Step 1--Create QMF installation control file: DSQ2ECTL

The QMF exec, DSQ2ECTL, prompts you for information that is required in the QMF installation process.

To create the QMF installation control file, do the following:

  1. Access the QMF distribution disk in WRITE mode.
  2. Ensure that your A disk has enough room to generate temporary files.
  3. Supply the information for the worksheet, if you have not yet done so.
  4. Run the exec: DSQ2ECTL.


You receive a series of prompts that request the information you developed using the worksheet (Table 30).

Anytime during this process, you can enter:

A file, QMFV720E INSTALL, is created on your installation disk. It contains the information you supplied to the previous prompts.

If an installation file already exists from a previous installation, the information you enter is appended to this file. The previous information is "deactivated", but saved, for service purposes.

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