Running QMF as a Batch Program

If a user runs a procedure with the RUN command, he cannot execute QMF commands except to cancel the procedure or the session. Running a procedure using the RUN command might tie up considerable session time. Alternatively, given the proper authority, the user might run the procedure in batch mode. In this mode, the procedure runs independently of the user's session so that the user can continue to issue commands.

To enable your users to use batch mode, you must give them the proper authority. Your users can then use batch mode to run procedures independently of a session and issue commands interactively while the procedure is running. The batch procedure may not run immediately; it might wait to run after the user's QMF session ends.

You and your users can create batch procedures to be run and saved in the database. A procedure can invoke queries or other procedures and can execute other QMF commands. For more information about writing batch procedures, see the Using QMF manual.

QMF also supplies the QMF BATCH application to simplify running batch jobs.

If you are using an NLF: Users at a multilingual installation can choose the language environment for their batch QMF sessions, just as they can for their interactive sessions.

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