IBM® Rational® PurifyPlus™ for Windows Release Notes, interim fix build 11785 interim fix build 11785

This file last updated: 9/7/2010

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This is an interim fix. It has not been fully validated by IBM.

The product changes described in this document apply to version of Rational PurifyPlus for Windows. This interim fix should not be applied to versions earlier than

Components of PurifyPlus include:

References to PurifyPlus in these release notes apply to Purify, Quantify and PureCoverage.


What's in this interim fix
Installation Information
Contacting IBM Rational Software Support

What's in this interim fix

This build of PurifyPlus provides the following:

Note: Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 provide a feature called Fault Tolerant Heap that can be enabled dynamically for a program. If it is enabled for a program being analyzed by Purify it will interfere with Purify's ability to detect heap operations. See this MSDN article for details about disabling the Fault Tolerant Heap or resetting the list of programs to which it is being applied. The Fault Tolerant Heap should be disabled or reset if it is enabled for a Purify'd program. Our recommendation is that you disable it on a development machine where you are using Purify.

In addition this interim fix resolves defects in version of Rational PurifyPlus for Windows. The table below describes the issues resolved since was released. Because interim and limited availability interim fixes are cumulative, the previous interim fix where each fix was delivered is identified. Fixes first delivered in the current interim fix are highlighted in gray.

Resolved Issue
Defect Number
Delivered in build
Purify RATLC00411749 PK85554 Dual monitor - Purify does not remember Instrumentation dialog window on Monitor display #2 Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11243
Purify RATLC00415491 PK95976 Purify's keeping track of the stack between nested function calls may result in a major slowdown Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11399
PureCoverage RATLC00415791 PK97192 Customer exe starts up and exits immediately only with selective instrumentation Test Fix build 11267
Purify RATLC00416731 PM00187 PurifyPlus error report does not show function name defined in DLLs. Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11150
Purify RATLC00418029 PM04953 Regression: possible memory leak in Purify runtime Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11243
Purify RATLC00418291 PM04064 Launching Source Code Viewer brings up additional instance of Visual Studio Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11243
Purify RATLC00418294 PM04074 Purify aborts after the memory leak button is clicked Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11243
Purify RATLC00418408 PM04399 Instrumented app locks up when trying to exit Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11243
Quantify RATLC00419091 PM05835 Diff between two pre-existing quantify datasets takes over an hour Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11243
Purify RATLC00420119 PM08264 Purify'd app exhausts memory and limits test sets Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11243
Purify RATLC00420333 PM09088 Command-line args are not passed to VS debugger when using Purify's "Run under the debugger" Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11243
PureCoverage RATLC00421320 PM13342 PureCov'd app crashes during startup with "failed to initialize properly" Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11315
Purify RATLC00421530 PM13342 Visual Studio integration: Purify opens second instance of Visual Studio Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11315
Purify RATLC00421766 - Custom-allocated blocks get padded for redzone despite flag indicating to not do so Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11315
PureCoverage RATLC00883215 PK97875 "An unhandled win32 exception occured in coveragew.exe" using SI Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11150
Purify RATLC01214013 IC54033 Purify'd process terminates unexpectedly with low "length for errors" or "length for allocations" settings Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11399
Purify RATLC01300674 PK97996 Purify fails with "Attempt to create Application-Specific PWQ failed; code=50006" Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11150
Purify RATLC01306004 PM03770 Purify reports "Error: Can't repair branch at 0xb03912" and "Error: Unable to patch a compressed reference" Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11243
Purify RATLC01411079 PM00979 Purify engine crashes with unhandled win32 exception while trying to instrument a dll. Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11150
Purify RATLC01420596 PM06794 Dataset(error=e29a0009) is reported when taking a snap shot while profiling a application Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11243
Purify RATLC01481628 PK86785 Purify reports "new handles" as "all handles" Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11150
Purify RATLC01482849 PK86132 File -> Open causes instrumented application to crash when running 32 bit app on 64 bit Windows Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11399
PureCoverage RATLC01488280 PK92984 PureCoverage hangs after writing output files Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11150
Purify RATLC01488335 PK93073 Using Quick Filter during a leak scan may cause Purify to crash Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11243
Purify RATLC01495236 PM01762 Exception occurs when profiling ASP.NET web application related to AJAX and RAD Controls Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11243
Purify RATLC01495967 PM02817 Purify'd managed app error: "An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidProgramException' occurred ..." Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11243
Purify, Quantify, PureCoverage RATLC01501901 PM11420 Unable to use PurifyPlus v7.0.1 on Windows 2008 (x64) Server with AU license. If you require this capability you must perform an additional step to install the licensing files. See the readme in the PurifyPlus\Utilities directory for details. Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11315
Purify RATLC01504525 PM13958 Purify displays error: "Trap bits found in live chunk ..." Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11399
Purify, Quantify, PureCoverage RATLC01509403 PM11420 Command Arguments are not passed to Purify from VS 2008 Integration Limited Availability Interim Fix build 11399

Installation Information

To install these files:

At this point, the installation will be complete. The Help->About box for each PurifyPlus component should report a build number of 11785. You will NOT need to reboot your system.

Contacting IBM Rational Software Support

The IBM software support Internet site provides you with self-help resources and electronic problem submission. The IBM Software Support homepage can be found at

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