MedSpeak/Radiology PTF 1.2.5 Installation Instructions Do not install the PTF diskette until you have completed the upgrade from Version 1.1 to 1.2. MedSpeak support will not address any Version 1.2 problems unless the PTF 1.2.5 has been applied. This PTF includes all fixes from 1.2.1 to date. PLEASE NOTE: The function "Scratch That", (included with V1.2) used to delete the last sentence, has been changed to "Delete Last Sentence" (via PTF 1.2.2). Please note that all documentation in the package contains the "Scratch That" command. However, once you install the PTF (1.2.5), "Scratch That" will no longer be a recognized command and "Delete Last Sentence" becomes the valid command. REMINDER: All PTF fix packs are cumulative; they include all fixes from previous PTF fix packs! Fixes included in this PTF are: 1. Additional corrections of caching errors found since the 1.2.4 patch. To install the MedSpeak/Radiology PTF 1.2.5 patch file please do the following: On the MedSpeak/Radiology 1.2 Server: 1. Create a directory under the MedSpeak directory called PTF5 2. Copy the self-extracting file MR125.EXE from the floppy drive into the drive X:\MEDSPEAK\PTF5 (where X: is the drive MedSpeak/Radiology was installed). Then type MR125.EXE. The file will expand into four files: SPCHAPP.EXE, RDW.SP.I, CHANGEPW.EXE and MR125.TXT. 3. In the path \MEDSPEAK\RADIOLOGY\SERVER\SHRDIR, rename the file RDW.SP.I to RDW.SP.I.BAK. Then copy the file \MEDSPEAK\PTF5\RDW.SP.I to the path \MEDSPEAK\RADIOLOGY\SERVER\SHRDIR. 4. In the path \MEDSPEAK\RADIOLOGY\SERVER\BIN, rename the file CHANGEPW.EXE to CHANGEPW.BAK. Then copy the file \MEDSPEAK\PTF5\CHANGEPW.EXE to the path \MEDSPEAK\RADIOLOGY\SERVER\BIN. On All MedSpeak/Radiology 1.2 Client Workstations: 1. In the path X:\MEDSPEAK\RADIOLOGY\CLIENT\BIN (where X: is the drive MedSpeak was installed on) rename SPCHAPP.EXE TO SPCHAPP.BAK. 2. Go into Windows NT File Manager (3.51) or Windows NT Explorer (4.0) and find the drive letter that is mapped to the MedSpeak/Radiology 1.2 Server (i.e. S). Copy S:\MEDSPEAK\PTF5\SPCHAPP.EXE (from the MedSpeak/Radiology server) to X:\MEDSPEAK\RADIOLOGY\CLIENT\BIN (on the MedSpeak/Radiology "Client" workstation drive).