Gatekeeper, a component of IBM(R) WebSphere(R) Everyplace(R) Connection Manager Version This README file contains information you need for installing as well as information that was not available for our printed publication. __________________________________________________________________________ Table of contents 1.0 Software requirements 2.0 Hardware requirements 3.0 Getting help 4.0 Installing 5.0 Late-breaking information 6.0 Fixed Authorized Program Analysis Report (APAR) information 7.0 Trademarks and copyright __________________________________________________________________________ 1.0 Software Requirements You can install the Gatekeeper on any of these operating systems with the TCP/IP protocol installed: o IBM AIX(R) Version 5.1 Maintenace Level 4 o IBM AIX Version 5.2 Maintenance Level 1 o IBM AIX Version 5.3 o Red Hat Enterprise Linux(R) 3.0 WS/ES/AS o SuSE Linux 8.1 o SuSE Linux 8.2 o SuSE Linux 9.0 o SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 o SuSE Linux Desktop 8 o Sun Solaris 8 and Solaris 9 o Trusted Solaris 8 o Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 2000 o Microsoft Windows XP A Java(TM) runtime environment (JRE) is required to use the Gatekeeper. Details about the JRE depend on the operating system you are using: AIX - The Gatekeeper requires the IBM(R) SDK (and all of the things that the IBM SDK requires). On the installation CD in the directory /usr/sys/inst.images, is the file Java14.sdk. This file is the IBM SDK version and requires several other files from the same directory on the installation CD. When you install using smitty, choose the option AUTOMATICALLY install prerequisite software to make sure that the IBM SDK is installed from the installation CD, if it is not already installed. If you are downloading the Gatekeeper code from the support web site, there are two packages available for AIX. One tar file contains the SDK and the code (74.9 MB) and the other tar file contains just the code (11.2 MB). Linux - The Gatekeeper requires the IBM JRE version (and all of the things that the IBM JRE requires). On the installation CD in the directory /linux, is the file IBMJava2-JRE-1.4.1-2.0.i386.rpm. This file is the IBM JRE 1.4.1. If you are downloading the Gatekeeper code from the support web site, there are two packages available for Linux. One tar file contains the JRE and the code (37.8 MB) and the other tar file contains just the code (4.3 MB). Solaris - The JRE version 1.4.2_04 is built in to and part of the Gatekeeper install image. The JRE will not display as separately installed software when issuing a command such as pkginfo. Likewise, you cannot uninstall the JRE without uninstalling the Gatekeeper. Note: JRE that is bundled with the Gatekeeper code also requires the J2SE Cluster Patches for Solaris that can be downloaded from Sun at Windows - The JRE is built in to and part of the Gatekeeper install image. The JRE will not display as separately installed software, for example, in the Control Panel under Add/Remove Programs. Likewise, you cannot uninstall the JRE without uninstalling the Gatekeeper. 1.1 Optional Software Requirements If the Gatekeeper is running on Windows platforms and you plan to use the product support web site or view the Information Center, install Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape. On UNIX(R) platforms, install Netscape, Mozilla, Konqueror, Epiphany, Galeon, or Htmlview. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 Hardware Requirements AIX - IBM pSeries(R) 615 with 64-bit POWER(TM) 4+ processor at 1.2 GHz , 1 GB memory, and 75 MB disk space Solaris - Sun Blade 150 with UltraSPARC IIi at 550 MHz, 1 GB memory, and 100 MB disk space Linux - IBM xSeries(R) 205VL or compatible with Intel(TM) Pentium AMD K6, or compatible processor at 400 MHz, 256 MB memory, and 75 MB disk space Windows - IBM xSeries 205VL or compatible with Intel Pentium, AMD K6, or compatible processor at 400 MHz, 256 MB memory, and 75 MB disk space The amount of hard disk space required depends on your network size and activity, the levels of messages that you log, and how often you archive your message and trace log files. Minimum hard disk space required without tracing or logging: Windows - 57 MB AIX with SDK previously installed - 15.26 MB AIX without SDK previously installed - 88.14MB Solaris - 81.55 MB Linux with JRE previously installed - 15.54 MB Linux without JRE previously installed - 72.44 MB Minimum hard disk space needed for trace logging is 12 MB. Minimum hard disk space needed for message logging is 12 MB. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3.0 Getting Help Online help is available with the Gatekeeper. Click the Help menu option, click the Tips button, or click How to... from the Tasks tab. For more information, see the product Support web site at: ___________________________________________________________________________ 4.0 Installing See the IBM WebSphere Everyplace Connection Manager Administrator's Guide for information about installing for the first time or applying maintenance. The guide is in portable document format (PDF) and you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 5.0 or greater to display or print it. This guide is located on the installation CD or on the web at: _____________________________________________________________________________ 5.0 Late-breaking information 5.1 If you are running the Gatekeeper, then it is recommended that you do not use double-byte characters (such as Chinese, Korean, or Japanese) for password fields. 5.2 Traditional Chinese only Some zh_TW characters may not display well in the left pane if the font size has been changed to +5 or +6 from the default. To modify the font size in most of the Gatekeeper windows: Options Gatekeeper Properties Change Gatekeeper fonts 5.3 Korean only Some ko_KR characters may not display well. To modify the font size in most of the Gatekeeper windows: Options Gatekeeper Properties Change Gatekeeper fonts 5.4 French only If you are running the Gatekeeper on Red Hat Linux platform in the fr_FR locale and you have problems entering data, then make sure the NumLock key is OFF when you are entering data. 5.5 Trusted Solaris only If you are running the Gatekeeper on Trusted Solaris 8, then you may discover that the initial window sizing for some java widgets is too small. Resize the window. 5.6 Windows XP only If you are upgrading from 5.0.1.x, Gatekeeper will look for its configuration files in both the Gatekeeper installed program directory and in the user's home directory and use the most recent configuration files. If the files in the Gatekeeper installed program directory are more recent than the files in the user's home directory, the files from the installed program directory will be copied to the user's home directory and the existing files in the user's home directory will be renamed to a backup copy. _____________________________________________________________________________ 6.0 Fixed Authorized Program Analysis Report (APAR) information For more information, see the product Support web site at: 6.1 Problems resolved with version include: IY64258 After upgrading Gatekeeper from 5.0.1.x to 5.1 it will use the wrong login profiles There were no APAR fixes for version 6.2 Problems resolved with version 5.1.1 include: IY70924 If an administrator adds an additional OU to an entitlement record, he must also re-select System > User OU as the primary OU, or the users cannot authenticate. IY70924f_1 Primary and secondary org unit trees displayed incorrectly IY71227 There are issues with visible parameters with read-only access 6.3 Problems resolved with version include: IY72648 Add information about WLP-LCP keepalive traffic to Gatekeeper tip help There were no APAR fixes for version _____________________________________________________________________________ 7.0 Trademarks and Copyright AIX, Everyplace, IBM, and WebSphere, are trademarks or registered trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both. Intel, Intel Inside (logos), MMX and Pentium are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Java and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. Copyright International Business Machines and others, 1994, 2006. All rights reserved.