QMF Provides Results in Four Easy Steps

QMF gets the data you need from a relational database and presents it in an effective report or chart. As shown in the illustration below, data access and presentation are simple with QMF objects. After you format your data as desired, you can browse or print it.

Read paragraph below for explanation of this graphic.

(1) When you need information from your database, build and save your question in a QMF query. Your query acts as a request to the database to get specific information. (2) QMF sends the query to the database in structured query language (SQL), and the database creates the answer set. (3) QMF uses a default report format so that you can see the results quickly. To see the data in a more tailored format, you can use various form specifications to customize your report. (4) You can then browse, print, chart, or export the formatted results. Or, you can include it in your own custom application.

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