Using QMF

Chapter 3. Displaying a List of Database Objects

To quickly view information about database objects, you can display a list of those objects.

You can limit the objects in the list in many different ways. For example, you can limit objects to a certain type, such as queries, or to objects with names that contain a certain sequence of characters (for example, all objects with names beginning with ST).

QMF allows you to see only objects that you are authorized to use. These objects can include objects you saved in the database and objects that other users share with you.

If your database supports distributed unit of work, you can also display a list of tables that are located at a remote location. See your QMF administrator to find out if you have distributed unit of work. You can display QMF queries and forms from within Windows environments by using the QMF for Windows feature. See Appendix D, The QMF High Performance Option for more information.

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