Header record (H)

A header record (which is mandatory) is the first record in the file, data set, or CICS data queue. It is a 42-byte record containing character data. The format of the H record is as follows:

Information and Type
01 Header record indicator (H)
02-04 file, data set, or CICS data queue identifier (IXF)
05-08 IXF version (0000)
09-14 Originating product name (QMF)
15-20 Originating product release level (V7R1M0)
21-28 Date the file, data set, or CICS data queue was created; in the form YYYYMMDD
29-34 Time the file, data set, or CICS data queue was created; in the form HHMMSS
35-39 The number of records preceding the first D (Data) record in the file, data set, or CICS data queue. This is a 5-digit numeric value expressed in character form.
40 DBCS indicator. Tells whether DBCS data is a possibility; Y or N.
41-42 Reserved
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