Using QMF

Adding data to long fields

If a field is followed by a greater-than symbol > rather than a right parenthesis, the entire field is longer than 50 characters. If the information you need to type for this field is more than 50 characters, QMF provides a way to display the entire field.

To add data:

  1. Move the cursor to the field you want to display.

    In the PERS sample table, the NOTES field is longer than 50 characters.

  2. Press the Show Field function key.

    The Show Field panel for the field displays.

    The valid values for the field appear at the bottom of the panel on the message line.

  3. Type the data for the field.

    When you get to the end of one line, just continue typing. Your data will automatically wrap to the next line.

    Figure 168. You can enter more data in long fields with the Show Field key.

    | ADD                  USERID.PERS                                               |
    |                                                                                |
    |                    +--------------------------------------------------------+  |
    | ACCTNO. . . . . .  |                         NOTES                          |  |
    | COMPANY . . . . .  |                                            1 to 2 of 2 |  |
    | STREET. . . . . .  | (_Consistently late in deliveries.  Recommend not____) |  |
    | CITY. . . . . . .  | (_ordering from S & J until problems are corrected.__) |  |
    | STATE . . . . . .  +--------------------------------------------------------+  |
    | ZIP . . . . . . .  | F1=Help  F7=Backward  F8=Forward  F12=Cancel           |  |
    | NOTES . . . . . .  +--------------------------------------------------------+  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
  4. Press Enter to save the data in the field.

The Table Editor ADD panel displays with the first 50 characters of the field displayed.

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