Using QMF

Changing information in a query

You can change column names, change row conditions, and sort information in a query you have saved. You cannot change table names, but you can delete a table and specify a new one.

To change information in a query:

  1. Move the cursor to the information you want to change, and press the Change function key.

    The appropriate change panel, like the one in Figure 55, displays.

    Figure 55. QMF displays a panel where you specify changes to a query.

    | PROMPTED QUERY     USERID.MYQUERY                    MODIFIED  LINE    1       |
    |              +--------------------------------------------------------------+  |
    |   Tables:    |                        Change Column                         |  |
    |     Q.STAFF  |                                                              |  |
    |              | Type a column name, expression (A+B, etc.), or a summary     |  |
    |   Columns:   | function (SUM, etc.).  You can use the following arithmetic  |  |
    |     NAME     | operators: add(+), subtract(-), multiply(*), and divide(/).  |  |
    |   > ...      |                                                              |  |
    |     JOB      | (                                                          ) |  |
    |              | (                                                          ) |  |
    |   Row Condit | (                                                          ) |  |
    |     If JOB I | (                                                          ) |  |
    |              | (                                                          ) |  |
    |   *** END ** +--------------------------------------------------------------+  |
    |              | F1=Help  F4=List  F12=Cancel                                 |  |
    |              +--------------------------------------------------------------+  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
  2. Enter the changes to the information.

The Prompted Query panel displays with the changed information in the echo area.

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