Step 14--Bind communications package to DB2 UDB for OS/390

Skip this step if you are not using the DB2 UDB for OS/390 communications package.

DSQ1BICD binds the DB2 UDB for OS/390 communications package to QMF.

  2. Verify that the installation parameters in the instream procedure of the job match your tailoring specifications. If they do not, return to Step 2--Tailor the jobs and correct your installation parameters.
    //DSQ1BICD PROC RGN='2048K',      Job-step region size
    //    QMFTPRE='QMF720 ',          Prefix for QMF  target libraries
    //    DB2EXIT='DSN710.SDSNEXIT',  Exit DB2 UDB for OS/390  library name
    //    DB2LOAD='DSN710.SDSNLOAD'   DB2 UDB for OS/390 program
                                      library name
  3. Submit job QMF720.SDSQSAPE(DSQ1BICD).
  4. Check for a return code of 4 or less.

    Do not proceed if the return code is higher than four. Examine SYSTSPRT or SYSPRINT for error messages. Perform corrective actions and rerun the job.

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