Step 10-- Create a table space for the QMF IVP

DSQ1STGJ creates a table space named DSQDBDEF.DSQTSDEF for the QMF installation verification procedure (IVP). Before it creates the table space, it creates the storage group (DSQSGDEF) and the database (DSQDBDEF) for this table space. After installation, you can use this table space for the tables your users create.

Skip this step if the table space already exists in the DB2 UDB for OS/390 subsystem that you selected for QMF Version 7.2. If you attempt to create a second table space, you will receive an error message indicating that the object already exists.

  2. Verify that the installation parameters in the instream procedure of the job match your tailoring specifications. If they do not, return to Step 2--Tailor the jobs and correct your installation parameters.
    //DSQ1STGJ PROC RGN='2048K',        Job-step region size
    //     QMFTPRE='QMF720 ',           Prefix for QMF target libraries
    //     DB2EXIT='DSN710 .SDSNEXIT',  Exit DB2 UDB for OS/390  library name
    //     DB2LOAD='DSN710 .SDSNLOAD'   DB2 UDB for OS/390 program
                                        library name
  3. Edit member DSQ1STGC.
  4. Determine whether your user catalog is password protected. If it is, add the password clause to the STOGROUP statement in member DSQ1STGC.
  5. Verify that the installation parameters in the instream procedure of the job match your tailoring specifications. If they do not, return to Step 2--Tailor the jobs and correct your installation parameters.
        VOLUMES (DSNVOL)      QMF  tables volume
        VCAT QMFDSN;          QMF  catalog alias

    The GRANT statements in this member allow everyone to create tables in the IVP table space. You can restrict this authority to certain users. You must include the installer if the installer is to run the IVP. If the program is run under the installer's authorization ID (the assumption), the installer automatically has the authority.

  6. Submit QMF720.SDSQSAPE(DSQ1STGJ).
  7. Check that you received a return code of 0. Review SYSTERM for completion messages.

    Do not proceed if the return code is other than zero. Examine SYSTSPRT or SYSPRINT for error messages. Perform corrective actions and rerun the job.

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