Using QMF

Displaying a list of database objects using the LIST command

The LIST command works like the List function key, except that you enter the command instead of pressing a key.

You can specify which objects to display by using keywords with the LIST command.

Table 4 shows you how to use the LIST command to display specific objects in your list.

Table 4. Choose specific objects to display with the List command.

Objects you want in the list What you enter Comments
Objects you own LIST ALL Displays all the objects you own, including TABLES, QUERIES, PROCS, and FORMS.
Objects of a specific object type that you own LIST objecttype For example, enter:
to display a list of all the queries you have saved in the database.
Objects another user owns and shares with you LIST objecttype (OWNER=userid For example, enter:
to display a list of all the tables a person with user ID KRISTI shares with you.
Objects at a remote location LIST objecttype (LOCATION=location If you are connected to a DB2 database that supports three-part names, you can display a list of tables and views at a remote location. For example, type LIST TABLES (LOCATION=NEWYORK to display a list of all tables in a database at the New York location.

If your database does not support distributed unit of work, but does support remote unit of work, you can use the CONNECT command to connect to a remote database. Then you can issue the LIST command to see tables and other QMF objects stored in the remote database.

For information on connecting to a database in another location, see Chapter 13, Accessing Data at a Remote Database.

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