, realized collaborations, or interactions are renamed, the DoDAF pop-up menu items for navigation (for example, Go To Realized Operation or Go To Operation Realization) should still work. However, if any elements are deleted, the navigation no longer works and you must manually delete the appropriate elements.

2.2 Opening products in default Eclipse editor

After you create a DoDAF document product, if you open the generated document with the default Eclipse editor (by double-clicking the file in the Package Explorer view or Navigator view), you must edit the document to update the content. Because the default Eclipse editor uses an embedded version of Microsoft Word and a problem exists between Microsoft® Word and Eclipse regarding the state of the document, the document is altered.

Workaround: Right-click the DOC file, then click Open With > System Editor. The document opens in an external Microsoft Word window, which works as expected. If you make changes to the document, you must select the corresponding project in the workspace and refresh the document with the repository, especially if you use CVS as the CM system.

2.3 Definition descriptions of AV-2 product

The AV-2 product has no definition descriptions. When the AV-2 view is shown, the definition fields are blank unless you have added UML documentation to the corresponding elements.

Workaround: Select the element in the Model Explorer view or in a diagram and add the definition to the Documentation page in the Properties view.

2.4 Update of DoDAF products with model changes

DoDAF products are not updated automatically with model changes. If a DoDAF product is generated from other data in the model and that data is modified, the product is not updated. For example, the views that display the OV-3, SV-3, SV-5, or SV-6 products do not automatically update when the model is modified. Likewise, the OV-2 diagram that is generated does not automatically update if new messages are added to the OV-6c sequence diagrams.

Workaround: Each of the DoDAF views (OV-3, SV-3, SV-5, or SV-6 products) has a local menu item (and toolbar icon) for refreshing the view. Before you select this menu item, ensure that some DoDAF model elements (packages or nodes, but not a diagram) are selected in the Model Explorer view. When the OV-2 diagram is out of date, use the corresponding DoDAF pop-up menu item to regenerate the OV-2 product. You might need to fix the layout on the diagram.