pq18217 - 4.0 version of ObjectDumper>>#unload:intoFile:atOffset: not compatible with 3.0 version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Affected Platforms: Affected Features: Base Smalltalk Prerequisites: Symptom: ObjectDumper>>#unload:intoFile:atOffset: is not completely compatible with OldObjectDumper>>#unload:intoFile:atOffset:. The problem is the way in which the file is being opened. In 4.0, the file is opened with the flag OTRUNC which causes the file to be truncated to zero length. The file is not truncated in 3.0. This causes a problem when you try to dump two consecutive objects at two different offsets. Opening the file for the second dump operation truncates the contents and wipes out the first dumped object. Solution: Open a workspace on file pq18217.st and file in the patch.