QMF control tables and table spaces on VSE

Table 97. QMF Objects, Control Tables, Save Data Tables, and Sample Tables
Control table name dbspace dbspace size (in 1K units) Table content Index
Q.PROFILES DSQTSPRO 100 primary, 20 secondary Contains QMF profiles that hold information about individual users' access to resources and data during a QMF session. Q.PROFILEX
Q.OBJECT_ DIRECTORY DSQTSCT1 200 primary, 20 secondary Contains general information about all QMF queries, forms, and procedures in the database. Q.OBJECT_ DIRECTORY
Q.OBJECT_DATA DSQTSCT3 5000 primary, 200 secondary Contains queries, forms, and procedures represented in an internal QMF format. Q.OBJECT_ DATAX
Q.OBJECT_REMARKS DSQTSCT2 200 primary, 20 secondary Contains comments that were saved when queries, forms, and procedures were created or replaced. Q.OBJECT_ REMARKS
Q.RESOURCE_TABLE DSQTSGOV 100 primary, 20 secondary Contains resource control information passed to the governor exit routine. Q.RESOURCE_ INDEX
Q.ERROR_LOG DSQTSLOG 100 primary, 20 secondary Contains information on system , resource, and "unexpected condition" errors. This information is more detailed than that found in error messages. none
Q.DSQ. RESERVED DSQTSRDO 100 primary, 20 secondary Contains information on used by QMF during installation.. IMPORTANT: DO NOT MODIFY THIS TABLE none
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