IBM Rational Method Composer Release Notes

Version 7.5 iFix001


IBM® Rational® Method Composer 7.5 iFix001 is an update to IBM Rational Method Composer (RMC) 7.5. Version 7.5 is required for this update. A summary of defects fixed in this release is provided below.

Refer to IBM Rational Method Composer Installation Guide for instructions on how to install Rational Method Composer 7.5, upgrade libraries, and uninstall the product. The Installation Guide (install.html) can be found at [INSTALLDIR]/rmc/readme.

Installing the iFix update

If you have already installed Rational Method Composer 7.5, you can apply this update by following these instructions:

  1. Close Rational Method Composer.
  2. Start the IBM Installation Manager by selecting Start > All Programs > IBM Installation Manager > IBM Installation Manager.
  3. Click Update. The Installation Manager checks for updates. If a new version of Installation Manager is available, you must install it before you can continue the Rational Method Composer installation. Click Yes at prompt to update Installation Manager. If your Installation Manager is current, go to step 5.
  4. Click OK at the prompt to restart Installation Manager. Click Update Packages.
  5. From the page Select a package group to search for updates, select IBM Rational Method Composer 7.5 . Click Next.
  6. From the page Select the updates for fixes to install, verify the Version 7.5 ifix1 check box is selected. Click Next.
  7. Accept the license agreement and click Next.
  8. At the Review summary information page, click Update.
  9. When the update completes and you are informed that packages were installed successfully, click Finish to close the Update Packages windows.
  10. Exit the IBM Installation Manager.
  11. Confirm the update was successful by using the Help menu in Rational Method Composer and selecting About IBM Rational Method Composer. You should see: Version: 7.5.0 ifix1.

Removing the update

To remove updates, follow these instructions:

  1. Close Rational Method Composer.
  2. Start the IBM Installation Manager by selecting Start > All Programs > IBM Installation Manager.
  3. Click Roll Back to display the Roll Back Packages window.
  4. From the page Select the packages you want to roll back to, select a version that has been installed on your machine to roll back, then click Next.
  5. From the page Review rollback information, click Roll Back. A progress bar is displayed.
  6. When the update completes and you are informed that packages were rolled back successfully, click Finish to close the Update Packages windows.
  7. Exit IBM Installation Manager.

Defects fixed in this release

The following table lists significant defects fixed in this release.

APAR/ID Description / Comments
PK75536 (RATLC00316942) Activity Detail Diagram Generates Null Point Exception.
PK76251 (RATLC00317190) RMC joining table isn't working within BIRT.
PK76506 (RATLC00262981) Opening the AD for a CP extended twice into a DP results in a corrupted diagram in the editor.
IC58776 (RATLC01240779) Extending task does not show all attributes of the base task Escalation RATLC01240774.
PK74308 (RATLC01239962) RMC: documentation does not include change in configuring locally replaced activities and tasks for processes.
PK59633 (RATLC00397991) Pearl Circle reference in the published site with UXM Plugin.
PK60436 (RATLC01050886) RMC Contained Artifact and Container Artifact need to have product help documentation.
PK75160 (RATLC01241024) RMC exporting a task or activity that uses "&" in the presentation name.
PK74990 (RATLC00405899) Help Documentation Subject needs update.
RATLC00406828 Converting a single library project to a workspace library misses tags and process builder.
RATLC00406201 Clean Resources does not work with ClearCase-managed files.
RATLC00406802 Wrong labels used for published Practice page.
RATLC00406644 Do not provide Guidance as an option for synchronization.
RATLC00406593 Workspace library plugin directory does not get renamed when under CC control.
RATLC00406585 Skin Terminology changes are not picked up for link types and tree view.
RATLC00405720 Work Product descriptor does not show sub-artifacts.
RATLC00405306 "Preview Highlighted element" in Process Builder does not work.
RATLC00405208 No site configured for Process Browser.
RATLC00406197 Spell Checker does not find errors on SUSE linux.
RATLC00406205 Refine the double byte support in URLs -- URLs with %20 + 0-9/a..f/A..F issue.
RATLC00406148 Published Web sites contained roles and other method elements, are not referenced by the selected practices.

Legal notices

Legal notices for IBM Rational Method Composer are provided in the notices.txt file in the installation directory. Please refer to this file for applicable legal notices.

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