Using QMF

Using REXX variables in procedures with logic

You can use REXX variables in a procedure with logic. The values for these variables are known only within the procedure in which you defined them.

You can do the following:

For more information on REXX variables, see the REXX reference manual for your system. For details on the GET GLOBAL and SET GLOBAL commands, see the QMF Reference, SC26-4716-05.

QMF also provides a group of REXX variables for the callable interface that QMF sets after processing each QMF command. These variables provide important information about the results of each command. You can use them in your procedures with logic. For example, DSQ_RETURN_CODE is QMF's return code, and DSQ_MESSAGE_ID is QMF's completion message. For more information about these variables, see Developing QMF Applications, SC26-4722-05 .

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