Link-edit QMF with CICS command interface modules

DSQ1ELNK link-edits QMF with the CICS command interface modules, DFHEAI and DFHEA10, located in the LOADLIB data set generated by CICS.

To include CICS interface modules DFHEAI and DFHEAI0, you must run this step each time you apply QMF service.

  2. Verify that the installation parameters in the instream procedure of the job, and the job steps, match your tailoring specifications.
    //DSQ1ELNK PROC REG=4096K,        Job Step Region
    //      QMFTPRE='QMF720 ',         DSN Prefix for QMF product
    //      CLOAD='CICS.LOADLIB',     Name of CICS LOADLIB
    //      OUTC='*                   Print SYSOUT class
  3. Submit QMF720.QMFSAMPE(DSQ1ELNK).
  4. Check for a return code of 0. If the return code is not 0, correct the problem and rerun DSQ1ELNK.
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