Step 5--Install QMF/GDDM map groups

DSQ1EMAP copies expanded versions of certain GDDM map groups to a map group library named QMF720.DSQMAPE. The map groups are copied from the source library QMF720.SDSQSAPE.

  1. Edit DSQ1EMAP.
  2. Verify and change if necessary these parameters in the instream procedure of the job:
    //DSQ1MAP PROC RGN='2048K',   Job-step region size
    //     QMFTPRE='QMF720 ',      Prefix for QMF  target libraries
    //     MAPID=
  3. Submit job QMF720.SDSQSAPE(DSQ1EMAP).
  4. Check for a return code of 0.
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