Reports for success

QMF lets you determine what is important for your reports and gives you the capability to format it the way you want. A sample of a report that you can produce using the form function in QMF is shown below.

    REPORT                                           LINE 1      POS 1
              <------------------ JOB ------------------>
              <-- CLERK -->  <--- MGR --->  <-- SALES -->  <-- TOTAL -->
                      SUM            SUM            SUM            SUM
        DEPT         SALARY         SALARY         SALARY         SALARY
      ------    -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------
          10                    $83,463.45                    $83,463.45
          15     $24,766.70     $20,659.80     $16,502.83     $61,929.33
          20     $27,757.35     $18,357.50     $18,171.25     $64,286.10
          38     $24,964.50     $17,506.75     $34,814.30     $77,285.55
          42     $22,014.50     $18,352.80     $18,001.75     $58,369.05
          51     $27,829.80     $21,150.00     $37,111.00     $86,090.80
          66     $10,988.00     $18,555.50     $56,532.70     $86,076.20
          84     $13,030.50     $19,818.00     $33,298.50     $66,147.00
                ===========    ===========    ===========    ===========
                $151,351.35    $217,863.80    $214,432.33    $583,647.48
                                      COMPANY NAME

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