March 15, 2004 DB2 Everyplace 8.1.2 Sync Server Refresh 2 ========================================== File: (Windows) 812SyncServerRefresh.tar (Linux or Unix) This DB2 Everyplace Sync Server refresh requires that the target machine must have DB2 Everyplace Sync Server 8.1.2 already installed. This refresh includes a utility that installs the fixes in 812SyncServerRefresh.[zip/tar] on top of the existing installation. Fixes and Improvements ______________________ This refresh contains fixes and improvements for the following APARs: IC36497: DB2 CLI0601E reported during Sync Server operation IC36398: DSYD029W message in trace, LOOKUP FILTERS contains invalid syntax IC36376: Replication performance for a large # of rows is poor IC36453: IBM Data Propagator subscription fails IC36475: DSYC316E: Definition of subscription altered IC37671: Mobile Devices Administration Center not recovering after deadlock or timeout IC37845: CLI Driver DB2/6000 SQL0803N SQLSTATE=23505 IC38399: Excessive Synchronization Sessions/Session Timeouts IC38676: Error DominoTriggerReplicationEngine.replicate: NotesException: Invalid Date IC38842: Multiple LDAP calls being made while using the DMS (Device Management Server) IC39267: Table update causes a subscription to be refresh on the devices IC39388: Error "SQL0302N The value of a host variable in the EXECUTE or OPEN statement is too large for its corresponding use" IC39392: The Synchronization Client terminates abnormally during synchronization IC39476: Sync client may fall into an infinite loop and hang indefinitely if the encryption library fails to initialize properly IC39477: Symbian Sync Client fails to receive reply when synchronizing larger-sized rows when using GSM network IC39478: The Synchronization Client fails with the error DSYC316E, "Subscription definition altered" IC39563: Cancelled session recovery will be performed and reported (DSYS015W) multiple times in a multiple server environment IC39573: On a Palm device, when adding more entries to a config database bigger than 64K, the client abends with a fatal-alert window IC39574: The client might report a SQL state 07001 when there are columns of size larger than 100 bytes IC39590: Mobile Devices Administration Center synchronization log and syncadapterinit.log file indicate "java.lang.NullPointerException" and "java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException" respectively IC39833: SQL0204N "DSY.LF..." is an undefined name. SQLSTATE=42704 Installation Instructions _________________________ 1. Shut down Mobile Device Administration Center. 2. Shut down DB2 Everyplace Sync Server. (Stop DB2 Everyplace App Server under the WebSphere Application Server) 3. If you are using WebSphere Application Server v4.x, ensure that the administration server is started before you continue with the installation. 4. Unpack the 812SyncServerRefresh.[zip/tar] into a temporary folder (c:\temp on Windows, or /tmp on unix or linux platforms). Please be sure that there is at least 50MB free to extract and install these fixes. 5. cd c:\temp\812SyncServerRefresh (Windows) cd /tmp/812SyncServerRefresh (unix or linux) 6. Execute the following script to install the fixes: Windows: installfix.bat [ -noRedeployEAR ] [ -useAdminServer ] username password DSYINSTDIR WAS_HOME FIX_DIRECTORY NODENAME SERVERNAME [ WASUSERNAME ] [ WASPASSWORD ] AIX, Linux, or Solaris (must be run for each dsyinstance): ./ [ -noRedeployEAR ] [ -useAdminServer ] username password DSYINSTDIR WAS_HOME FIX_DIRECTORY NODENAME SERVERNAME [ WASUSERNAME ] [ WASPASSWORD ] Command Options: -noRedeployEAR - tells the command to NOT reinstall any EAR file -useAdminServer - tells the command to connect to a WebSphere Administration Server. This applies to WebSphere Application Server 5.x servers only. The following options are valid for WebSphere Application Server 5.x only: WASUSERNAME - if security is enabled in WAS 5.x, this is the name of the Security ID. WASPASSWORD - if security is enabled in WAS 5.x, this is the password for the Security ID. Required Parameters: If any directories have white space characters, quote each directory. username - the username needed to connect to the dsyinstance control database password - the password needed to connect to the dsyinstance control database DSYINSTDIR - the installation directory for the dsyinstance. WAS_HOME - the installation directory of the WebSphere Application Server. If using the embedded version of the WebSphere Application Server that is bundled with the DB2 Everyplace server, then this will be: %DSYINSTDIR%\WAS (windows) or $DSYINSTDIR/WAS (unix or linux) Otherwise, this directory may vary depending on where WebSphere is located. Some examples could be: "c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer" (windows) or /usr/WebSphere/AppServer (AIX) /opt/WebSphere/AppServer (Linux or Solaris) FIX_DIRECTORY - This is where you have extracted the code to be applied to your installation. If the fix is extracted to the recommended directories, this directory will be: c:\temp\812SyncServerRefresh (Windows) /tmp/812SyncServerRefresh (AIX, Linux, or Solaris) NODENAME - The WebSphere nodename. This is often the same as the server's hostname without the domain name. Enter "-" when using the embedded application Server. SERVERNAME - The name of the DB2 Everyplace WebSphere Application Server name. Enter "-" When using the embedded application server, or when using WebSphere Application Server 4.x. 7. Please make sure that the DB2 Everyplace EAR file has been updated when installing into a WAS 4 server. If there was a WebSphere message stating that the object is still running even after it is stopped (, open the adminstrative console --> WebSphere Administrative Domain --> Enterprise Applications --> IBM DB2 Everyplace. Right click on IBM DB2 Everyplace and select "Force stop". Re-run the installfix.[bat/sh] command.