Install QMF into SQL database

Edit DSQ3nDBI for each database that needs NLF support:

  1. Delete the first line of the file, starting with CATALOG.
  2. Change all instances of ..* to * with the following command:
    ch /..*/*/ *
  3. Delete the last two lines of the file, leaving the end-of-job statement.
  4. Ensure that the first three job steps are set to YES:
    // SETPARM STEP1=YES   *-- Create profile
    // SETPARM STEP2=YES   *-- Drop sample tables
    // SETPARM STEP3=YES   *-- Create and load sample tables

    For subsequent installations, or under error conditions, some of the job steps might need to be set to NO. Changing a setparm to NO skips the step.

  5. Locate the database name SQLDS, and verify that it is set for the correct database:
  6. Determine whether this database has an earlier version of QMF for VSE installed.

    If an earlier version is installed, locate the following statement and change the value from NO to that version, for example V6R1:

  7. Verify or correct the QMF library and sublibrary names. Change the names accordingly if they were changed from the default PRD2.PROD library.
  8. Ensure that DB2 is up and running in multiple user mode.
  9. File DSQ3nDBI and run the job. Check the system console to ensure that the job completed with a return code of 0.
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