Start and test QMF

This procedure starts the QMF for VSE product and tests that the product is properly installed. If you receive an error message during any part of the procedure, it indicates that QMF did not start properly.

  1. Sign on to the CICS system that is connected to QMF.
  2. Press the Escape function key to begin a native CICS session.
  3. Start QMF by issuing the CICS transaction, QMFE. Also specify the use of the temporary storage queue (DSQSDBQT) so that you can view any warning messages online. To start QMF with the temporary storage queue name, DSQD, specify:

    You should see the QMF Home panel.

    Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
    5675-DB2 5697-F42 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1982, 2000
    All Rights Reserved.
    IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines
      QMF HOME PANEL                       Query       Management    Facility
      Version 7 Release 2
                                          ******     **    **      ********* ____
      Authorization ID                  **     **   ***   ***     **        ____
        Q                              **     **   ****  ****    *******   ____
                                      **     **   ** ** ** **   **        ____
      Connected to                   **   * **   **  ****  **  **        ____
        SQLDS                         ******    **   **    ** **        _______
                                           ** _______________________________________
    Enter a command on the command line or press a function key.
    For help, press the Help function key or enter the command HELP.
     1=Help        2=List        3=End         4=Show       5=Chart        6=Query
     7=Retrieve    8=Edit Table  9=Form       10=Proc      11=Profile     12=Report
     OK, you may enter a command.
     COMMAND ===>
  4. Verify existence of QMF online help.

    Press the Help function key. You should see this Help panel:

    Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
    5645-DB2 5648-A70 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1982, 1998
    All Rights Reserved.
    IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines
    |                       Help: Query Management Facility                      |
    |                                                                            |
    | Select a topic.                                                            |
    |                                                             1  to 7  of 14 |
    |     1. What's new in Version 7.2                                             |
    |     2. Profile                                                             |
    |     3. QMF commands                                                        |
    |     4. Prompted Query                                                      |
    |     5. SQL (Structured Query Language)                                     |
    |     6. Table Editor                                                        |
    |     7. Forms                                                               |
    | F1=Help  F3=Exit  F7=Backward  F8=Forward  F9=Keys  F12=Cancel             |
    OK, HELP performed. Please proceed.

    Exit from the Help panel by pressing either PF3 or PF12.

  5. Obtain a list of QMF-supplied sample tables.

    Type the QMF command LIST TABLES (OWNER=Q) on the command line and press Enter. Depending on whether you previously installed QMF, the tables that have the owner Q might vary from the following screen:

    |                                 Table List                                  |
    |                                                                             |
    | Action   Name               Owner                                           |
    |                                                             1  to  7 of 36  |
    |          APPLICANT          Q                                               |
    |          COMMAND_SYNONYMS   Q                                               |
    |          DSQ_RESERVED       Q                                               |
    |          DSQEC_ALIASES      Q                                               |
    |          DSQEC_COLS_LDB2    Q                                               |
    |          DSQEC_COLS_RDB2    Q                                               |
    |          DSQEC_QMFOBJS      Q                                               |
    |          DSQEC_TABS_LDB2    Q                                               |
    |          DSQEC_TABS_RDB2    Q                                               |
    |          INTERVIEW          Q                                               |
    |          ORG                Q                                               |
    |          PARTS              Q                                               |
    | F1=Help  F4=Command  F5=Describe  F6=Refresh  F7=Backward  F8=Forward       |
    | F9=Clear  F10=Comments  F11=Sort  F12=Cancel                                |
    OK, yout database object list is displayed.

    If you press PF8, additional panels are shown. Return to the QMF Home panel by pressing the Cancel function key. End the QMF session by pressing PF12.

The installation verification is now complete. You can browse the temporary storage queue to determine if there are any QMF warning messages using the CICS transaction:


If your IVP ran without any errors, your TS queue DSQD is empty.

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