QMF for Windows 8.1 Fix Pack 18 QMF-7972 The SQL parser fails to verify conditions, constant literals, and expressions when converting SQL queries into prompted queries. QMF-7991 (PMR53547) When a semi-colon is added to a SELECT statement, you might not be able to perform cell updates in the grid. QMF-8001 If you attempt to open a saved query while set to an unoperational server, an error may occur and the application hangs. QMF-8015 (PMR38871) An error may occur when opening a classic report from a procedure. QMF-8018 A misleading error message may be displayed when opening a prompted query that was saved with a CCSID that is different than the CCSID that the application is currently using. QMF-8030 The cursor identified in a FETCH or CLOSE statement is not open while trying to open a saved prompted query. QMF-8040 An error may occur when attempting to update or insert a date value when in the Windows format. QMF-8044 Added RDBI.ADMIN_TABLE to enable administrators to grant users admin privileges in iSeries databases. QMF-8047 An error may occur when running the same procedure twice while the DSQQW_REUSE_OBJS global variable it set to "1". QMF-8049 (PMR39374) QMF for Windows API may fail when opening multiple queries. QMF-8062 If a cancel limit is reached from the resource limits, the entire query results set can not be seen. QMF-8069 (PMR18129) When using the Find function in the SQL editor, if the last result has been found, an error occurs when you attempt to search in the Up direction. QMF-8073 (PMR10294) The CONFIRM parameter does not work properly for procedures. QMF-8088 (PMR41391) An error may occur when attempting to run an external stored procedure with an output parameter defined with length VARCHAR(32000). QMF-8090 CLOB columns' tooltips can not display contents starting with BOM correctly. QMF-8097 (PMR26367) Added support for granting the EXECUTE privilege for Q, RDBI, and QMF package libraries for iSeries databases. QMF-8100 The Search for help on menu command points to an invalid page in QMF for Windows administrator.