pq27159 Undefined object does not understand errorValue ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Affected Platforms: All Affected Features: Distributed Prerequisites: v4.5a Symptom: The ACO resource management code is not thread safe. There are a number of data structures (e.g., pools) which are modified (elements added and removed) with no concurrency protection. If you follow the path from #asyncCallWith... or #startAsyncCall you will see that there no Block>>crticals (or equivalent). As a result when you really bash ACO with calls, it appears that two Processes can get a hold of the same future stub (amongst other things). This in turn results in a 'nil dNU: #completeAsyncCall. This is likely because the first call using the erroneously shared stub completed and nil'd out the receiver of the stub's directed message. Workaround: Import and load the application EsAsynchronousCallout from pq27159.dat